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Campbell, Duncan. A poem upon tea. Wherein its antiquity, its several virtues and influences are set forth; and the Wisdom of the sober Sex commended in chusing so mild a Liquor for their Entertainments. Likewise, the reason why the Ladies protest against all Imposing Liquors, and the Vulgar Terms used by the Followers of Bacchus. Also, the Objections against Tea, answered; the Complaint of the Fair Sex redress'd, and the best way of proceeding in Love-Affairs: Together with the sincere Courtship of Dick and Amy, &c. By Duncan Campbell.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25332, Accessed 2025-03-29.

@book{ wphp_25332
  title={A poem upon tea. Wherein its antiquity, its several virtues and influences are set forth; and the Wisdom of the sober Sex commended in chusing so mild a Liquor for their Entertainments. Likewise, the reason why the Ladies protest against all Imposing Liquors, and the Vulgar Terms used by the Followers of Bacchus. Also, the Objections against Tea, answered; the Complaint of the Fair Sex redress'd, and the best way of proceeding in Love-Affairs: Together with the sincere Courtship of Dick and Amy, &c. By Duncan Campbell.},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for A poem upon tea. Wherein its antiquity, its several virtues and influences are set forth; and the Wisdom of the sober Sex commended in chusing so mild a Liquor for their Entertainments. Likewise, the reason why the Ladies protest against all Imposing Liquors, and the Vulgar Terms used by the Followers of Bacchus. Also, the Objections against Tea, answered; the Complaint of the Fair Sex redress'd, and the best way of proceeding in Love-Affairs: Together with the sincere Courtship of Dick and Amy, &c. By Duncan Campbell.
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