ID 7219
Name Joel Stevens [Stephens]
Gender Male
Street Address Hand and Star, between the Temple Gates, Fleet Street
City London
Start Date 1724
End Date 1740
Sources British Book Trade Index 66145


Displaying 1–8 of 8

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher A preparative to pleading. Being a work intended for the instruction and help of young clerks. Containing Several Directions, Declarations, Pleadings, Issues and Judgments, both in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas; with necessary Instructions how to sue any Person to the Outlawry, how to levy a Fine, and how to suffer Recoveries in the said Court of Common Pleas. By George Townesend, Esq; Second Prothonotary of that Court. The Third Edition. Townesend , George (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The office and authority of a Justice of Peace: collected out of all the books, whether of common or statute law, hitherto written on that subject. Shewing also the duty of constables, commissioners of sewers, coroners, overseers of the poor, surveyors of the highways, church-wardens, and other parish-officers: digested under alphabetical titles. To which are added, precedents of indictments and warrants, never before printed. Very useful for Justices of the Peace, coroners, sheriffs, clerks of the Assizes, and of the Peace, and all others concern'd in such matters. The seventh edition, corrected, amended, and continued down to this present year 1721. By W. Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Nelson , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The speech of Marius to the people of Rome. Translated into blank verse from the Latin of Salust. With an Introductory Essay, Comparing the Manners of the Romans, About the time of the Jugurthine War, with those of our own Country for some time past, and at present, concluding with the reason of the Undertaking. Crispus , Gaius Sallustius (Author)
K. , J. (Translator)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 1 more.
Publisher Rules and orders of the Courts of King's Bench and common pleas from the 3d. of Queen Anne to Trinity term the 6th. and 7th. of King George the second, inclusive. With an abstract of the acts of Parliament relating both to the practice and practicers of the law. Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas (Author)
Publisher The jurisdiction of the Chancery as a court of equity researched. And the traditionall obscurity of its commencement cleared. With a short essay on the judicature of the Lords in Parliament, upon appeals from courts of equity. Acherley , Roger (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher The jurisdiction of the chancery as a court of equity researched. And the traditional obscurity of its commencement cleared. With a short essay on the judicature of the lords in Parliament, upon appeals from courts of equity. The second Edition corrected, to which is added a Table of the Contents. Acherley , Roger (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher Rules and orders of the courts of King's-bench and common-pleas. From the 1st. of King William, to trinity term the 10th. of King George the second. Together with an abstract of the acts of parliament. Relating to the practice and practicers of the law. Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher Rules and orders of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas from the 1st of Queen Anne to Hillary term the 13th. of King George II. Together with an abstract of the acts of parliament, Relating to the Practice of the Law. Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas (Author)

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"Joel Stevens [Stephens]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 7219, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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