ID 6677
Name Robert Gosling
Gender Male
Street Address Crown and Mitre, Fleet Street at the Middle Temple Gate
City London
Start Date 1707
End Date 1741
Sources British Book Trade Index 27984
Notes Assigned part of John Nutt's patent for law books after Nutt's death. Frequently in partnership with Richard and Elizabeth Nutt.


Displaying 26–50 of 136

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Printer Legal provisions for the poor. 1. of the several sorts of poor. 2, of rates and taxes for the relief of the poor. 3. Of binding poor children apprentices. 4. Where the poor shall be reliev'd by their relations. 5. Of work-houses, and houses of correction. 6. Of settlements, removals, and orders of the justices, both in and out of sessions. 7. Of the relief of bastard-children, and punishment of their reputed parents. 8. Of rogues, vagrants, and passing them to their respective habitations. 9. Of providing houses for poor people. 10. Of the general privy search. 11. Precedents of orders, warrants, &c. Wherein the statutes and resolutions of the judges on these subjects, are consider'd and explain'd. By S. C. of the Inner-Temple, Esq; The Fourth Edition, in which are added all the late Statutes and Resolutions relating to the poor, down to the present Year, 1718. Carter , Samuel (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer Lex mercatoria: or, the merchant's companion. Containing all the laws and statutes relating to merchandize. Wherein our trade with foreign nations is illustrated; Our Trade in general amongst our selves explained, with what belongs to particular Companies, and incorporated Bodies; the several Charters by which they are establish'd, and all Maritime Affairs, in the Way of Traffick, are concisely treated of, under the Heads of Merchants and Owners of Ships, Masters, Mariners, Pilots, Freight, and Charter-parties of Affreightment, Insurance, Bottomry, Customs, Ports of Loading and Unloading, Wrecks, Factors, Planters and Plantations, Letters of Marque and Reprisal, Privateers, Piracy, Treaties of Commerce, Exchange, &c. With an introduction, setting forth the Laws, of Nature and of Nations, Dominion of the Seas, &c. Some curious and useful History, and Variety of Special Cases and Determinations interspers'd thro' the Whole. To which is added, in proper places, the best adapted presidents of instruments and writings us'd in all cases relating to trade. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer Tenants law: or, the laws concerning landlords, tenants, and farmers. (viz.) 1. Of the several Kinds of Tenures, as well Freehold as Copyhold. 2. Of Leases, Covenants, Surrenders, Assignments, &c. 3. Of Rent: Acceptance and Extinguishment thereof. 4. Of Crops growing, and Trees blown down, &c. who are entitled to them. 5. Of Distresses, Replevins, and Rescous. 6. Of Waste in Buildings, Lands, Woods, &c. whether voluntary or permissive. 7. Of Common for Cattle. 8. Of Frauds in buying and selling Lands or Goods. 9. Of Trespasses and Nusances. 10. Of the late Act to prevent Fires; and Rules to be observed in erecting of new Buildings about London. Useful for all Landlords, Tenants, Farmers, Stewards, Agents, Solicitors, and others, concerned in the buying, selling or letting of estates. The seventh edition. In which are added all such Acts of Parliament and Resolutions as relate to these Subjects, down to the present year 1718. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The compleat Parish-officer; Containing I. The authority and proceedings of high-constables, petty-constables, headboroughs, and tithingmen, in every branch of their duties, pursuant to acts of Parliament; with the high constable's precepts, presentments, warrants, &c. II. Of churchwardens; how chosen, their particular business in repairing of churches, bells, &c. and assigning of seats: the manner of passing their accompts, and the laws and statutes concerning the church in all cases and also an abstract of the act for building fifty new churches. III. Of overseers of the poor, and their office; their power in relieving, employing, and settling, &c of poor persons; the laws relating to the poor and settlements, and the statutes concerning masters and servants. IV. Of surveyors of the highways and scavengers how elected, their business in amending the ways, &c. and the duty of others; with the methods of taxation, laws of the highways. To which are added, the statutes relating to hackney-coaches and chairs. