Name Unknown

The genre of titles in this category are either not known or miscellaneous. 


Displaying 1–25 of 142

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
1640 A letter from Amelia to the inspector. Amelia ,
William Owen (London)
5203 A letter from Lady ********* to the celebrated Miss K**** F*****. Concerning their late adventures in St. James's Park. Unknown ,
s.n. [sine nomine]
4763 A part of Isobel Johnston's trials and entertainments, in the year 1795. Johnston , Isobel
3791 A serious call, in tender compassion to the sinners in Sion, of what rank or degree so ever. By Frances Henshaw. Henshaw , Frances
60 A Sketch of the Campaigns of Count Alexander Suwarrow Rymnikski Porter , Jane
2202 A treatise on the influence of the passions, upon the happiness of individuals and of nations. Illustrated by striking references to the Principal Events and Characters that have Distinguished the French Revolution. From the French of the Baroness Stael de Holstein. To which is prefixed a sketch of her life, by the translator de Staël von Holstein , Anne Louise Germaine
George Cawthorn, Apollo Press (London)
16336 Account of a Trance or Vision of Sarah Alley, of Beekman Town, Dutchess County, and State of New-York, Which Happened on First-day Evening, the twenty-fifth of second Month 1798, taken from her own mouth, the twenty-seventh of the same month, in the hearing of divers persons. Alley , Sarah
23614 Additions and alterations in Ptolomy, King of Egypt. Haym , Nicola Francesco
426 Afternoon Amusements; or, Tales of Birds. The third edition. Mathews , Eliza Kirkham
1809 The third edition.
16337 An Account of a Trance or Vision of Sarah Alley, of Beekman Town, Dutchess County, State of New-York, Which happened on first-day evening, the twenty-fifth of second month 1798, taken from her own mouth, the twenty-seventh of the same month, in the hearing of divers persons. Alley , Sarah
23328 An account of the particular soliloquies and covenant engagements past betwixt Mrs. Janet Hamilton, the defunct Lady of Alexander Gordon of Earlstoun; upon the several dyets, and at the several places underwritten; which were found in her cabinet among her papers, after her death at Earlstoun, Feb. 26. 1696 being all written and subscrived with her own hand. Hamilton , Janet
s.n. [sine nomine]
23330 An account of the particular soliloquis and covenant engagements, past betwixt Mrs. Jannet Hamilton the defunct Lady of Alexander Gordon of Earlstoun. Upon the severel dyets, and at several places under writen & were found in her cabinet among her paper after her death at Earlstoun, February 26th. 1696. Being all writen and subscrived with her own hand. Hamilton , Janet
s.n. [sine nomine]
3328 An authentic narrative of the circumstances relative to the departure of the late Rev. John Wesley, who died at his house in London, on Wednesday, March 2, 1791, in the eighty-eighth year of his age. Ritchie , Elizabeth
Miles Swinney (Birmingham)
John Bird (Cardiff)
William Bulgin (Bristol)
Bulgin and Rosser (Bristol)
Benjamin Charles Collins (Salisbury)
Campbell and Gainsborough, Public Library (Bath)
24751 An enigmatical love-letter, from a lady at Bath, to her spark in London. Unknown , [Woman]
4624 An epistle from Patrick Pindar, to the hills and the vallies, and all whom it may concern. Battier , Henrietta
s.n. [sine nomine]
1857 Ans.-Mrs Ann Maria Bennet, &c. to the Pet.-Robert McIntosh. Mr Sinclair, clerk. Dav. Hutcheson, Agent. Answers for Mrs Ann Maria Bennet of Nassau-Street, London, and John B. Williamson, late of the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh; to the petition of Robert McIntosh, musician in Edinburgh. Bennett , Anna Maria
s.n. [sine nomine]
15 Answer to Mr. Brother's book, published in Sept., 1806, and observations on his former writing; also a letter sent to Mr. Huntington Southcott , Joanna
4428 Appendix to Mrs. Glasse's Cookery: containing many new and useful receipts, in all branches of the art. Calculated for universal use. ... To which is added, a copious index to this and all the octavo editions. Glasse , Hannah
2196 Auld Robin Gray; with The answer. To which is added, The two constant lovers. The widow. The captain of love. Barnard , Anne Lindsay
s.n. [sine nomine]
4385 Betty Brown, the St. Giles's orange girl: with some account of Mrs. Sponge, the money-lender. More , Hannah
4394 Bishop Bonner's ghost. More , Hannah
3986 Cheap repository. The two wealthy farmers; or, The history of Mr. Bragwell. Part I. More , Hannah
948 Conversations, Introducing Poetry Chiefly on Subjects of Natural History, For the Use of Young Persons Smith , Charlotte Turner
John Sharpe [Piccadilly] (London)
3948 Dame Andrews, a tale. More , Hannah
3586 Devout exercises of the heart in meditation and soliloquy, prayer and praise. By the late pious and ingenious Mrs. Elizabeth Rowe, reviewed and published at her request, by Isaac Watts, D.D. Rowe , Elizabeth Singer