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Costello, Louisa Stuart, Taylor, Jane, Cunningham, Allan, Baillie, Joanna, Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetic Flowers, selected by E. Sandham; author of 'The Twin Sisters'. 'Travels of Saint Paul', 'Scripture Geography', &c. &c.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 11843, Accessed 2024-09-07.

Costello, Louisa, S., Jane Taylor, Allan Cunningham, Joanna Baillie, and Percy B. Shelley. Poetic Flowers, selected by E. Sandham; author of 'The Twin Sisters'. 'Travels of Saint Paul', 'Scripture Geography', &c. &c. Southampton: Thomas Baker [Southampton], 1818.

@book{ wphp_11843
  author={Costello,Louisa Stuart and Taylor,Jane and Cunningham,Allan and Baillie,Joanna and Shelley,Percy Bysshe},
  title={Poetic Flowers, selected by E. Sandham; author of 'The Twin Sisters'. 'Travels of Saint Paul', 'Scripture Geography', &c. &c.},
  publisher={Thomas Baker [Southampton] \& },
  address={Southampton},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Poetic Flowers, selected by E. Sandham; author of 'The Twin Sisters'. 'Travels of Saint Paul', 'Scripture Geography', &c. &c.
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