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The compleat sportsman. In three parts. Part I. Containing the nature and various kinds of game, under their several Denominations, with the best Methods of taking the same, by Shooting, Hunting, Dogs, Nets, and otherwise; and the Laws and Statutes made for Preservation of the Game, with Warrants to impower Game-Keepers, &c. Part II. Of the best Situations and Methods of erecting and Management of Parks, Warrens, &c. Of Hunting the Buck, Doe, &c. And a concise Abridgment of the Forest-Laws, and of all the Laws and Statutes relating to Deer: Methodically interspersed with Precedents of Warrants for Deer, &c. Part III. Of fish and fishing; the most successful Methods of Angling; the only proper Baits, Tackle and agreeable Seasons for taking all Sorts of Fish; and the Rivers wherein they are to be found; with the Statutes relating to Fishing, &c. Jacob , Giles (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The game-Law. Part II. Being an explanation of the acts of Parliament, Recited in the first part, for Preservation of the Game of this Kingdom. And containing a Summary of the Laws relating to Forests, Chases, Parks, and Warrens; and a Collection of all the adjudged Cases and Resolutions out of the several Books of Reports relating to the Game; with the Arguments and Pleadings thereon, shewing how the Statutes have been altered or supplied: Likewise Actions on the Case, with Declarations and Pleadings on such Actions; and Precedents of Presentments, Grants, Licences, Leases of Warrens, Indictments, Informations, &c. The Second Edition, with Additions. Great Britain , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The law-French dictionary alphabetically digested; very useful for all young students in the common laws of England. To which is added, the Law-Latin dictionary: Being An Alphabetical Collection of such Law-Latin Words as are found in several Authentic Manuscripts, and Printed Books of Precedents, whereby Entering Clerks, and others, may be furnished with fit and proper Words, in a Common Law Sense, for any thing they shall have occasion to make use of, in drawing Declarations, or any parts of Pleading. Also, a more Compendious and Accurate Exposition of the Terms of the Common Law (interspers'd throughout) than any hitherto extant, containing many important Words of Art used in Law-Books. The second edition, corrected and enlarg’d. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The law-Latin dictionary: being an alphabetical collection of such law-Latin words as are found in several authentic manuscripts and printed books of precedents; being an alphabetical collection of such law-Latin words as are found in several authentic manuscripts and printed books of precedents; whereby entering clerks and others, may be furnished with fit and proper words in a common law sense, for any thing they have occasion to make use of, in drawing declarations, or any parts of pleading : also, a more compendious and accurate exposition of the terms of the common law (interspersed throughout) than any hitherto extant; containing many important words of art used in law-books. The second edition, corrected and enlarg’d. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The laws concerning the poor: or, a compleat treatise of the common and statute law, relating to the relief, settlement, punishment, &c. of the poor. Digested under proper Heads, (viz.) l. Of the Power of Church-wardens and overseers . 2. The various kinds of Settlements. 3. Of Rates and Taxes for Debtors. Relief of the Poor. 4. Of Bastards, how to be Provided for, and Punishment of their Reputed parents. 5. Of the Relief of the Poor by their Relations. 6. Of the Relief of Impotent poor by Alms, and by providing of Habitations for them. 7. Of the Poor in time of the Plague. 8. Of the Relief of Prisoners, as well Criminals as Debtors. 9. Of Work-Houses, and Houses of Correction. 10. Of Apprentices, Labourers, Servants, &c. 11. Of Rogues, Vagrants, &c. and their Punishments. The Appendix, containing the Judges Resolutions on several Points relating to the Poor. Wherein are explained all the Statutes relating to the Poor, down to the present Year 1718. To which are added all the Precedents proper for such a Treatise. The third edition, very much enlarged. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The laws concerning travelling, &c. Viz. 1. Robbery. 2. Of such accidents as the traveller is liable to upon the road. 3. What satisfaction he shall have where he suffers by bad ways; and of Trespass to avoid them. 4. Of land-carriage, and where carriers are responsible for Goods delivered them. 5. Of Innkeepers, and the remedies against their Extortions, and where they are answerable for the Goods of their Guests. 6. Of Water-Carriage; and therein of Importation and Exportation of Merchandize. 7. Of negotiating Bills of exchange. 8. Of the Currency of Money. 9. Of the laws for regulating Hackney Coaches, Chairs, Chairmen, and Watermen in and about London. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)
Printer The militia law, being all the Acts of Parliament thereof, methodically digested. Shewing under proper heads, and in the full words of the said acts the several powers of the King, Lord Lieutenant, and Deputies, one, two or three, therein: And the Qualifications and Duty of all Persons chargeable, and charged, or otherwise employed in the said Service. Also The Ordinance of the Lords and Commons made in the Year 1660, for raising of 70000 l. per Month, &c. Being out of Print, and containing the Rules and Directions to be observed in raising Trophy Money, and necessary Instructions to the Assessors and Collectors of the said Tax. The whole of great Use to the Honourable Lieutenancies, and to all Landlords, Tenants and others concerned in the Militia, to prevent Abuses in the same. Hardesty , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the Yearbooks and Abridgements. With a new and exact table of the most Material Things contained therein. The sixth edition, carefully corrected from the errors of the former Impressions. Fitzherbert , Anthony (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Unknown , (Translator)
