ID 6013
Name Elizabeth Nutt [Savoy]
Gender Female
Street Address In the Savoy
City London
Start Date 1716
End Date 1740
Sources British Book Trade Index 51015
Related People Nutt, Elizabeth
Related Firms Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange]
Elizabeth and Richard Nutt
Notes This address is largely associated with Elizabeth Nutt's ongoing printing business, seemingly separate from her retail locations.


Displaying 51–75 of 106

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Baron and feme. A treatise of the common law concerning husbands and wives. Wherein is contained The Nature of a Feme Covert, and of Marriages, Bastardy, the Privileges of Feme Coverts: What Alterations are made by Marriage as to Estates, Leases, Goods and Actions. What Things of the Wife accrue to the Husband by the Intermarriage, or not. What Acts, Charges, Forfeitures by the Husband, shall bind the Wife after his Death, or not. Of Jointures and Pleadings, Fines and Recovery, Conveyances, and other Law Titles relating to Baron and Feme. Of Wills, and Feme Covert being Executrix. Of the Wife's Separate Disposition and Maintenance. What amounts to the Disposition of the Wife's Term by the Husband. Of. Actions brought by or against Baron and Feme. What Actions done, or Contracts made by the Wife, shall bind her Husband. Of Indictments and Informations against them. Of Baron and Feme's Joinder in Action. Of a Feme Sole Merchant. Declarations and Pleas, &c. of Divorces, &c. The Second Edition, with large Additions. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Printer Compendious and Accurate Treatise of Fines and Recoveries. Vol. II. Containing a Compleat Collection of Choice Precedents for Fines upon Writs of Covenant, and Common Recoveries upon Writs of Entry in the Post, in all Cases; Whereby Lands may be Settled, 1. In the Crown, to preserve the same in the Name and Blood to the utmost Posterity: Or, 2. The same may be transferred from one Person to another, in Fee-simple, Fee-tail, for Life or Years: Or, 3. Annuities, or Rent charges, may be granted thereby in Fee, in Tail, for Life or Years: And, 4. Any other Estate may be raised thereby, which can be done by Deed of Conveyance at Common Law. To which Precedents are prefixt two Discourses of the Nature and Operation of, and the Use and Practice relating to, Fines and Recoveries, deduced from Experience, and the best Authors both Ancient and Modern upon the Subject. The second edition, very much corrected and amended. By W. Brown, a Clerk of the Court of Common-Pleas. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Brown , William (Author)
Printer English liberties, or the free-born subject's inheritance; containing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, the statute De Tallagio non concedendo, the Habea Corpus act, and several other statutes; with comments on each of them. Likewise. The Proceedings in Appeals of Murder: Of Ship-Money; Of Tonnage and Poundage. Of Parliaments, and the Qualification and Choice of Members: Of the Three Estates, and of the Settlement of the Crown by Parliament. Together with a Short History of the Succession, not by any Hereditary Right: Also a Declaration of the Liberties of the Subject: And of the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy. The Petition of Right; with a short but impartial Relation of the Difference between Charles I. and the Long Parliament, concerning the Prerogative of the King, the Liberties of the Subject, and the Rise of the Civil Wars. Of Trials by Juries, and of the Qualifications of Jurors; their Punishment for Misbehaviour, and of Challenges to them. Lastly, Of Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Constables. Church-Wardens, Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways, &c. With many Law-Cases throughout the Whole. Compiled first by Henry Care, and now continued, with large additions, by W. N. of the Middle-Temple, Esq; The Fourth Edition. Nelson , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Care , Henry (Author)
Printer Lex constitutionis: or, the gentleman's law being, a compleat treatise of all the laws and statutes relating to the King, and the Prerogative of the Crown; the Nobility, and House of Lords; House of Commons; Officers of State; the Exchequer and Treasury; Commissioners and Officers of the Customs; of the Excise; of the Post-Office; Stamp-Office; Forfeited Estates; Publick Accounts; the Navy-Office; War-Office; Lieutenancy of Counties; Justices of Peace, &c. Wherein near one hundred authors of the best Reputation, both ancient and modern, on the Subject, have been consulted, and are referr'd to. And also, an introduction to the common law of England, with Respect to Tenures of Lands, Descents, Marriage-Contracts, Coverture, &c. Of Property, Creation and Forfeiture of Estates; Trials of Offenders, Courts at Westminster, &c. To which are added, under their proper Heads, The Manner of Passing Bills in both Houses of Parliament, the Judicature of the Lords; Variety of adjudg'd Cases; and some curious History of Antiquity. By G. Jacob, Gent. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer Modern cases, argued and adjudged in the Court of Queen's Bench at Westminster, in the second and third years of Queen Anne, in the time when Sir John Holt late Chief Justice there. With two tables: the first, of the names of the cases: And the Other, of the special Matter therein contained. By a careful hand. The Second Edition. Review'd and Corrected, and Many thousand New and Proper References added. By W. B. Esq; Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
