Geoname ID 4930956
Name Boston
Titles 508
Firms 259
People Born: 31, Died: 40


Displaying 326–350 of 506

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
17326 Simple Susan. By Miss Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Wells and Lilly (Boston)
17327 Simple Susan. By Miss Edgeworth. With Cuts. (Munroe & Francis' Edition.) Edgeworth , Maria
Munroe and Francis [4 Cornhill] (Boston)
1810 (Munroe & Francis' edition.)
18937 Simple tales. By Mrs. Opie. In two volumes. Opie , Amelia
Samuel Griswold Goodrich (Boston)
19966 Stories for children; in familiar verse. By Goody Lovechild, author of "Poetic tales," and "Ditties for children, by a lady of Boston". Sproat , Nancy
19962 Stories for children; in familiar verse. By Goody Lovechild. Sproat , Nancy
West and Richardson (Boston)
19963 Stories for children; in familiar verse. By Goody Lovechild. Sproat , Nancy
West and Richardson (Boston)
18741 Strictures on the modern system of female education. With a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune. By Hannah More. Two volumes in one—and third American edition, with considerable additions. More , Hannah
Joseph Bumstead (Boston)
1802 Third American edition, with considerable additions.
14411 Tales for Youth. By the authors of 'Days of Childhood,' and 'Girl's Own Book.' Child , Lydia Maria Francis
B. H. Greene (Boston)
Leonard C. Bowles (Boston)
16738 Tales of Fancy: by S.H. Burney, Author of "Clarentine," "Geraldine Fauconberg," and "Traits of Nature." Burney , Sarah Harriet
Wells and Lilly (Boston)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
17330 Tales of Fashionable Life, by Miss Edgeworth, Author of Practical Education, Belinda, Castle Rackrent, Essay on Irish Bulls, &c. In two volumes. From the Second London Edition. Edgeworth , Maria
John Eliot, Jun. (Boston)
1810 From the Second London Edition.
18940 Tales of Real Life. By Mrs. Opie Opie , Amelia
Samuel Griswold Goodrich (Boston)
18941 Tales of real life. By Mrs. Opie. In two volumes. Opie , Amelia
Bradford and Read (Boston) (Boston)
18943 Tales of the Pemberton family; For the use of children. By Amelia Opie Opie , Amelia
Edmund Munroe and David Francis [128 Washington] (Boston)
17332 Tarlton. By Miss Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Wells and Lilly (Boston)
18946 Temper, or Domestic scenes: a tale. Three volumes in two. By Mrs. Opie. Opie , Amelia
Bradford and Read (New York) (Albany)
Andrew T. Goodrich & Co. (New York)
Anthony Finley (Philadelphia)
18944 Temper, or Domestic Scenes. A Tale. By Mrs. Opie. In Two Volumes. Opie , Amelia
Samuel Griswold Goodrich (Boston)
19119 Thaddeus of Warsaw. In two volumes. By Miss Porter. First American from the fourth English edition. Porter , Jane
Lemuel Blake (Boston)
1809 First American from the fourth English edition.
15294 The adventures of Congo in search of his master: an American tale. Containing a true account of a shipwreck, and Interspersed with Anecdotes founded on Facts. Illustrated with engravings. Farrar , Eliza
Edmund Munroe and David Francis [128 Washington] (Boston)
1835 [American 1]
14372 The American Frugal Housewife. Dedicated to those who are not ashamed of economy. By Mrs. Child, author of "Hobomok," "The Mother's Book," Editor of the "Juvenile Miscellany," &c. Twelfth Edition, enlarged and corrected by the author. Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Carter, Hendee and Co. (Boston)
1832 Twelfth Edition, enlarged and corrected by the author.
24864 The Barring Out, or, Party Spirit. By Miss Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Wells and Lilly (Boston)
19576 The Beatitudes. Sedgwick , Elizabeth Buckminster [Mrs. Charles Sedgwick]
17067 The belle's strategem; a comedy, in five acts. By Mrs. Cowley. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, and at the Boston theatre. Cowley , Hannah
John West and Company (Boston)
14366 The biographies of Lady Russell and Madame Guyon. By Mrs. Child, author of 'Hobomok,' 'The Mother's Book,' &c. Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Carter, Hendee and Co. (Boston)
Richard James Kennett (London)
14354 The biographies of Madame de Staël, and Madame Roland. By Mrs Child, author of 'Hobomok,' 'The Mother's Book,' &c. Child , Lydia Maria Francis
Carter and Hendee (Boston)
17211 The Birth-Day Present. By Miss Edgeworth. Edgeworth , Maria
Wells and Lilly (Boston)