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Titles 1371
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Displaying 1–25 of 1371

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
9965 A Bold Stroke for a Wife; A Comedy. By Mrs. Centlivre. With Remarks. Centlivre , Susanna
Stirling and Kenney [George Street] (Edinburgh)
12327 A Bold Stroke for a Wife: A Comedy, in five acts, by Mrs. Centlivre. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical, by D—G. To which are added, a description of the costume,—cast of the characters, entrances, and exits,—relative positions of the performers on the stage,—and the whole of the stage business. As now performed at the Theatres Royal, London. Embellished with a portrait of Mr. W. Farren, in the character of Periwinkle. Engraved on steel by Mr. Woolnoth, from an original drawing, by Mr. Wageman. Centlivre , Susanna
John Cumberland [Brecknock Place] (London)
12332 A Bold Stroke for a Wife. A Comedy, in five acts, by Mrs. Centlivre. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical. To which are added, a description of the costume,—cast of the character, exits, and entrances,—relative positions of the performers on the stage,—and the whole of the stage business. As now performed at the Theatres-Royal, London. Embellished with a portrait of Mr. W. Farren, in the character of Periwinkle; engraved on steel by Mr. Woolnoth, from a drawing made expressly for this work, by Mr. Wageman. Centlivre , Susanna
John Cumberland [19 Ludgate Hill] (London)
18851 A brief account of the life, last sickness, and death, of Robert Mott, also of his daughter, J.B. Mott. Mott , Lydia Philadelphia
William Alexander (York)
6520 A collection of above three hundred receipts in cookery, physick, and surgery: for the use of all good wives, tender mothers, and careful nurses. By several hands. The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c. Executrix of Mary Kettilby (London)
1759 The seventh edition. To which is added, a second part, containing a great number of excellent receipts, for preserving and conserving of sweet-meats, &c.
371 A Collection of Farces and Other Afterpieces, which are acted at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane, Covent-Garden, and Hay-Market. Printed under the authority of the manager from the prompt book: selected by Mrs. Inchbald. In seven volumes. Colman , George (the elder)
Hawkesworth , John
Burgoyne , John
O'Hara , Kane
Birch , Samuel
Kemble , John Philip
Colman , George (the younger)
Tobin , John
Bickerstaff , Isaac
Sheridan , Richard Brinsley
Dodsley , Robert
Brooke , Frances
Jackman , Isaac
Garrick , David
Fielding , Henry
Foote , Samuel
Murphy , Arthur
du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
Inchbald , Elizabeth
Kenney , James
Cowley , Hannah
Macklin , Charles
Kotzebue , August Friedrich Ferdinand von
Dibdin , Thomas
O'Keeffe , John
Jephson , Robert
Knight , Thomas
Pearce , William
Hoare , Prince
Reed , Joseph
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
12161 A Collection of Novels, Selected and Revised by Mrs. Griffith. Haywood , Eliza
Behn , Aphra
Aubin , Penelope
George Kearsley [Fleet Street] (London)
13572 A collection of poems, mostly original, by several hands. 1789
14984 A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England: With collects and prayers for each solemnity. By Robert Nelson, Esq. Nelson , Robert
Stanley Crowder (London)
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
Bedwell Law and Son (London)
Francis and Charles Rivington (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Samuel Bladon [13 Paternoster Row] (London)
Robert Baldwin I (London)
William Stuart (London)
James Nichols (London)
Thomas Evans [32 Paternoster Row] (London)
Robert Faulder (London)
William Lowndes [76 Fleet Street] (London)
George and Thomas Wilkie (London)
Henry Gardner (London)
J. Walker (Leeds)
James Scatcherd and J. Whitaker (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
1795 The twenty-seventh edition.
5706 A compendious system of astronomy, in a course of familiar lectures, In which the Principles of that Science are clearly elucidated, so as to be intelligible to those who have not studied the Mathematics: also trigonometrical and celestial problems, with a key to the ephemeris, and a vocabulary of the terms of science Used In The Lectures, Which latter are explained agreeably to their Application in them. By Margaret Bryan. Second edition. Bryan , Margaret
James Wallis [46 Paternoster Row] (London)
Wynne and Scholey (London)
1799 Second edition.
24969 A Complete Catalogue of all the Discourses Written, Both for and against Popery, in the Time of King James II. Containing in the Whole, An Account of Four Hundred and Fifty seven Books and Pamphlets, a great Number of them not mentioned in the three former Catalogues. With References after each Title, for the more speedy finding of a further Account of the said Discourses, and of their Authors, in sundry Writers: and an Alphabetical List of the Writers on each Side. A tract very necessary for these Times, and for all those who are desirous to complete their Sets of those Pieces, or would sort them to the best Advantage. Drawn up in a new Method, by Francis Peck, M.A. rector of Godeby, near Melton in Leicestershire. Peck , Frances
11822 A cup of sweets that can never cloy, or Delightful tales for good children. By the author of Short Stories, Summer Rambles, &c., &c. Semple , Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1818 Seventh Edition.
