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Unknown. A methodical treatise of replevins, distresses, avowries, &c. shewing their natures, kinds, incidents, and effects. As also the method of proceedings therein, in the courts at Westminster, the county courts, Hundred Courts, Courts Baron, &c. To which are added, divers late statutes touching the offic of sheriffs, and Passing their Patents and Accounts; particularly the two Statutes Tertio Georg II, cap. 15 & 16. As also, Some Observations and Judicial Opinions explaining the same. The whole being a necessary Appendix to the Office of Sheriffs.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 26098, Accessed 2025-03-25.

@book{ wphp_26098
  title={A methodical treatise of replevins, distresses, avowries, &c. shewing their natures, kinds, incidents, and effects. As also the method of proceedings therein, in the courts at Westminster, the county courts, Hundred Courts, Courts Baron, &c. To which are added, divers late statutes touching the offic of sheriffs, and Passing their Patents and Accounts; particularly the two Statutes Tertio Georg II, cap. 15 & 16. As also, Some Observations and Judicial Opinions explaining the same. The whole being a necessary Appendix to the Office of Sheriffs.},
  publisher={John Walthoe I \& John Walthoe II},
  address={London},    }