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A trial, appeal, accusation, defence, execution, last speech, or confession relating to the law. 


Displaying 126–150 of 308

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
16160 Particulars respecting the trial, condemnation, and execution of Major Henry Alexander Campbell, at the Armagh Assizes, August 10, 1808, for killing, in a duel, Captain Alexander Boyd. Together with two letters by Major Campbell, one to his confidential friend, written several months previous to his condemnation; the other to his wife, on the day previous to his execution, and which he continues writing and dating from hour to hour, until a few moments of his exit. Also, a letter by Mrs. Campbell to her condemned husband in prison, and a memorial to His Majesty, petitioning the life of her husband. To which are added, some interesting documents, furnished by a gentleman lately from London. Second Edition. Campbell , Henry Alexander
Campbell , Eliza
1808 Second Edition.
16159 Particulars respecting the trial, condemnation, and execution of Major Henry Alexander Campbell, at the Armagh Assizes, August 10, 1808. For killing, in a duel, Captain Alexander Boyd. Together with two letters by Major Campbell, one to his confidential friend, written several months previous to his condemnation; the other to his wife, on the day previous to his execution, and which he continues writing and dating from hour to hour, until a few moments of his exit. Also, a letter by Mrs. Campbell to her condemned husband in prison, and a memorial to His Majesty, petitioning the life of her husband Campbell , Henry Alexander
Campbell , Eliza
24338 Patrick Calder, of Reedford, gent. and William Anderson, surgeon, - - appellants. Mary Provan, - - - - - - respondent. The respondent's case. Provan , Mary
1864 Pet.-Mrs Bennet, &c. against Lord Alva's interlocutor. Mr Sinclair, clerk. D. Hutcheson, agent. Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of Mrs Ann Maria Bennet of Nassau-Street, London, and John B. Williamson, late of the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh; Unknown ,
s.n. [sine nomine]
23612 Petition and ansvvers [sic] for Elizaboth [sic] Gilles to the petition of Walter Boyd her husband Gilles , Elizabeth
23419 Potts and Bendlowes, Appellants. Everard Collingwood, and Mary his Wife, Respondents. The respondents case. Everard , Mary
22453 Proposals for the publick service for raising a loan of 260000 l. are humbly offered to the Honourable House of Lords, by Mrs. Dorothy Petty, the director, trustees and managers of the Trading Society of Insurers on Births, Marriages, and Servants, and the subscribers to the same, kept at the White-Lion without Temple-Bar, humbly praying a continuance thereof, the suppressing of which will be of utter ruin to several of Her Majesties subjects. Petty , Dorothy
s.n. [sine nomine]
23075 Proposals humbly offer'd for a supplement to the late Act of Parliament, for collecting charity upon letters patents. By Margaret Mortimer widow. Mortimer , Margaret
s.n. [sine nomine]
25428 Queries relating to the reduction of the national redeemable debts, from Four to Three per Cent. per Ann. In a letter to - - Esq; Unknown ,
James Purser (London)
21243 Regulations for vessels at Frederichstaed. Bentzon , Adrian Benjamin
26122 Remarks on an appeal to the publick, by Mr. Cleland, against thirteen govenors of the General Hospital at Bath; with respect to their suspending and dismissing him from his Office, as surgeon to the said Hospital, upon the evidence of two notorious prostitutes. And on A Letter to him, (from a Reverend Advocate for the Thirteen Governors) occasioned by his Full Vindication of the said Appeal. To which is added Extracts from the Case of Seduction, relating to a French Abbee's committing Rapes upon 133 Virgins in order to shew the Analogy of the partial Proceedings against Mr. Cleland and the said Abbee. Unknown ,
John Wood (London)
William Owen (London)
Elizabeth Amey (London)
William Frederick (Bath)
21242 Report of the case of The Commonwealth, vs. Tench Coxe, Esq. on a motion for a Mandamus, in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: taken from the manuscript of the fourth volume of Mr. Dallas's Reports. Published with his Consent. Dallas , Alexander James
21731 Report of the Committee of Accounts, with the Report of the Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Committee on the Present State of the Bridge. Perot , John
Peters , Richard
Kintzing , Abraham
Cumpston , Thomas
Rundle , Richard
Cuthbert , Anthony
Newbold , Thomas
Connelly , John
21546 Report of the Watering Committee to the Select & Common Councils, November 13th, 1806. Published by order of Councils Vanuxem , James
21547 Report of the Watering Committee to the Select & Common Councils, November 13th, 1807. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James
21548 Report of the Watering Committee to the Select & Common Councils, November 2d, 1809. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James
21549 Report of the Watering Committee to the Select & Common Councils, November 7, 1811. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James
21552 Report of the Watering Committee to the Select and Common Councils, November 11th, 1813. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James
21553 Report of the Watering Committee to the Select and Common Councils, November 24th, 1808. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James
21554 Report of the Watering Committee to the Select and Common Councils, November 5, 1812. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James
21555 Report of the Watering Committee to the Select and Common Councils, November 5th, 1812. Published by order of Councils. Vanuxem , James
21572 Report of the Watering Committee, upon the present state of the works for supplying the city with water, and several other plans proposed for that purpose. May 2, 1812. Vanuxem , James
Davis , John
Graff , Frederick
21631 Report to the city councils, on the title of the city to the State House yard. Unknown ,
26084 Reports and pleadings of cases in assise, for offices, nusances, lands and tenements; shewing the manner of proceeding in assises of novel disseisin, from the Original to the Judgment and Execution; as well where the Demandant and Tenant appear, as where either of them makes Default: Nothing of this Kind being ever before published. With Observations on every Case, very necessary for all Clerks of Assise, Attorneys, &c. To which are added writs of assise, By John Lilly Gent. Author of the Practical Conveyancer. To which is added, a prefatory discourse, shewing the nature of this action, and reasons for putting it in practice. Lilly , John
John Hooke (London)
Thomas Woodward (London)
26045 Reports of cases adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the first year of K. William and Q. Mary, to the tenth year of Queen Anne. By William Salkeld, Late Serjeant at Law. With Two Tables; the one of the Names of the Cases, the other of the Principal Matters therein contained. Vol. I. Allow'd and approv'd by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and all the Judges. Great Britain , Court of King's Bench
Salkeld , William
John Walthoe I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)