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D'Assigny, Fifield. Poems, on several occasions. In which are inserted, the verses spoke by the King's scholars at Westminster, at their annual feast on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day, for the year 1729-30. As likewise, a copy of verses writ to Doctor Croxal, on his sermon preach'd the 30th of January, 1729-30.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25728, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_25728
  title={Poems, on several occasions. In which are inserted, the verses spoke by the King's scholars at Westminster, at their annual feast on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day, for the year 1729-30. As likewise, a copy of verses writ to Doctor Croxal, on his sermon preach'd the 30th of January, 1729-30.},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Poems, on several occasions. In which are inserted, the verses spoke by the King's scholars at Westminster, at their annual feast on Queen Elizabeth's birth-day, for the year 1729-30. As likewise, a copy of verses writ to Doctor Croxal, on his sermon preach'd the 30th of January, 1729-30.
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