The Christian Religion, as Profess'd by a daughter of the Church of England.
, Mary
Richard Wilkin (London)
1717 |
The Christian religion, as profess'd by a daughter of the Church of England.
, Mary
Richard Wilkin (London)
1705 |
The Christian Servant; or Spiritual Exercises of Elizabeth West, a new edition, corrected by Robert Stodhart, Minister of Mulbery Gardens Chapel, Pell Street, Ratcliffe Highway. To which is added, The substance of the funeral sermon of Mrs. Jane Stodhart, and her dying experience, by the Rev. John Rees: also the dying experience of Mr. William Stodhart; and Mrs. Mary Davis, of Middle Street, Brighton.
, Elisabeth
, John
1833 |
A new edition, corrected by Robert Stodhart, Minister of Mulberry Gardens Chapel, Pell Street, Ratcliffe Highway |
The Christian Servant; or Spiritual Exercises. To which is added the substance of the funeral sermon of Mrs. J. Stodhart, and her dying experience, by J. Rees: also the dying experience of W. Stodhart and Mrs. M. Davis.
, Elisabeth
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
1831 |
The Christian soldier; or, Heaven taken by storm. Shewing the holy violence a Christian is to put forth in the pursuit after glory. By Thomas Watson, minister of the Gospel. From the second London edition, revised and corrected by the Rev. Mr. Armstrong, lecturer of St. Michael, Crooked-Lane.
, Thomas
Robert Moore (New York)
1810 |
From the second London edition, revised and corrected |
The Christian's duty briefly stated. There is nothing that I ought to wish for so much, as to have my heart clean in the sight of God, so that after I die, my soul may be happy for ever. But how may I secure to myself this blessing? By performing with the assistance of his grace, my duty to him, my duty to my neighbour, and my duty to myself.
, Sarah
1790 |
The christian’s looking-glass, or the timorous soul’s guide; being a description of the work of the Holy Spirit upon the heart, Intended For The Relief Of The Disconsolate. By the Rev. T. Priestley.
, Timothy
Henry Trapp (London)
James Mathews [Matthews] (London)
1790 |
The Christians daily exercise: or Directions, shewing how every day of our lives may be spent, that our accounts to God at death will be both safe and unspeakably comfortable. [Five lines of quotations] Composed for the glory of God, and the common good of men, by Mordecai Matthews, Minister of God's Word at Roinolston, in Glamorganshire. [Six lines of quotations]
, Mordecai
1738 |
The chronicle of the kings of England, written in the manner of the ancient Jewish historians. By Nathan Ben Saddi, a Priest of the Jews.
, Robert
1744 |
The church and state vindicated; and the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative defended, against several late answers to it. In a letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Ely. By the author of The divine rights of the British nation.
John Darby II (London)
Rebecca Burleigh (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
1717 |
The church catechism explain'd, by way of question and answer. And confirmed by scripture proofs. Divided into five parts, and twelve sections. Wherein a brief and plain account is given of, I. The Christian Covenant. II. The Christian Faith. III. The Christian Obedience. IV. The Christian Prayer. V. The Christian Sacraments. Collected by John Lewis, minister of Margate in Kent. The sixteenth edition, corrected.
Alice James (Dublin)
John Exshaw I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
John Murphy (Dublin)
1760 |
The sixteenth edition, corrected. |
The church in perils among false brethren; or, the danger of the Church from her pretended friends but secret enemies, review'd. In which, objections against the repeal of sacramental-tests, and arguments for it, are consider'd in their religious and political aspects.
, Samuel
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Henry Whitridge [Royal Exchange] (London)
1733 |
The Claims of West Africa to Christian Instruction, through the Native Languages, By Hannah Kilham.
, Hannah
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
1830 |
The Close Communion of the Baptists Contrary to the Word of God.
, Hannah
1817 |
The Complete Duty of Man: or, a System of Doctrinal and Practical Christianity. To Which are Added, Forms of Prayer & Offices of Devotion, for the Various Circumstances of Life. Designed for the Use of Families. By Henry Venn, A.M. Rector of Yelling in Huntingdonshire, and Chaplain to the Earl of Buchan. The Sixth Edition, Carefully Corrected.
, Henry
S. Hazard (Bath)
1800 |
The Sixth Edition, Carefully Corrected. |
The conduct and doctrine of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield, vindicated, from the aspersions, and malicious invectives of his enemies. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of the Publick.
