The protestation of Thomas, up Shinkin, up Morgan, up Howellup William, up Raph, up Shon, up Taffie, shentileman of Wales, concerning the distemperature of these times; together with her owne will written, puplished py her owne hand fifteen tayes after her teeth; with a song which her was never apide, in awle her life, pecause it was jeer her country.
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. The protestation of Thomas, up Shinkin, up Morgan, up Howellup William, up Raph, up Shon, up Taffie, shentileman of Wales, concerning the distemperature of these times; together with her owne will written, puplished py her owne hand fifteen tayes after her teeth; with a song which her was never apide, in awle her life, pecause it was jeer her country.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 23718, Accessed 2025-03-26.
@book{ wphp_23718 author={}, year={1701}, title={The protestation of Thomas, up Shinkin, up Morgan, up Howellup William, up Raph, up Shon, up Taffie, shentileman of Wales, concerning the distemperature of these times; together with her owne will written, puplished py her owne hand fifteen tayes after her teeth; with a song which her was never apide, in awle her life, pecause it was jeer her country.}, publisher={}, }
Suggestions and Comments for The protestation of Thomas, up Shinkin, up Morgan, up Howellup William, up Raph, up Shon, up Taffie, shentileman of Wales, concerning the distemperature of these times; together with her owne will written, puplished py her owne hand fifteen tayes after her teeth; with a song which her was never apide, in awle her life, pecause it was jeer her country.