A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick, and surgery: for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands. The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c.
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Kettilby, Mary. A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick, and surgery: for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands. The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 6520, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/6520. Accessed 2025-02-11.
Kettilby, Mary. A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick, and surgery: for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands. The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c. London: 1759.
Kettilby , M. (1759). A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick, and surgery: for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. by several hands. the seventh edition. to which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c. London:
@book{ wphp_6520 author={Kettilby,Mary}, year={1759}, title={A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick, and surgery: for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands. The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c.}, publisher={}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick, and surgery: for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands. The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c.