Name Political Writing

Appeal, letter, defence, essay, address, summary, supplement, or reflection relating to society, culture, government. 


Displaying 776–786 of 786

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
4404 Village politics. Addressed to all the mechanics, journeymen, and day labourers, in Great Britain. By Will Chip. A Country Carpenter. Sixth edition. More , Hannah
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
1793 Sixth edition.
4206 Village politics. Addressed to all the mechanics, journeymen, and day labourers, in Great Britain. By Will Chip. Fourth edition. More , Hannah
1793 Fourth edition.
21183 Vindiciae Hibernicae: or, Ireland vindicated: an attempt to develop and expose a few of the multifarious errors and falsehoods respecting Ireland, in the histories of May, Temple, Whitelock, Borlase, Rushworth, Clarendon, Cox, Carte, Leland, Warner, Macauley, Hume, and others: particularly in the legendary tales of the conspiracy and pretended massacre of 1641. By M. Carey, author of Essays on banking, Political olive branch, &c. Carey , Mathew
M. Carey and Son [126 Chestnut Street] (Philadelphia)
25438 Wednesday club-law: or, the injustice, dishonour and ill policy of breaking into parliamentary contracts for publick debts. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Smith (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25684 Wednesday club-law: or, the injustice, dishonour and ill policy of breaking into parliamentary contracts for publick debts. Unknown ,
Elizabeth Smith (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
15709 Woman not Inferior to Man: or, a short and modest vindication of the natural right of the fair-sex to a perfect equality of power, dignity, and esteem, with the men. By Sophia, a person of quality. , Sophia
John Hawkins (London)
15711 Woman not Inferior to Man: or, a short and modest vindication of the natural right of the fair-sex to a perfect equality of power, dignity, and esteem, with the men. By Sophia, a person of quality. , Sophia
Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St] (London)
15710 Woman not Inferior to Man: or, a short and modest vindication of the natural right of the fair-sex to a perfect equality of power, dignity, and esteem, with the men. By Sophia, a person of quality. The second edition corrected. , Sophia
John Hawkins (London)
1740 The Second edition corrected.
15712 Woman's Superior Excellence over Man: or, A reply to the author of a late treatise, entitled, Man Superior to Woman. In which, the excessive weakness of that Gentleman's answer to Woman not Inferior to Man is exposed; with a plain demonstration of woman's natural right even to superiority over the men in head and heart; proving their minds as much more beautiful than the men's as their bodies are, and that, had they the same advantages of education, they would excel them as much in sense as they do in virtue. The whole interspersed with a variety of mannish characters, which some of the most noted heroes of the present age had the goodness to sit for. By Sophia, a person of quality, author of Woman not Inferior to Man. , Sophia
John Hawkins (London)
15713 Woman's Superior Excellence over Man: or, A reply to the author of a late treatise, entitled, Man Superior to Woman. In which, the excessive weakness of that Gentleman's answer to Woman not Inferior to Man is exposed; with a plain demonstration of woman's natural right even to superiority over the men in head and heart; proving their minds as much more beautiful than the men's as their bodies are, and that, had they the same advantages of education, they would excel them as much in sense as they do in virtue. The whole interspersed with a variety of mannish characters, which some of the most noted heroes of the present age had the goodness to sit for. By Sophia, a person of quality, author of Woman not Inferior to Man. , Sophia
Jacob Robinson [Ludgate St] (London)
22573 Yet plainer English: Or, The shortest-way to convert the atheist, murderer, thief, whoremaster, strumpet, drunkard, swearer, lyar, Sabbath-breaker, slanderer, persecutor, coward, gamester, ungrateful, scold: and other scandalous livers. The third edition. Dedicated to the Reverend Mr. William Bisset author of the Reformation sermons; intituled, plain English, and more plain English. Sharpe , Isaac
Sarah Malthus (London)
1704 The third edition.