Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 1201–1225 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
184 The Book of Job; Translated from the Hebrew by the Late Miss Elizabeth Smith, author of "Fragments in Prose and Verse." With a Preface, and Annotations, by the Rev. F. Randolph, D. D. Smith (1776-1806) , Elizabeth
1009 The Book of Job; Translated from the Hebrew, By the late Miss Elizabeth Smith, Author of "FRagments in Prose and Verse" with a Preface and Annotations, by Rec. F Randolph, D.D. Smith (1776-1806) , Elizabeth
4321 The carpenter; or, the danger of evil company. More , Hannah
24355 The catechism or, Brief instruction in the faith and order of the gospel. For the Church of Christ, under the pastoral care of Joseph Jacob, a Servant of Christ Crucify'd. Jacob , Joseph
13505 The Character and Death of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers ; Set forth in a sermon, preached on the occasion in Spitalfields-Chapel, London, on Sunday, October 26, 1794, by the rev. Thomas Coke, LL. D. Also, an appendix, written by her husband ; with various pieces selected and transcribed by him from her manuscript journals. Rogers , Hester Ann
Rogers , James
Coke , Thomas
13508 The character and death of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers : set forth in a sermon preached on the occasion in Spitalfields Chapel, London, on Sunday, Oct. 26, 1794 by Thomas Coke ; also an appendix written by her husband with various pieces selected and transcribed by him from her manuscript journals. Rogers , Hester Ann
Rogers , James
Coke , Thomas
13510 The character and death of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers : set forth in a sermon preached on the occasion in Spitalfields Chapel, London, on Sunday, Oct. 26, 1794 by Thomas Coke; also an appendix written by her husband with various pieces selected and transcribed by him from her manuscript journals. Coke , Thomas
Rogers , James
Rogers , Hester Ann
13509 The Character and Death Of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers : Set Forth In A Sermon, Preached on the Occasion, In Spitalfields Chapel, London, On Sunday, Oct. 26, 1794 by the Rev. Thomas Coke ... Also, An Appendix, written by her Husband ; With Various Pieces, Selected and transcribed by him form her Manuscript Journals. Rogers , Hester Ann
Rogers , James
Coke , Thomas
Thomas Cordeux (London)
13507 The character and death of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers, a sermon. Also an appendix, written by her husband James Rogers Coke , Thomas
Rogers , Hester Ann
Rogers , James
23975 The chichester dean, and his Colchester Amazon: or, Mrs. Anne Roberts's letter to the author of the Flying-Post, in Defence of the Master of the Temple: With an Answer to it, and Remarks on his Reasons for continuing the Test Act, &c. against the Dissenters. Roberts , Anne
15883 The Children who Lived by the Jordan. A Story. By Harriet Martineau. Martineau , Harriet
16342 The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Margaret Magdalen Althens, Late Wife of Frederick Charles Althens, of Goodman's Fields. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth. Althens , Margaret Magdalen
16341 The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Margaret Magdalen Althens. Althens , Margaret Magdalen
The Religious Tract Society of Philadelphia (Philadelphia)
5761 The christian character exemplified, from the papers of Mrs. Margaret Magdalen A-s, latewife [sic] of Mr. Frederick Charles A-s, of Goodman's Fields. Selected and revised by John Newton; Rector of St. Mary Woolnoth. The second edition. Althens , Margaret Magdalen
James Lackington [46 Chiswell Street] (Moorfields)
John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] (London)
Robert Scrutton (Whitechapel)
1793 The second edition.
16343 The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Mrs. Margaret Magdalen A.......s, Late Wife of Mr. Frederick Charles A.....s, London. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth. Althens , Margaret Magdalen
16345 The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Mrs. Margaret Magdalen A.......s, Late Wife of Mr. Frederick Charles A.....s, of Goodman Fields. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth. Althens , Margaret Magdalen
Oliver Dudley Cooke (Hartford)
16344 The Christian Character Exemplified, from the Papers of Mrs. Margaret Magdalen A.......s, Late Wife of Mr. Frederick Charles A.....s, of Goodman Fields. Selected and Revised by John Newton, Rector of St. Mary, Woolnoth. From the London Second Edition. Althens , Margaret Magdalen
1806 From the London Second Edition.
24666 The Christian glorying in tribulation, from a sense of its happy fruits. A discourse occasion'd by the death of that pious and afflicted gentlewoman Mrs. Martha Gerrish (wife of Mr. Benjamin Gerrish, and daughter of the late Col. Foxcroft) who rested from all her pains and sorrows, April 14. 1736. Having newly compleated the 48th year of her age. By Nathanael Appleton, M.A. Pastor of the church in Cambridge. To which are annexed some of Mrs. Gerrish's letters. Appleton , Nathaniel
Gerrish , Martha
Joseph Edwards (Boston)
Hopestill Foster (Boston)
6331 The Christian guide to holiness. A letter, written to Elizabeth A----ws, on her removal from England, by M. Bosanquet; Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
6314 The Christian guide to holiness. A letter, written to Elizabeth A----ws, on her removal from England. By M. Bosanquet; Fletcher , Mary Bosanquet
20585 The Christian mourning with hope. A sermon, delivered at Beverly, Nov. 14, 1808, on occasion of the death of Mrs. Eleanor Emerson, late consort of the Rev. Joseph Emerson. By Samuel Worcester, A.M. minister at the Tabernacle in Salem. To which are annexed writings of Mrs. Emerson, with a brief sketch of her life Worcester , Samuel
Emerson , Eleanor
20586 The Christian mourning with hope. A sermon, delivered at Beverly, Nov. 14, 1808, on occasion of the death of Mrs. Eleanor Emerson, late consort of the Rev. Joseph Emerson. By Samuel Worcester, A.M. minister at the Tabernacle in Salem. To which are annexed writings of Mrs. Emerson, with a brief sketch of her life Worcester , Samuel
Emerson , Eleanor
20587 The Christian mourning with hope. A sermon, delivered at Beverly, Nov. 14, 1808. On occasion of the death of Mrs. Eleanor Emerson, late consort of the Rev. Joseph Emerson. By Samuel Worcester, A.M. minister at the Tabernacle in Salem. To which are annexed writings of Mrs. Emerson, with a brief sketch of her life. Worcester , Samuel
Emerson , Eleanor
15661 The Christian Religion, As Profess'd by a Daughter of the Church of England. Astell , Mary
Richard Wilkin (London)
15662 The Christian Religion, As Profess'd by a Daughter of the Church of England. Astell , Mary
Richard Wilkin (London)