Anne Dodd I (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
1739 |
The conduct of the Reverend Dr. White Kennett, Dean of Peterborough. from the year 1681, to the present time. Collected from his own writings. Being a very proper supplement to his Three letters to the Bishop of Carlisle, upon the subject of Bishop Merks. By an impartial hand.
Anne Dodd I (London)
1717 |
The Second Edition, with Additions |
The consequences of trade, as to the wealth and strength of any nation; of the woollen trade in particular, and the great Superiority of it over all other Branches of Trade. The present State of it in England and France, with an Account of our Loss and their Gains. The Danger we are in of becoming a Province to France, unless an Effectual and Immediate Stop be put to the Exportation of our Wool. With A Narrative of the Steps taken by Mr. Webber, for getting an Act of Parliament to confirm a Charter granted him by his Majesty nine Years ago, for an Universal Registry in Charter. By a draper of London. The Fifth Edition.
, William
1741 |
The Fifth Edition. |
The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Containing the Confession of Faith, the Catechisms, and the Directory for the worship of God: together with the Plan of Government and Discipline as amended and ratified by the General Assembly at their Sessions in May, 1805.
1806 |
The Copy of a Letter Written by our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; And found Eighty-four Miles from Iconium, Sixty-five Years after our Saviour's Death. Together with King Agbarus's Letter to our Saviour, our Saviour's Answer; and, Lentulus's Epistle to the Senate of Rome, concerning our Saviour. To which is added An Hymn of Praise To the Name of Jesus, the Saviour of Mankind. By the late celebrated Mrs. Rowe.
, Jesus
, Elizabeth Singer
, Abgar V
1761 |
The Countess of Moreton's daily exercise: or, a book of prayers and rules How to spend our time in the service and pleasure of Almighty God. The twentyfourth edition.
, Anne
Andrew Millar (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
William Johnston [Ludgate Street] (London)
John Knapton (London)
Charles Hitch and Lacey Hawes (London)
John Oliver (London)
Catherine and Richard Ware (London)
Bedwell Law [Ave Maria Lane, unspecified number] (London)
John Hinton [St. Paul's Churchyard] (London)
John Beecroft (London)
Joseph Richardson (London)
Daniel Browne II (London)
1760 |
The twentyfourth edition. |
The Countess of Moreton's daily exercise: or, a book of prayers and rules how to spend the time in the service and pleasure of Almighty God.
James and James Bonwicke (London)
Richard Ware (London)
William Innys [Paternoster Row] (London)
James and Paul Knapton (London)
Aaron Ward (London)
Samuel Birt (London)
William Parker (London)
Daniel Browne II (London)
Thomas Longman I (London)
Charles Hitch (London)
William Baker (London)
Stephen Austen (London)
Thomas Osborne I (London)
Edward Wickstead [Wicksteed] (London)
Andrew Millar (London)
John Hinton [Newgate Street] (London)
L. Beecroft (London)
Martha Downing (London)
Anne Clarke [Clark] (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
1746 |
The twenty-third edition. |
The Countess of Moreton's Daily Exercise: Or, A book of Prayers and Rules how to Spend the Time in the Service and Pleasure of Almighty God. The Twenty-second Edition.
, Anne
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
James, John, and Paul Knapton (London)
Robert Knaplock (London)
Richard Wilkin (London)
Daniel Midwinter and Aaron Ward (London)
Arthur Bettesworth (London)
Joseph Downing (London)
James and James Bonwicke (London)
Ranew Robinson (London)
William Mears [Ludgate Hill] (London)
Robert Gosling (London)
William Innys [St. Paul's] (London)
Benjamin Motte (London)
Thomas Ward (London)
Samuel Birt (London)
Daniel Browne II (London)
M. Wyat (London)
Christiana Bowyer (London)
1732 |
The Twenty-second Edition |
The countess of Morton's daily exercise: or, a book of prayers and rules, how to spend the time in the service and pleasure of Almighty God. To which is added, The communicant instructed for the worthy receiving of the Lord's supper.
, Anne
1723 |
The court bishop no apostolical bishop; or conferences between an apostolical bishop, the Bishop of ***, and the rector of Llan-Tres-Saint.
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
1732 |