11821 A cup of sweets, that can never cloy, or, Delightful tales for good children. By the author of Short Stories, Summer Rambles, &c. &c. Semple , Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1814 Sixth Edition
25325 A defence of the late learned Dr. Clarke's notion of natural liberty: in answer to three letters wrote to him by a gentleman at the University of Cambridge, on the side of necessity. Together with some remarks on Mr. Locke's chapter of power. By S. Strutt, of the Inner Temple. Strutt , Samuel
Thomas Green (London)
13348 A description of a set of prints of ancient history; contained in a set of easy lessons. By Mrs. Trimmer. In two parts. Trimmer , Sarah
John Marshall I [Fleet St] (London)
Robert Baldwin and Charles Cradock (London)
Nathaniel Hailes [168 Piccadilly] (London)
10958 A description of a set of prints of ancient history: contained in a set of easy lessons. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
Nathaniel Hailes [173 Piccadilly] (London)
John Marshall I [Fleet St] (London)
15148 A Description of Malvern, and It’s Concomitants; Including a Guide to the Drives, Rides, Walks and Excursions; with a Map of the Walks; a Panoramic Sketch of Objects from the Worcestershire Beacon, and Other Embellishments. Southall , Mary
George Nicholson [Stourport] (Stourport-on-Severn)
15149 A Description of Malvern, Including a Guide to the Drives, Rides, Walks and Excursions: with a Map of the Walks; a Panoramic Sketch of Objects from the Worcestershire Beacon, and Other Embellishments. Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Southall , Mary
George Nicholson [Stourport] (Stourport-on-Severn)
1825 Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged.
817 A Description of the Chapel of the Annunziata dell'Arena; or, Giotto's Chapel, in Padua. By Mrs Calcott Graham , Maria
860 A Descriptive Account of the Mansion and Gardens of White-Knights, a seat of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough. By Mrs. Hofland. Hofland , Thomas Christopher
Hofland , Barbara
24823 A Dictionary of the Malay Tongue, as Spoken in the Peninsula of Malacca, the Islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Pulo Pinang, &c. &c. In Two Parts, English and Malay, and Malay and English. Part the First. To Which is Prefixed a Grammar of that Language. Embellished with a Map. By John Howison, M.D. Howison , James
Bowrey , Thomas
John Sewell [Cornhill] (Cornhill)
John Debrett [179 Piccadilly] (London)
John Murray and Samuel Highley (London)
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
Alexander and James Black and Parry (London)
Samuel Kent Rousseau (London)
9042 A Father as He Should Be. A Novel. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Hofland, author of Says She to Her Neighbour, Clergyman's Widow, Visit to London, Patience and Perseverance, &c. Second edition. Hofland , Barbara
Anthony King Newman and Co. (London)
1824 Second edition.
14431 A general account of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, to which are subjoined, the standing rules and orders, a list of the subscribing members, donations and legacies; with a catalogue of the books dispersed by the society; and other documents. 1816
15368 A geographical companion to Mrs. Trimmer's Scripture, Ancient, and English abridged histories; with prints; calculated to render the study of history more interesting to children, and to serve as an easy introduction to the knowledge of the Earth. In three parts. Part 1st, Agreeing with Scripture History. Part 2d, with Ancient and Roman History. Part 3d, with English History. A New Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author. Unknown ,
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
Robert Baldwin, Charles Cradock, and William Joy (London)
1816 A New Edition, Revised and Corrected by the Author.
15240 A Geographical Present: Being Descriptions of the Principal Countries of the World. By M.A. Venning. With Representations of the various inhabitants in their respective Costumes. First American, from the third London edition, with corrections and additions. Venning , Mary Anne
William Burgess, Junior [97 Fulton-street] (New York City)
1829 First American, from the Third London Edition, with corrections and additions.