ID 5655
Name John Walthoe II
Gender Male
Street Address Over-against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill
City Cornhill
Start Date 1715
End Date 1760
Sources British Book Trade Index 72802


Displaying 1–20 of 20

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher A summary of the penal laws relating to nonjurors, papists, popish recusants, and nonconformists. And of the late statutes concerning the succession, riots, and imprisonment of suspected persons. Collected and put into such a Method, that the Reader may at one View satisfie his Enquiry. The Offences and Penalties being ranged opposite to each other. To which are added, several adjudged cases, and Notes upon the most material Points: Wherein are contained, all the Oaths, Submissions, Declarations, Confessions of Faith and Affirmations, Required by the Government, since the first Year of Queen Elizabeth, to this present Year 1716. The second edition. To which is now added, the two late acts; the one, for appointing commissioners to Enquire of the Estates of certain Traytors, &c. The other, to oblige papists to register their names and real estates. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher A treatise of the pleas of the Crown: or a system of the principal matters relating to that subject, digested under their proper heads. Book I. By William Hawkins, of the Inner Temple, Esq; Hawkins , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Bookseller A law-dictionary and glossary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With references to the several statutes, records, Registers, Charters, Ancient Deeds, Manuscripts and Law-Books, wherein the Words and Terms are used. By Tho. Blount, of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The third edition. To which are added above two thousand two hundred words, Collected from all the Laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman Kings: And from all the Ancient Books of the Common Law, from the Monasticon Anglicanum, Du Fresne's Glossary, Chronicon Saxonicum, and the Volumes lately published by Dr. Gale. Also an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain. Collected formerly by Mr. Camden and others, and necessary for Understanding the History and Laws of this Realm. By W. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq; Blount , Thomas (Author)
Nelson , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Bookseller A law-Dictionary and glossary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and terms, as are found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws. With References to the several Statutes, Records, Registers, Charters, Ancient Deeds, Manuscripts and Law-Books, wherein the Words and Terms are used. By Tho. Blount, of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The third edition. To which are added near three thousand words, Collected from all the Laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman Kings: And from all the Ancient Books of the Common Law, from the Monasticon Anglicanum, Du Fresne's Glossary, Chronicon Saxonicum, and the Volumes lately published by Dr. Gale. Also an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain. Collected formerly by Mr. Camden and others, and necessary for Understanding the History and Laws of this Realm. By W. Nelson, of the Middle Temple, Esq; Blount , Thomas (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Nelson , William (Author)
and 1 more.
Bookseller Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty’s servants. By Mrs. Manley. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Publisher Cases in law: wherein justices of peace have a jurisdiction, as well by their commission, as by Act of Parliament, which have received a determination by the judges in Westminster Hall, their [unclear] and in Sergeants Inn, from Edward the Third's time to this day: as they are reported in the year-books, and all the other reports down to this time. With the addition of some modern cases, not yet reported in any Book. Being the second part of The justice of peace's companion. By Samuel Blackerby, of Gray's Inn, Esq. Blackerby , Samuel (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium opus aureum. Cum scholiis quibusdam perquam eruditis, quae difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Editio triplici nomine commendatissima. 1. Collatis optimis usquequaque exemplaribus. 2. Additis seorsim in fronte Argumentis unicuique Colloquio. 3. Adjecto Indice novo rerum & verborum memorabiliorum locupletissimo. Denuò recensita & emendata Erasmus , Desiderius (Author)
Bonwicke , Rebecca (Publisher)
Publisher Reports of cases adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the first year of K. William and Q. Mary, to the tenth year of Queen Anne. By William Salkeld, Late Serjeant at Law. With Two Tables; the one of the Names of the Cases, the other of the Principal Matters therein contained. Vol. I. Allow'd and approv'd by the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and all the Judges. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
Salkeld , William (Author)
Publisher The modern conveyancer: or conveyancing improved. Being a choice collection of precedents on most occasions: drawn after the manner of conveyancing now in use. By The Greatest Hands of the Present Age; Of which some are still living. Consisting of Settlements of Estates upon Marriages, Bargains and Sales, Ecclesiastical Instruments, Mortgages, Leases, &c. With an Introduction concerning Conveyancing in General. Vol. I. The Fourth Edition, with considerable Additions. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Bookseller Tenants law: or, the laws concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. (viz.) 1. Of the several Kinds of Tenures, as well Freehold as Copyhold. 2. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 3. Of Rent: Acceptance and Extinguishment thereof. 4. Of Crops growing, and Trees blown down, &c. who are entitled to them. 5. Of Distresses, Replevins, and Rescous. 6. Of Waste in Buildings, Lands, Woods, &c. whether voluntary or permissive. 7. Of Common for Cattle. 8. Of Frauds in buying and selling Lands or Goods. 