B. , W. (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 1 more.
Printer Reports and pleadings of cases in assise, for offices, nusances, lands and tenements; shewing the manner of proceeding in assises of novel disseisin, from the Original to the Judgment and Execution; as well where the Demandant and Tenant appear, as where either of them makes Default: Nothing of this Kind being ever before published. With Observations on every Case, very necessary for all Clerks of Assise, Attorneys, &c. To which are added writs of assise, By John Lilly Gent. Author of the Practical Conveyancer. To which is added, a prefatory discourse, shewing the nature of this action, and reasons for putting it in practice. Lilly , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer Riders (1719.) British Merlin: ... by Cardanus Riders. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer Tables of all the cases printed in the books of reports, digested under proper heads. To which is added, the names of all the cases in an alphabetical order. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The first part of the institutes of the laws of England: or, a commentary upon littleton, not the name of the author only, but of the law it self. Hœc ego grandœvus posui tibi, candide lector, Authore Edwardo Coke, milite. Also three learned tracts of the same author: the first, his reading upon the 27th of Edward the first, entituled, the statute of levying fines: the second, of Bail and mainprize: and the third, his compleat copyholder. The eleventh edition, (carefully corrected from the many errors of the former impressions) to which is added, the treatise of the old tenures of the laws of England: with two new tables; and many references to the modern law cases, never printed before, and distinguished from the old references by this mark Coke , Edward (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The justice of peace his companion: or, a summary of all the Acts of Parliament; whereby one, two, or more justices of the peace, are authorized to act, not only in, but out of the Sessions of the Peace. With an exact alphabetical table. By Samuel Blackerby, of Grays-Inn, Esq; The fourth edition, continued to the end of the last session of Parliament, April 18. 1719. Blackerby , Samuel (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The justice of peace's vade mecum: being a compleat summary of all the acts of Parliament relating to justices of peace; shewing the various penalties of offences by statute, and the particular power of one, two, or more Justices, in their proceedings and determinations, as well as out of sessions, under several distinct Heads. To which are added, some adjudged cases concerning justices of peace, and the several branches of their business; Instructions for drawing all manner of warrants, and Precedents of Warrants, Commitments, &c. in all common Matters. The whole done in an alphabetical method, with an exact table. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Printer The law against bankrupts: or, a treatise wherein the statutes against bankrupts are explain'd by several cases, resolutions, judgments, and decrees, both at common law, and in chancery. Together with the learnings of declarations and pleadings relating thereunto. ... To which is now added, an appendix of all the statutes relating to the year 1719. By Tho. Goodinge, ... The Third Edition. Goodinge , Thomas (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The law military; or a methodical collection of all the laws and statutes relating to the armies and soldiery of Great Britain: and also to the Navy-Royal, Cruisers, Convoys, Privateers, &c. under proper Hands, down to this Time. With an introduction to the art of war, both in the Camp and the Siege: Articles for the better Government of the British Government of the British Forces by Land and Sea, &c. and the statutes concerning Greenwich Hospital. The whole contained in two parts. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The laws of appeals and murder: containing I. The nature of appeals in general; ... II. Of appeals and murder, ... III. Of maihem, rape, &c. ... IV. Latin precedents in the whole course of appeals, ... Compil'd from the manuscripts of an eminent practicer late of Lincoln's Inn, deceased. By G. Jacob, Gent. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The laws of appeals and murder: containing I. The nature of appeals in general; how commenced, and by whom prosecured in all Cases. II. Of Appeals and Murder, Manslaughter, &c. wherein are explained in numerous Instances, and adjudged Cases, Malice prepensed, the Laws of Duelling, Murder in Arrests, Riots, &c. Commanding to Kill, Intentions of Killing, Poisoning, Petit Treason, Stabbing, Justifiable Homicide, Homicide Excusable, &c. And also of Indictments for Murder, with a very great Variety of Select Precedents. III. Of Maihem, Rape, &c. The Laws and Statutes concerning them, and Appeals on those Heads; illustrated in several extraordinary Modern Cases, particularly of Rape: And Proceedings on Appeals of Murder, &c. With particular Directions for the entire Management of that Business. IV. Latin precedents in the whole course of appeals, (viz.) Original Writs. Declarations, Pleadings, Certiorars's ad Removend. &c. The Pleadings perused and approved by Sir Peter King, present Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Mr. Eyre, now one of the Justices of the King's Bench, and other celebrated Counsels. Compil'd from the manuscripts of an eminent practiser late of Lincoln's Inn, deceased. deceased. By G. Jacob, Gent. To which is added, an appeal of murder brough by Henry Young against Christopher Slaterford for the Murder of his Sister, tried at the Queen's Bench Bar, where the Defendant was convicted, and was afterwards executed at Guilford in the County of Surrey. Anno 8 Annae Reg. 1709. Also An Appeal brought by Reeves against Trindle who was Accessary to the Murder of a Custom-House-Officer on the Coast of Sussex and convicted. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The practical conveyancer: in two parts. Part I. Containing rules and instructions for drawing all sorts of conveyances of estates and interests, whether Real or Personal, in Possession or Expectancy. Also Particular Rules for the Exposition of Deeds, Wills, &c. and of Words used in Conveyances. Together With The Resolutions of the several Courts at Westminster, in Cases wherein Difficulties have arisen touching the Words and Clauses in Deeds, Devises, &c. The whole extracted by Way of Abridgment from the Reports at large of the said Cases, and alphabetically digested under proper Heads. Part II. Being the first part reduced into practice, in a select collection of precedents, viz. Marriage-Settlements, Bargains and Sales, Leases, Leases and Releases, Deeds of Copartnership, of Exchange, of Release and Confirmation; Mortgages, Surrenders, Wills, Letters of Attorney, Assignments of Stocks and Exchequer Annuities, Ecclesiastical Instruments, &c. By John Lilly, Gent. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Lilly , John (Author)
