Name Catalogue/Advertisement/Prospectus/Directory/List

An address, publication proposal, or promotional material for members of the general public.


Displaying 51–75 of 133

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
17119 Beauty and Cleanliness. Mrs. De Villers, South-East Corner of Fourth and Lombard Streets. De Villers , Mrs.
24575 Bekantmachung. Wir Vorsteher und Aeltesten der Reformirten Gemeinen in Pennsylvanien, thun hiemit allen unsern lieben Mitbrüdern zu wissen, dass wir uns den 29 August Monaht, in der Township Heydelberg, in grosser Anzahl versammlet befunden. Unknown ,
21836 Benjamin Warner, no. 147, Market Street, Philadelphia. Has a general variety of books in the different departments of literature, and particularly a large supply of the most approved school books, and instructive books for children, handsomely ornamented with engravings and cuts. Among his assortment are the following. Warner , Benjamin
Benjamin Warner [Market Street] (Philadelphia)
18533 Boarding School for Young Ladies, By Madame de Montcarel. Madame de Montcarel ,
24095 Books printed by and for S. Hyde, bookseller in Dame-Street. Hyde , Sarah
Sarah Hyde (Dublin)
21419 Catalogue of books, in various departments of literature, for sale, by M. Carey, no. 121, Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Carey , Mathew
14214 Catalogue of books: being, the library of Samuel Card, Esq; counsellor at law, deceased: consisting of above three thousand volumes of choice, scarce and valuable books, in most languages and faculties. To be sold by auction, by William Ross, at the coffee-house of the Right Honourable the House of Lords, on Monday, the seventeenth of November, 1755. The sale to begin every day at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Catalogues to be had at the place of sale, price three-pence. N.B. The books are in fine condition, and most of them elegantly bound, and collated by Mr. Card. 1755
1680 Catalogue of the books, tracts, &c. contained in Ann Yearsley's public library, No.4, Crescent, Hotwells. Yearsley , Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
24844 Catalogue of the books, tracts, &c. contained in Ann Yearsley's public library, No.4, Crescent, Hotwells. Yearsley , Ann
Ann Yearsley (Bristol)
20787 Census directory for 1811. Containing the names, occupations, & residence of the inhabitants of the city, Southwark & Northern Liberties, a separate division being allotted to persons of colour; to which is annexed an appendix containing much useful information, and a perpetual calendar. 1811
21744 Charter, rules and by-laws, of the Society for the Relief of Poor and Distressed Members of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of St. John's Church, in the City and Vicinity of Philadelphia. Unknown ,
22868 Daffy's famous elixir salutis. Daffy , Katherine
s.n. [sine nomine]
23288 Dorothy Holt, at Lydia and Dorothy Read's lace chamber, on Ludgate-Hill, sells all sorts of lace and edging. Lace joined and mended. Holt , Dorothy
s.n. [sine nomine]
19036 Dreadful riot on Negro Hill! "O! read wid tention de melancoly tale, and e send you yelling to you bed! "A copy of an intercepted letter from Phillis to her sister in the country, describing the late riot on Negro-Hill. Bosson, Augur 32, 18016 [i.e., 1816]. Dear Sisser, I hab sad tidings to enform you--O! a few night since I taught my lass day surely come--a great number de white truckerman got angre ... and threten to demolesh all de brack peeple housen! Phillis ,
Pompey ,
21843 Dumfries, August 1, 1818. M.L. Weems respectfully solicits the subscriptions of his friends, for Armstrong's edition of Scott's Family Bible, in six volumes octavo. Weems , Mason Locke
23264 Elinor James's advice to the King and Parliament. James , Elinor
Eleanor James (London)
23156 Elizabeth Eades, that kept the Ribbon Cellar under the Cabinet on Ludgate-Hill, now keeps the shop over it, and sells the following goods, viz. rich gold and silver ribbons. Eades , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
23169 Elizabeth Zouch, removed from Durham-Yard, to the third door on the left hand in Long-Acre from James-street, Covent-Garden; makes and sells all sorts of hoop'd petticoats, quilted coats. Zouch , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
18147 First annual report of the Ladies' New-York City Anti-Slavery Society Unknown , [Woman]
Warren Weston , Anne
Ladies' New York City Anti-Slavery Society (New York City)
3907 First time of Mademoiselle d'Eon's fencing in Stroud. For one night only. By permission. On Wednesday evening, September 16, ... in the Assembly Room, at the George, Stroud, the celebrated Chevaliere d'Eon will make a grand assault d'armes, ... d'Éon de Beaumont , Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée
s.n. [sine nomine]
23371 Holman's London ink powder for records. Publish'd by His Majesty's patent under the Great Seal of England. Which being found by experience of many thousands of persons (here as well as in foreign parts) to be most excellent for making the best black writing ink, ... Holman , Alice
17970 Humane Society. The anniversary of the Massachusetts Humane Society will be celebrated this day, at 4 o'clock, P.M. in the Chapel Church. Order of performances. Belknap , Jeremy
Morton , Sarah Wentworth
17971 Humane Society. The anniversary of the Massachusetts Humane Society will be celebrated this day, at 4 o'clock, P.M. in the Chapel Church. Order of performances. Morton , Sarah Wentworth
17972 Humane Society. The anniversary of the Massachusetts Humane Society will be celebrated this day, at 4 o'clock, P.M. in the Chapel Church. Order of performances. Morton , Sarah Wentworth
13727 I respectfully beg permission to inform you, that I have (just arrived from America) a curious collection of snakes, of the following description.... 1790