Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 1426–1450 of 1620

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
17268 The Knapsack. A Tale. By Maria Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Munroe and Francis [128 Washington] (Boston)
15823 The Lady of the Manor. Being a Series of Conversations on the Subject of Confirmation. Intended for the Use of the Middle and Higher Ranks of Young Females. By Mrs. Sherwood, Author of "Little Henry and his Bearer," &c. &c. In Seven Volumes. Sherwood , Mary Martha
J. Towar & D.M. Hogan (Philadelphia)
20929 The Latest collection of original and select hymns and spiritual songs, for the use of Christian societies. Unknown ,
25579 The layman's letter to the Bishop of Bangor: or, an examination of His Lordship's preservative against the nonjurors ; Of the Vindication of the Realm and Church of England; Of the Nonjurors Seperation from Publick Assemblies, examin'd, by Dr. Bennet; and of all other late discourses, occasion'd by the Charge of Perjury, Rebellion and Schism, imputed to the Body of the People. The Second Edition. Shute , John
1716 The Second Edition.
25432 The layman's letter to the Bishop of Bangor: or, an examination of His Lordship's Preservative against the nonjurors; of the vindication of the realm and church of England; of the nonjurors seperation from Publick assemblies, examin'd by Dr. Bennet; and of all other late discourses, occasion'd by the charge of perjury, rebellion and schism, imputed to the body of the people. Shute , John
25187 The layman's second letter to the Bishop of Bangor: or, an examination of His Lordship's sermon before the King. And of Dr. Snape's letter to his Lordship. Shute , John
1717 The Second Edition.
25188 The layman's second letter to the Bishop of Bangor: or, an examination of His Lordship's sermon before the King. And of Dr. Snape's letter to his Lordship. Shute , John
14483 The layman's sermon. Occasioned by the present rebellion; which was (or ought to have been) preach'd at St. Paul's Cross, on the 1st of October, 1745. Unknown ,
John Smith [Blind Quay] (Dublin)
18161 The life and death of two young ladies, contrasted. Unknown , [Woman]
18164 The life and death of two young ladies, contrasted. By a lady. To which is added, a short account of the life and death of R.A. late of Talbot, Maryland: also, a soliloquy on death, and two interesting letters, by the Rev. J. Fletcher. Fletcher , John William
Unknown , [Woman]
Daniel Danovan (Philadelphia)
18163 The life and death of two young ladies, contrasted. By a lady. To which is added, a short account of the life and death of R-- A--, late of Talbot, Maryland: Also, a soliloquy on death, and two interesting letters, by the Rev. J. Fletcher. 1816
25832 The life of Adam. Translated from Gio Francisco Loridano. To which is subjoyn'd, An essay towards an analysis of the human mind. Being, An Enquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Good and Evil, and the Nature, Rise, and Progress of the Passions, Habits, and Affections of the Human Soul. By Richard Murray, A. M. & J. U. B. Loredano , Giovanni Francesco
Thomas Osborne II (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Elizabeth Cooke [Cook] (London)
Mary Cooper (London)
Charles Corbett (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
George Woodfall [Charing Cross] (London)
John Jackson (London)
Henry Chapelle [Chappelle] (London)
Elizabeth Amey (London)
6927 The life of Jacob. In ten books. By M. Peddle. Peddle , Mrs. M
21740 The light not clear, nor dark. A discourse delivered at Hopkinton, (N.H.) Thursday Sept. 5, 1804. At a meeting of a Christian conference. By Elias Smith. Published by the request of those who heard it. Smith , Elias
25226 The Lord Mohun's vindication. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd I (London)
22233 The love of God, is to gather the seasons of the earth; and their multitudes into peace. In opening the Scriptures, and the mysteries of the revelations to them, and their multitudes that they may come to live in obedience to the Gospel power; doing the work of God, through the Son of Peace, which Son of Peace is Christ the Lord. Redford , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
19176 The loving invitation of Christ, to the aged, middle-aged, youth and children; from the mouth of Elizabeth Osborn, only three years and nine months old. Raymond , Jane
19177 The loving invitation of Christ, to the aged, middle-aged, youth, and children; from the mouth of Elizabeth Osborn, only three years and nine months old. Raymond , Jane
19179 The loving invitation of Christ, to the aged, middle-aged, youth, and children; from the mouth of Elizabeth Osborn, only three years and nine months old. Raymond , Jane
19178 The loving invitation of Christ, to the aged, middle-aged, youth, and children. From the mouth of Elizabeth Osborn, only three years and nine months old. Raymond , Jane
13621 The memoirs and spiritual exercises of Marion Shaw ... Shaw , Marion
13622 The memoirs and spiritual exercises of Marion Shaw who died November 5th, 1764 Shaw , Marion
4451 The messiah revealed to a Jewess; or, the merciful dealings of God with Hannah Nonmus, Born at Frankfort, in Germany, of Jewish Parents, and Brought up in Jewish Prejudices; but Divine Providence Brought her to England, and Divine Grace Drew her to Christ. Revised by William Cooper. Nonmus , Hannah
Thomas Chapman [151 Fleet Street] (London)
650 The Messiah: from the German of Klopstock. The first sixteen books by Mrs. Collyer, and the three last by Mrs. Meeke. To which is prefixed, an introduction on divine poetry Klopstock , Friedrich Gottlieb
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
James Nunn (London)
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
G. and W. B. Whittaker (London)
John Richardson [Bristol] (Bristol)
John Walker II [44 Paternoster Row, 1784-1814, 1818-1825] (London)
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
Lackington and Co. (London)
Hannah Black, Kingsbury, Charles Parbury & Allen (London)
Alexander Black, Young, and Young (London)
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones (London)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
John Robinson (London)
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (London)
R. Scholey (London)
George Cowie (London)
Edward Edwards (London)
14009 The Messiah. Attempted from the German of Mr. Klopstock. To which is prefix'd his introduction on divine poetry. Klopstock , Friedrich Gottlieb
Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] (Dublin)
Ann Leathley (Dublin)
Peter Wilson [Dame St, 1748–66] (Dublin)
John Exshaw I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Henry Saunders [Castle Street] (Dublin)
Hulton Bradley (Dublin)
Timothy Dyton [Dame Street] (Dublin)
James Potts (Dublin)
Samuel Watson [Dame Street] (Dublin)