Name Legal

A trial, appeal, accusation, defence, execution, last speech, or confession relating to the law. 


Displaying 151–175 of 308

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
26040 Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the first year of K. William and Q. Mary, to the tenth year of Queen Anne. By William Salkeld, Late Serjeant at Law. With Two Tables; the one of the Names of the Cases, the other of the Principal Matters therein contained. In two volumes. Allow'd and approv'd of by all the Judges. The Second Edition carefully Corrected, to which are now added References to the Reports of the Law. Great Britain , Court of King's Bench
John Walthoe I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
1721 The Second Edition carefully Corrected, to which are now added References to the Reports of the Law.
26059 Reports of cases and special arguments, argued and adjudged in the court of King's Bench, beginning in Easter term the thirtieth of King Charles the Second, and ending in Easter Term the third of King James the Second. With many marginal notes and references: with two complete tables, ... By Sir Benjamin Shower, ... Great Britain , Court of King's Bench
Shower , Bartholomew
Daniel Browne I (London)
John Walthoe I (London)
William Mears [Temple Bar] (London)
Francis Clay (London)
26058 Reports of special cases argued and decreed in the Court of Chancery, in the reigns of King Charles I. King Charles II. and King William III. None of them ever before printed. Published by W. Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Great Britain , Court of Chancery
Nelson , William
Bernard Lintott (London)
Robert Gosling (London)
John Pemberton (London)
Thomas Ward (London)
25984 Rules and orders of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas from the 1st of Queen Anne to Hillary term the 13th. of King George II. Together with an abstract of the acts of parliament, Relating to the Practice of the Law. Great Britain , Court of King's Bench
Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas
Joel Stevens [Stephens] (London)
25973 Rules and orders of the Courts of King's Bench and common pleas from the 3d. of Queen Anne to Trinity term the 6th. and 7th. of King George the second, inclusive. With an abstract of the acts of Parliament relating both to the practice and practicers of the law. Great Britain , Court of King's Bench
Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas
Joel Stevens [Stephens] (London)
Thomas Gamul (London)
25983 Rules and orders of the courts of King's-bench and common-pleas. From the 1st. of King William, to trinity term the 10th. of King George the second. Together with an abstract of the acts of parliament. Relating to the practice and practicers of the law. Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas
Joel Stevens [Stephens] (London)
Thomas Gamul (London)
21539 Rules for the government of the Common Council, and rules of intercourse between the Select & Common Councils. 1810
24476 Scheme of the yearly rent of the estate of Seafort, from the year 1706 to 1715. Mackenzie , Frances
s.n. [sine nomine]
3243 Seward's charity. MDCCLIV. Seward , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
25476 Some considerations on the game laws, and the present practice in executing them; with a hint to the non-subscribers. Unknown ,
Anne Dodd II (London)
26024 Tables of all the cases printed in the books of reports, digested under proper heads. To which is added, the names of all the cases in an alphabetical order. Unknown ,
Daniel Browne I (London)
William Mears [Temple Bar] (London)
Francis Clay (London)
Robert Gosling (London)
John Hooke (London)
26029 Tenants law: or, the laws concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. (viz.) 1. Of the several Kinds of Tenures, as well Freehold as Copyhold. 2. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 3. Of Rent: Acceptance and Extinguishment thereof. 4. Of Crops growing, and Trees blown down, &c. who are entitled to them. 5. Of Distresses, Replevins, and Rescous. 6. Of Waste in Buildings, Lands, Woods, &c. whether voluntary or permissive. 7. Of Common for Cattle. 8. Of Frauds in buying and selling Lands or Goods. 9. Of Trespasses and Nusances. 10. Of the late Act to prevent Fires; and Rules to be observed in erecting of new Buildings about London. Useful for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Solicitors, and others, concerned in the buying, selling or letting of estates. The eighth edition. In which are added all such Acts of Parliament and Resolutions as relate to these subjects down to the present year 1722. Unknown ,
John Walthoe I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
1722 The Eighth Edition.
26095 Tenants law: or, the laws concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. (viz.) 1. Of the several Kinds of Tenures, as well Freehold as Copyhold. 2. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 3. Of Rent: Acceptance and Extinguishment thereof. 4. Of Crops growing, and Trees blown down, &c. who are entitled to them. 5. Of Distresses, Replevins, and Rescous. 6. Of Waste in Buildings, Lands, Woods, &c. whether voluntary or permissive. 7. Of Common for Cattle. 8. Of Frauds in buying and selling Lands or Goods. 9. Of Trespasses and Nusances. 10. Of the late Act to prevent Fires; and Rules to be observed in erecting of new Buildings about London. Useful for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Solicitors, and others, concerned in the buying, selling or letting of estates. The seventh edition. In which are added all such Acts of Parliament and Resolutions as relate to these Subjects, down to the present year 1718. Unknown ,