Printer The practical register: or, a general abridgment of the law, as it is now practised in the several courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, digested by way of Common-place, under Alphabetical heads, with a great variety of Cases extracted from the Reports. Together with all the modern rules of court brought down to this present year 1719. In two volumes. To which are added, Two TABLES: One of the several Acts of Parliament mention'd and explain'd throughout this whole Work. The Other, of the Names of the several Heads contained in each Volume. By John Lilly, Gent, Lilly , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The statute-Law common-plac'd: or, a second general table to the statutes. Containing the purport and effect of all the acts of Parliament in force from Magna Charta down to this time, in a Method perfectly New and Regular; with the numerous Proviso's and additional Clauses inserted under their proper Titles. The Whole Very useful to Counsellors, Attorneys, Sollicitors, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Coroners, Clergymen, Merchants, and all Trading Persons. By G. Jacob, Gent. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer Modern reports: or, select cases adjudged in the courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, since the Restoration of ... Charles II. The third edition, carefully revised; ... Collected by a careful hand. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Printer Reports of cases and special arguments, argued and adjudged in the court of King's Bench, beginning in Easter term the thirtieth of King Charles the Second, and ending in Easter Term the third of King James the Second. With many marginal notes and references: with two complete tables, ... By Sir Benjamin Shower, ... Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Shower , Bartholomew (Author)
Printer Riders (1720.) British Merlin: ... by Cardanus Riders. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The compleat Parish-officer; Containing I. The authority and proceedings of high-constables, petty-constables, headboroughs, and tithingmen, in every branch of their duties, pursuant to acts of Parliament; with the high constable's precepts, presentments, warrants, &c. II. Of churchwardens; how chosen, their particular business in repairing of churches, bells, &c. and assigning of seats: the manner of passing their accompts, and the laws and statutes concerning the churchin all cases and also an abstract of the act for building fifty new churches in London and Westminister, &c. III. Of overseers of the poor, and their office; their power in relieving, employing, and settling, &c of poor persons; the laws relating to the poor and settlements, and the statutes concerning masters and servants. IV. Of surveyors of the highways and scavengers how elected, their business in amending the ways, &c. and the duty of others; with the methods of taxation, laws of the highways, &c. To which are added, the statutes relating to hackney-coaches and chairs, &c. The Second Edition with Additions. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The fifth and last part of Modern reports: being a continuation of several special cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, In the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, l0th, and 11th Years of the Reign of the late King William; and Judgments thereupon. Together with Special Pleadings to most of the said Cases. None of them ever printed before. Collected by the same hand as the former parts. The Second Edition carefully revised, with the addition of some thousands of notes. Great Britain , Court of King's Bench (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The gentleman's assistant, tradesman's lawyer, and country-man's friend. I. Directing them in Contracts, Bargains and Agreements, whereby they may learn to buy and contract safely, and cautiously avoid being over-reached in their Bargains, &c. II. Concerning borrowing, lending and restoring, and of Goods pledged and pawned. III. Setting forth several other adjudged Cases relating to Tradesmen, &c. IV. Cases relating to Farmers, and concerning Stoppage of Ways, Water-Courses, Lights, Commons, and several other Nusances. V. Concerning scandalous Words, purposely spoken to the Prejudice of a Man, &c. VI. Concerning Leases, Mortgages, Corn, Waste, Distresses, &c. Also many other matters relating to Landlord and Tenant. Vii. Concerning discharging and ending of Actions, Suits and Controversies, and therein largely concerning Arbitrements, Awards and Umpirage, with all their Circumstances. Viii. Certain Statute-Laws, concerning Labourers, Tradesmen, Artificers, Apprentices, Petty Chapmen, &c. Collected from the ancient and modern law-books, and confirmed by several Authorities; and therefore may be useful as well to the Professors of the Law, as to Gentlemen, Tradesmen and others. The third edition, corrected and enlarged with an appendix and many other proper Additions; with a Table to the Whole. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The justice's law: being a compendious abstract of the most material parts of the acts of Parliament in force, from Magna Charta to this time, wherein justices of the peace have a power of acting. ... Alphabetically done, with a table for that purpose. By H. L'Estrange, ... one of his Majesty's justice's of the peace for the county of Suffolk. Great Britain , (Author)
L'Estrange , Hamon (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)

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"Elizabeth Nutt [Savoy]." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6013, Accessed 2024-12-18.

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