9. Of Trespasses and Nusances. 10. Of the late Act to prevent Fires; and Rules to be observed in erecting of new Buildings about London. Useful for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Solicitors, and others, concerned in the buying, selling or letting of estates. The seventh edition. In which are added all such Acts of Parliament and Resolutions as relate to these Subjects, down to the present year 1718. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher A methodical treatise of replevins, distresses, avowries, &c. shewing their natures, kinds, incidents, and effects. As also the method of proceedings therein, in the courts at Westminster, the county courts, Hundred Courts, Courts Baron, &c. To which are added, divers late statutes touching the offic of sheriffs, and Passing their Patents and Accounts; particularly the two Statutes Tertio Georg II, cap. 15 & 16. As also, Some Observations and Judicial Opinions explaining the same. The whole being a necessary Appendix to the Office of Sheriffs. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher Legal provisions for the poor. 1. of the several sorts of poor. 2, of rates and taxes for the relief of the poor. 3. Of binding poor children apprentices. 4. Where the poor shall be reliev'd by their relations. 5. Of work-houses, and houses of correction. 6. Of settlements, removals, and orders of the justices, both in and out of sessions. 7. Of the relief of bastard-children, and punishment of their reputed parents. 8. Of rogues, vagrants, and passing them to their respective habitations. 9. Of providing houses for poor people. 10. Of the general privy search. 11. Precedents of orders, warrants, &c. Wherein the statutes and resolutions of the judges on these subjects, are consider'd and explain'd. By S. C. of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The Fourth Edition, in which are added all the late Statutes and Resolutions relating to the poor, down to the present Year, 1718. Carter , Samuel (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher Trials per pais. Or The law of England concerning juries by nisi prius, &c. With a compleat treatise of the law of evidence, Precedents, and forms of Challenges, Demurrers upon Evidence, Bills of Exception, pleas puis le darrais continuance, &c. The fifth edition with large additions. To which are added, Such resolutions and acts of parliament, as have made any alteration in the laws relating to Trials by juries, down to this present year 1718. and the whole put into such a method as may render it most useful and easy to the practiser. Together with a new and exact table to the whole matter. Very useful and necessary to all lawyers, attorneys and other practisers, especially at the assizes. By GIles Duncombe late, of the Inner-Temple Esq; Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Duncombe , Giles (Author)
Publisher A dictionary, English-Latin, and Latin-English, containing all things necessary for the translating of either language into other. The ninth edition, enlarged. By Elisha Coles Coles , Elisha (Author)
Collins , Susannah (Printer)
Publisher Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the first year of K. William and Q. Mary, to the tenth year of Queen Anne. By William Salkeld, Late Serjeant at Law. With Two Tables; the one of the Names of the Cases, the other of the Principal Matters therein contained. In two volumes. Allow'd and approv'd of by all the Judges. The Second Edition carefully Corrected, to which are now added References to the Reports of the Law. Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher Sermons preached on several occasions. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Sprat, D. D. late Lord Bishop of Rochester, and Dean of Westminster. Sprat , Thomas (Author)
Bonwicke , Rebecca (Publisher)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Publisher Tenants law: or, the laws concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. (viz.) 1. Of the several Kinds of Tenures, as well Freehold as Copyhold. 2. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 3. Of Rent: Acceptance and Extinguishment thereof. 4. Of Crops growing, and Trees blown down, &c. who are entitled to them. 5. Of Distresses, Replevins, and Rescous. 6. Of Waste in Buildings, Lands, Woods, &c. whether voluntary or permissive. 7. Of Common for Cattle. 8. Of Frauds in buying and selling Lands or Goods. 9. Of Trespasses and Nusances. 10. Of the late Act to prevent Fires; and Rules to be observed in erecting of new Buildings about London. Useful for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Solicitors, and others, concerned in the buying, selling or letting of estates. The eighth edition. In which are added all such Acts of Parliament and Resolutions as relate to these subjects down to the present year 1722. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The authority, jurisdiction and method of keeping County-Courts, Courts-Leet, and Courts-Baron. Explaining the judicial and ministerial authority of sheriffs. Also, the office and duty of a coroner. By William Greenwood, gent. The eighth edition, very much enlarged, by adding the form and method of holding a Court of Survey, new Law Cases, precedents of Presentments and Surrenders, Declarations, Pleadings; with a Table of the Fees, &c. rendring it more useful to Under-Sherriffs, County-Clerks, Solicitors, Court-Keepers, &c. Greenwood , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The Countess of Moreton's Daily Exercise: Or, A book of Prayers and Rules how to Spend the Time in the Service and Pleasure of Almighty God. The Twenty-second Edition. Douglas , Anne (Author)
Bowyer , Christiana (Publisher)
Publisher The Countess of Moreton's daily exercise: or, a book of prayers and rules how to spend the time in the service and pleasure of Almighty God. Unknown , (Author)
Barron Downing , Martha (Publisher)
Clarke , Anne (Publisher)

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"John Walthoe II" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5655, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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