ID 6646
Name John Darby II
Gender Male
Street Address Bartholomew-Close
City London
Start Date 1707
End Date 1728
Sources British Book Trade Index 18399
Related Firms John Darby I
Notes These dates represent the work of the younger John Darby, who took over the shop in 1707 but worked here from 1699.


Displaying 1–18 of 18

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer The secret history of Europe. Part II. Treating of the following particulars: of the D. of Monmouth's reception at the Hague by the states and the Prince of Orange, and of his enterprize afterwards in England. Remarks on father Orleans's history of the revolution. Of the Fr. King's personal hatred to K. William. Some transactions preceding the revolution in Holland and England, with a short account of its progress and accomplishment; shewing, that it was intirely owing to high churchmen, and high-church principles. The conduct of a certain faction, immediately before and after the abdication. K. James's behaviour in Ireland and at St. Germains, proving that he grew worse by his misfortunes, and that a Popish King and protestant subjects are incompatible. The conspiracies form'd by passive-obedience and non-resistance against the religion and liberties of this kingdom, and the life of the king within the compass of two or three years. Of the poisoning the D. of Lorain, and others. The method of bribing, us'd by France in England. The second edition corrected. Oldmixon , John (Author)
Sanger , Katherine (Publisher)
Printer A sermon preach'd the 27th of November, 1713. In commemoration of the great and dreadful storm in November, 1703. In which some account is given of the damages sustain'd; and the advantages of calling it again to remembrance. Publish'd at the desire of several gentlemen who annually observe that day. By Benjamin Stinton. Stinton , Benjamin (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer A sermon preach'd the 27th of November, 1713. In commemoration of the great and dreadful storm in November, 1703. In which some Account is given of the Damages sustain'd; And the Advantages of calling it again to Remembrance. Publish'd at the Desire of several Gentlemen who annually observe that Day. By Benjamin Stinton. The Second Edition. Stinton , Benjamin (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer A sermon preach'd the 27th of November, 1713. in commemoration of the great and dreadful storm in November, 1703. In which some Account is given of the Damages sustain'd; And the Advantages of calling it again to Remembrance. Publish'd at the Desire of several Gentlemen who annually observe that Day. By Benjamin Stinton. The Third Edition. Stinton , Benjamin (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer A sermon preach'd the 20th of January 1714/15. Being the solemn thanksgiving-day for the happy accession of our Gracious Sovereign King George to the British throne. Publish'd at the Request of some that heard it. By Thomas Harrison. Harrison , Thomas (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer Memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy. Containing all his military actions, his Negotiations in several Courts of Europe, and other Events of his Life, as well Gallant as Political. Intermix'd with Variety of Adventures of Gentlemen and Officers of the Imperial and Confederate Armies in Hungary, Italy, and the Netherlands, where Prince Evgene commanded. Written by a gentleman who constantly follow'd that Prince. Translated from the French. In two volumes. d'Artanville , M. (Author)
Sanger , Katherine (Publisher)
Publisher The church and state vindicated; and the Bishop of Bangor's Preservative defended, against several late answers to it. In a letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Ely. By the author of The divine rights of the British nation. Unknown , (Author)
Burleigh , Rebecca (Publisher)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Bookseller Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, D. D. and late Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. The Eighth Edition. Nieremberg , Juan Eusebio (Author)
Printer A reply to Mr. Martin's examination of the answer to his dissertation on 1 John 5.7. There are three that bear Record in Heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. By Thomas Emlyn. Emlyn , Thomas (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; In five volumes. To which are added, (in order to render the Work Compleat) I. Mr. Bickerstaff's Predictions for the Year 1708. II. The Accomplishment of his Prediction as to the Death of Dr. Partridge. III. His Vindication, against Dr. Partridge's Objections in his Almanack of 1709. IV. An Elegy on the Death of Dr. Patridge. Steele , Richard (Author)
Addison , Joseph (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher The lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq; vol. V. The second edition. Steele , Richard (Author)
Addison , Joseph (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Printer A scheme for proper methods to be taken, should it please God to visit us with the plague. By Sir John Colbatch, A Member of the College of Physicians. Colbatch , John (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher Observations upon the scheme lately published. Wherein such rules are laid down, as will easily reduce it to practice. By Sir John Colbatch, a member of the College of Physicians. Colbatch , John (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher The life of Madam de Beaumount, a French lady; who lived in a cave in Wales above fourteen Years undiscovered, being forced to fly France for her Religion; and of the cruel Usage she had there. Also her lord's adventures in Muscovy, where he was a Prisoner some Years. With An Account of his returning to France, and her being discover'd by a Welsh Gentleman, who fetch'd her Lord to Wales: And of many strange Accidents which befel them, and their Daughter Belinda, who was stolen away from them; and of their Return to France in the Year 1718. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope (Author)
Publisher The Noble Slaves: or, The Lives and Adventures of Two Lords and Two Ladies, who were shipwreck'd and cast upon a desolate island near the East-Indies, in the year 1710. The manner of their living there: the surprizing discoveries they made, and strange deliverance thence. How in their return to Europe they were taken by two Algerine pirates near the Straits of Gibraltar. Of the slavery they endured in Barbary; and of their meeting there with several persons of quality, who were likewise slaves. Of their escaping thence, and safe arrival in their respective countries, Venice, Spain, and France, in the year 1718. With many extraordinary accidents that befel some of them afterwards. Being a history full of most remarkable events. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope (Author)
Printer The royal progress: or, a historical view of the journeys, or progresses, which several great princes have made to visit their dominions, and acquaint themselves with their people. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher Sermons preach’d upon several subjects, by the late reverend and learned Dr. John Gale. To which is prefix'd, An Account of his Life. Gale , John (Author)
Bell , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Publisher The life of Madam de Beaumount, a French lady; who lived in a cave in Wales above fourteen years undiscovered, being forced to fly to France for her religion; and of the cruel Usage she had there. Also her lord's adventures in Muscovy, where he was a Prisoner some Years. With An Account of his returning to France, and her being discover'd by a Welsh Gentleman, who fetch'd her Lord to Wales: And of many strange Accidents which befel them, and their Daughter Belinda, who was stolen away from them; and of their Return to France in the Year 1718. The second edition. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope (Author)

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"John Darby II" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6646, Accessed 2025-01-19.

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