Appendix to Mrs. Glasse's Cookery: containing many new and useful receipts, in all branches of the art. Calculated for universal use. ... To which is added, a copious index to this and all the octavo editions.
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Glasse, Hannah. Appendix to Mrs. Glasse's Cookery: containing many new and useful receipts, in all branches of the art. Calculated for universal use. ... To which is added, a copious index to this and all the octavo editions.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 4428, Accessed 2025-03-09.
@book{ wphp_4428 author={Glasse,Hannah}, year={1758}, title={Appendix to Mrs. Glasse's Cookery: containing many new and useful receipts, in all branches of the art. Calculated for universal use. ... To which is added, a copious index to this and all the octavo editions.}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Appendix to Mrs. Glasse's Cookery: containing many new and useful receipts, in all branches of the art. Calculated for universal use. ... To which is added, a copious index to this and all the octavo editions.