1718 The seventh edition.
5931 The accusation, trial, defence, sentence, and execution, of Marie Antoinette, Late Queen Of France. Translated from the French. With a portrait of the Queen. de Lorraine , Marie-Antoinette
John Elder [9 North Bridge] (Edinburgh)
Thomas Brown (Edinburgh)
Walter Berry (Edinburgh)
25951 The analysis of the law: being a scheme, or, abstract, of the several titles and partitions of the law of England, digested into method. By Sir Matthew Hale, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. The second edition corrected: with the addition of an alphabetical table. Hale , Matthew
1716 The second edition corrected: with the addition of an alphabetical table.
25324 The arbitrary punishments and cruel tortures inflicted on prisoners for debt represented and described, In several figures of the Uncommon and Dangerous Instruments used for that Purpose, Engraved from the Originals laid before the House of Commons, with their Explanations. Also a True state of all the other Miseries and Oppressions of Goals, Related in many Surprizing Cases; And shewing how they are now terminating in the Overthrow of the barbarous Goalers, and the Triumph of the suffering Prisoners. To which is added, copies of all the necessary Forms to be used for the Discharge of Insolvent Debtors. By W. R. a Sufferer in the Fleet, and other Goals. Enter'd according to Act of Parliament. R. , W.
21271 The articles of association of the Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank, in the City of Philadelphia. 1807
25960 The authority, jurisdiction and method of keeping County-Courts, Courts-Leet, and Courts-Baron. Explaining the judicial and ministerial authority of sheriffs. Also, the office and duty of a coroner. By William Greenwood, gent. The eighth edition, very much enlarged, by adding the form and method of holding a Court of Survey, new Law Cases, precedents of Presentments and Surrenders, Declarations, Pleadings; with a Table of the Fees, &c. rendring it more useful to Under-Sherriffs, County-Clerks, Solicitors, Court-Keepers, &c. Greenwood , William
Daniel Browne I (London)
John Walthoe II (Cornhill)
William Taylor (London)
Robert Gosling (London)
John Osborne I [Lombard St] (London)
1722 The eighth edition, very much enlarged, by adding the form and method of holding a Court of Survey, new Law Cases, precedents of Presentments and Surrenders, Declarations, Pleadings; with a Table of t
2145 The case of Anne and Isaac Scott, bankrupts, late merchants and dry-salters. By Mrs. Scott. Scott , Anne
25680 The Case of bankrupts and insolvents consider'd. Wherein it is shewn, I. That the most criminal of all insolvents do not, by the laws now in being, meet with any punishment. II. That their creditors have no proper relief. III. That all other insolvents are too severely punished. IV. That the truly unfortunate are most inhumanly dealt with. And, V. That the present method of treating insolvents in general is inconsistent with the laws of nature, and the maxims of true polity. Together with the draught of a bill for amending the law in every one of these particulars: I. By distinguishing insolvents into their proper and natural classes. II. By alloting a proportional punishment to each. III. By granting mercy in a proper way to the truly unfortunate. And, IV. By giving relief to the creditors of fraudulent insolvents. Part I. Unknown ,
25815 The case of bankrupts and insolvents consider'd. Wherein it is shewn, I. That the Most Criminal of all Insolvents do not, by the Laws now in Being, meet with any Punishment. II. That their Creditors have no Proper Relief. III. That all other Insolvents are too severely Punished. IV. That the truly Unfortunate are most Inhumanly dealt with. And, V. That the present Method of treating Insolvents in general is inconsistent with the Laws of Nature, and the Maxims of True Polity. Together with the Draught of a Bill for Amending the Law in every one of these Particulars: I. By Distinguishing Insolvents into their Proper and Natural Classes. II. By allotting a Proportional Punishment to each. III. By granting Mercy in a proper Way to the truly Unfortunate. And, IV. By giving Relief to the Creditors of fraudulent Insolvents. Part I. Unknown ,
2325 The case of Margaret Caroline Rudd, from her first commitment to Newgate, on Thursday the 1st of June last, to her final acquittal at the Old Bailey, Friday, December 8, 1775. By a barrister at law. Rudd , Margaret Caroline
John Bew [Paternoster Row] (London)
2367 The case of Mrs. Catherine Forman, of London. Forman , Catherine
s.n. [sine nomine]
3348 The case of Mrs. Lowes. Lowes , Elizabeth
s.n. [sine nomine]
14692 The case of the East-India Company, as stated and proved At the Bar of the House of Lords, On the 15th and 16th Days of December, 1783, upon the hearing of two petitions against a bill, intituled ``an Act for establishing certain Regulations, for the better Management of the Territories, Revenues, and Commerce of this Kingdom in the East-Indies.’’ Containing the arguments of Mr. Rous and Mr. Dallas, For the Company; Mr. Hardinge and Mr. Plumer, For the Directors; As taken in Short-Hand by Mr. Gurney. Published by Order of the Committee of Proprietors appointed to watch over the Company’s Rights, and maintain their Privileges. Gurney , Thomas