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An address, publication proposal, or promotional material for members of the general public.


Displaying 26–50 of 133

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
22242 A key to the first volume of Atalantis. Manley , Delarivier
22243 A key to the second part of the Atalantis. Manley , Delarivier
24070 A key to the second volume of the Memoirs of Europe, by the author of the New Atalantis. Manley , Delarivier
s.n. [sine nomine]
24072 A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe. Manley , Delarivier
s.n. [sine nomine]
24075 A key to the third volume of the Atalantis, call'd, Memoirs of Europe. Manley , Delarivier
14490 A list of the regiments which compose the present establishment of Ireland. With the officers names, [...] With a general abstract of the forces on this establishment, [...] To which is added, a list of the general and field officers [...] And the succession of colonels [...] to September 1760. Unknown ,
5695 A new catalogue of books, consisting of several thousand volumes, upon the most useful and entertaining subjects, which are lent out, at ten shillings per year, ... By Margaret Yair, ... Yair , Margaret
s.n. [sine nomine]
21189 A new system of banking, developed and exemplified, in a new scheme to establish a merchants bank of general deposits. And also, in a scheme to establish a grand national bank. By Peter Stephen Chazotte. Patent secured according to law Chazotte , Peter Stephen
Peter Stephen Chazotte
6968 A series of books for teaching, by Mrs. Lovechild Fenn , Ellenor
25872 A supplement to The grammar of heraldry, now in the press: or, a catalogue of the nobility of Scotland and Ireland, With their Arms in Blazon. By Lewis P'ugh, Gent. Pugh , Lewis
25817 A true and correct list of the Lords spiritual and temporal; as also, lists of the knights, commissioners of shires, citizens and burgesses, of the third and fourth Parliaments of Great Britain, in the four last years of Her late Majesty Queen Anne's reign; ... Together with a list of this present Parliament under His Majesty King George, summoned to meet at Westminster the 17th day of march, 1715. Parliament of Great Britain , House of Commons
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords
16394 Address of the authoress of the Newport female evangelical miscellany, to all the benevolent female associations, in the United States. Unknown , [Woman]
23167 Advertisement. Bermingham , Abigail
23779 Advertisement. August 15. 1704. Whereas on Thursday night last a sham Postscript came out under the title of a Postscript to the Fleeing-Post, and yesterday another, under the name of the Filing Post, ... the true Postscript to the Flying-Post, is printed only by Ann Snowden. 1704
24681 Advertisement. To be sold by John Thornton, of Providence, in the colony of Rhode Island, several farms and lots of land. Thornton , John
16323 Agricultural memoirs. Just published and for sale by Jane Aitken, no. 71, North Third Street, and most of the booksellers, also at Bernard M'Mahon's seed store, no. 39, South Second Street, Philadelphia; price $2 50, Memoirs of the Agricultural Society of Philadelphia Jane Aitken [71 North Third Street] (Philadelphia)
25765 An exact and compleat list of both Houses of the sixth Parliament of Great Britain; or, second Parliament of King George I. As they stood at the demise of His late Majesty, of blessed memory, June 11th 1727. Wherein the Members, are Distinguish'd by their respective Titles, Honours, Dignities, Publick Employments, &c. (very useful at this present Juncture.) Parliament of Great Britain , House of Commons
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords
25275 An exact and correct list of the lords spiritual and temporal. As likewise of the knights and commissioners of shires, citizens, and burgesses, chose to serve in the ensuing Parliament. Being the first Parliament of his majesty King George II. and the seventh of Great Britain since the union. Wherein every member is justly and properly describ'd by his title, honour, dignity, or publick employment, &c Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Commons
Joseph Pote (London)
Nicholas Blandford (London)
25333 An exact and correct list of the Lords spiritual and temporal. As likewise of the knights and commissioners of shires, citizens, and burgesses, of the first Parliament of his Majesty King George the second; and the Seventh of Great-Britain, which met at Westminster, on Tuesday the 23d day of January, 1727-8. Wherein every member is properly distinguish'd by the chief Seat or common Residence of his Family, or by his Profession, or Publick Employment. To which is added, a true and compleat list of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and also of the commissioners of shires, citizens and burgesses of the present Parliament of Ireland. The Second Edition Carefully Corrected and Amended. Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Commons
Joseph Pote (London)
Nicholas Blandford (London)
1728 The Second Edition Carefully Corrected and Amended.
25670 An exact list of the Lords spiritual and temporal; shewing by distinct symbols, I. The knights of the garter. II. Of the thistle. III. Of the Bath. IV. Privy-Counsellours. V. The Scotch Peers. VI. The Peers under Age. Vii. Others who are not qualify'd to sit in the House. Viii. The Lords and Ladies who walk'd in the Procession to their Majesties Coronation, and the Order each Rank walked in, by Figures. Also, a true compleat double list of the knights and commissioners of shires, citizens and burgesses, returned to serve in the Parliament summoned to meet Nov. 28. 1727. and from thence prorogued to Jan. 23. 1727-8. being the first Parliament of K. George II. and the Seventh of Great Britain (since the Union) digested in such a Method, that if either the Person or Place be known, the rest may be immediately found. viz. I. The Counties, Cities and Boroughs in Alphabetical Order, with the Names of their Representatives against the same respectively. II. The Names of the Members, with their respective City, County, or Borough, against the same, distinguishing the new Members, and specifying how many Parliaments the old have served in. Contrived either to Stitch or Frame. To which is added, the names of such gentlemen of the last Parliament who are left out of the present. The second edition, with alterations. Parliament of Great Britain , House of Commons
Parliament of Great Britain , House of Lords
1728 The second edition, with alterations.
6729 An introductory letter to the publick. To which is added, the author's reasons for publishing it at this time. By Mrs. O Rorke. Rorke , Mrs. O.
22661 Ann Askew, shoemaker, at the Boot, next door to the Three Tuns and Rummer in Grace-church-Street. Sells all sorts of men's shoes, boots, and slippers. Askewe , Anne
s.n. [sine nomine]
1735 1
23279 Ann Wright, linnen draper, remov'd from the Star and Black-Moors-Head in West-Smithfield, to the Star and Black-Moors-Head the corner of Kings-Head-Court, near Bartletts-Buildings in Holbourn. Selleth all sorts of hollands, cambricks, muslins. Wright , Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
23016 Arabella Morris, at the Naked-Boy and Three Crowns against the New-Church in the Strand, London, selleth all sorts of garden seeds. Morris , Arabella
22535 At the Blew-Ball in Grays-Inn Lane near Holborn Barrs, next door to a tallow-chandler; where you may see my name upon a board over the door. Liveth Elizabeth Maris, the true German Gentlewoman. Lately arrived. Maris , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]