ID 4
Name Andrew Millar
Gender Male
Street Address Over-against Catherine Street, Strand
City London
Start Date 1729
End Date 1768
Sources British Book Trade Index 47235
British Book Trade Index 200240


Displaying 1–25 of 50

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Publisher A compleat system of magick: or, The history of the black-art. Shewing, I. The original of magicians; and how some of them were made kings, as Zoroafter, Cadmus, and many others. II. How the ancient magi, who study'd philosophy, astronomy, &c. were induc'd to turn wizards and sorcers, and deal with the devil; and how their conversation began. III. The different shapes assum'd by the devil in his first appearances to magicians; and whether he is, or has been, allow'd to assume a human-shape. IV. Who first practised magick as a diabolical art, and its progress among the Egyptians and Phoenicians; by whom it was first openly encourag'd, and of its present state. V. What the black-art, really is, the various manner of its practice in different parts of the world, and of the doctrine of spirits. VI. How far it may be suppos'd there can be an intercourse between superiour and insernal beings, and whether the magick-art now subsists. VII. How far the devil may be raised by magical operations; and whether it is by their own power, or by mutual concert with the devil. The whole compiled from the best authorities ancient and modern Defoe , Daniel (Author)
Graves , Jane (Publisher)
Publisher Letters concerning the religion essential to man; as it is distinct from what is merely an accession to it. In two parts. By the author of, The world unmask'd: or, the state of souls separated from their bodies. Translated from the French. Huber , Marie (Author)
Publisher The Countess of Moreton's daily exercise: or, a book of prayers and rules how to spend the time in the service and pleasure of Almighty God. Unknown , (Author)
Barron Downing , Martha (Publisher)
Clarke , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher The governess; Or, The Little female academy. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. Fielding , Sarah (Author)
Publisher The history of Cornelia. Scott , Sarah (Author)
Publisher The governess; Or, The Little female academy. Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of young ladies in their education. By the author of David Simple. The third edition. Revised and corrected. Fielding , Sarah (Author)
Publisher Familiar letters between the principal characters in David Simple, and some others. Being a sequel to his adventures. To which is added, a vision. By the author of David Simple. The second edition. Fielding , Sarah (Author)
Publisher Miss Mary Blandy's own account of the affair between her and Mr. Cranstoun, from the commencement of their acquaintance, in the year 1746, to the death of her father, in August, 1751. With all the circumstances leading to that unhappy event. To which is added, an appendix, containing copies of some original letters now in possession of the editor. Together with an exact relation of her behaviour, while under sentence; and a copy of the declaration signed by herself, in the presence of two clergymen, two days before her execution. Published at her dying request. Blandy , Mary (Author)
Publisher Miss Mary Blandy's own account of the affair between her and Mr. Cranstoun, from the commencement of their acquaintance, in the year, 1746. To the death of her father, in August 1751. With all the Circumstances leading to that unhappy Event. To which is added, an appendix. Containing copies of some original letters now in Possession of the Editor. Together with an exact Relation of her Behaviour, whilst under Sentence; and a Copy of the Declaration signed by herself, in the Presence of two Clergymen, two Days before her Execution. Published at her dying Request. Blandy , Mary (Author)
Publisher Miss Mary Blandy's own account of the affair between her and Mr. Cranstoun, from the commencement of their acquaintance; in the year 1746. To the death of her father, in August 1751. With all the circumstances leading to that unhappy event. To which is added, an appendix, containing copies of some original letters now in possession of the editor. Together with an exact relation of her behaviour, whilst under sentence; and a copy of the declaration signed by herself, in the presence of two clergymen, two days before her execution. Pubished at her dying request. Blandy , Mary (Author)
Publisher Miss Mary Blandy's own account of the affair between her and Mr. Cranstoun, from the commencement of their acquaintance; in the year 1746. To the death of her father, in August 1751. With all the circumstances leading to that unhappy event. To which is added, an appendix, containing copies of some original letters now in possession of the editor. Together with an exact relation of her behaviour, whilst under sentence; and a copy of the declaration signed by herself, in the presence of two clergymen, two days before her execution. Published at her dying request. Blandy , Mary (Author)
Publisher Miss Mary Blandy's own account of the affair between her and Mr. Cranstoun, from the commencement of their acquaintance; in the year 1746. To the death of her father, in August 1751. With all the circumstances leading to that unhappy event. To which is added, an appendix, containing copies of some original letters now in possession of the editor. Together with an exact relation of her behaviour, whilst under sentence; and a copy of the declaration signed by herself, in the presence of two clergymen, two days before her execution. Published at her dying request. Blandy , Mary (Author)
Publisher The female Quixote; or, the adventures of Arabella. In two volumes. Lennox , Charlotte (Author)
Publisher The female Quixote; or, the adventures of Arabella. In two volumes. The second edition: revised and corrected. Lennox , Charlotte (Author)
Publisher An essay on the art of ingeniously tormenting; with proper rules for the exercise of that pleasant art Humbly addressed, In the First Part, To the Master, Husband, &c. In the Second Part, To the Wife, Friend, &c. With some General Instructions for Plaguing all your Acquaintance. Collier , Jane (Author)
Publisher Shakespear illustrated: or the novels and histories, on which the plays of Shakespear are founded, collected and translated from the original authors. With critical remarks. In two volumes. By the author of The female Quixote. Lennox , Charlotte (Author)
Publisher The adventures of David Simple. Volume the last, in which his history is concluded. Fielding , Sarah (Author)
Publisher The compleat confectioner; or, the art of candying and preserving in its utmost perfection. By the late Mris. Eales, Confectioner to King William and Queen Anne. The fifth edition. To which is added, a second part: containing a curious collection of receipts in cookery, pickling, family physick, &c. with the best and cheapest methods of brewing all sorts of malt liquors, and preparing sundry kinds of excellent made wines, not inferior to the best French; likeways many other pleasant and wholsom drinks, made from our English fruits, as cheap as common small beer. Eales , Mary (Author)
Publisher A journey through every stage of life, described in a variety of interesting scenes, drawn from real characters. By a person of quality. In two volumes. ... Scott , Sarah (Author)
Publisher Shakespear illustrated: or the novels and histories, on which the plays of Shakespear are founded, collected and translated from the original authors. With critical remarks. The third and last volume. By the author of The female Quixote. Lennox , Charlotte (Author)
Bookseller Virginia[,] a tragedy, with odes, pastorals, and translations. By Mrs. Brooke. Brooke , Frances (Author)
Publisher The memoirs of the Countess of Berci. Taken from the French by the author of the Female Quixote. In two volumes. Lennox , Charlotte (Author)
Bookseller The lives of Cleopatra and Octavia. By the author of David Simple. Fielding , Sarah (Author)
Publisher An address humbly offered to the ladies of Great Britain, relating to the most valuable part of ornamental manufacture in their dress. Holt , Dorothy (Author)
Publisher An essay on the art of ingeniously tormenting; with proper rules for the exercise of that pleasant art. Humbly addressed, In the First Part, To the Master, Husband, &c. In the Second Part, To the Wife, Friend, &c. With some general instructions for plaguing all your acquaintance. The second edition, corrected. Collier , Jane (Author)

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"Andrew Millar" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 4, Accessed 2025-03-27.

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