Printer The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the Yearbooks and Abridgements. With a new and exact table of the most Material Things contained therein. The sixth edition, carefully corrected from the errors of the former Impressions. Unknown , (Translator)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Fitzherbert , Anthony (Author)
Printer The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Whereunto are added, The Authorities in Law, and some other Cases and word collected by the Translator out of the Year-Books and Abridgments. With A New and Exact Table of the most Material Things contained therein. The Sixth Edition, carefully corrected from the Errors of the former Impressions. Fitzherbert , Anthony (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The office and authority of a justice of peace: collected out of all the books, whether of common or statute law, hitherto written on that subject. Shewing also the Duty of Constables, Commissioners of Sewers, Coroners, Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways, Church-Wardens, and other Parish-Officers: Digested under alphabetical titles. To which are added, Precedents of Indictments and Warrants, Never before Printed. Very useful for Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Sheriffs, Clerks of the Assizes, and of the Peace, and all others concern'd in such Matters. The sixth edition, corrected, amended, and continued down to this present year 1718. By W. Nelson, of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Nelson , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer The reports and entries of Sir Edward Lutwyche, Serjeant at Law, and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The several cases therein are truly stated upon the respective Pleadings and Entries, in English. Also Every Citation in the Report is carefully examin'd by the Law-Books to which they refer, and where they agree, and where they differ from the Point in Question made appear; and those ranged in that Order as in many Places to form an Argument where there was none before; with large Observations. Likewise Many obsolete Words and difficult Sentences are explain'd; which are printed in a different Character. Composed in a plain and easy method, and made very useful for Students and Practisers of the Common Law. By W. Nelson of the Middle-Temple, Esq; Nelson , William (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas (Author)
Printer The reports of the resolutions of the court on divers exceptions taken to pleadings, and other matters in law ; arising (for the most part) in the Court of Common Pleas, between the 34th year of King Charles II. and the 2d year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne. And some Observations on several of the precedents, as well as those which were never debated in court, as on many others. With Two tables: One of the names of the cases, and the other of the Matters contain'd in them. Printed in French by Sir Edward Lutwyche, late one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas; and allow'd and approv'd of the Lord Keeper, and by all the Reverend Judges. Now faithfully translated into English: Together with an abstract of the Pleadings to which the said Reports and Observations relate, with references to the Pages in the Original. In two volumes. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Great Britain , Court of Common Pleas (Author)
Unknown , (Author)
Printer The second charge of Whitelocke Bulstrode, Esq; to the Grand Jury and Other juries of the County of Middlesex, at the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, held the Ninth of Day of October, 1718. at Westminster-Hall. Printed at the Desire of the Justices of the Peace for the County, and of the Grand Jury. Bulstrode , Whitelocke (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer Trials per pais. Or The law of England concerning juries by nisi prius, &c. With a compleat treatise of the law of evidence, Precedents, and forms of Challenges, Demurrers upon Evidence, Bills of Exception, pleas puis le darrais continuance, &c. The fifth edition with large additions. To which are added, Such resolutions and acts of parliament, as have made any alteration in the laws relating to Trials by juries, down to this present year 1718. and the whole put into such a method as may render it most useful and easy to the practiser. Together with a new and exact table to the whole matter. Very useful and necessary to all lawyers, attorneys and other practisers, especially at the assizes. By GIles Duncombe late, of the Inner-Temple Esq; Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Duncombe , Giles (Author)
Publisher The laws concerning the poor: or, a compleat treatise of the common and statute law, relating to the relief, settlement, punishment, &c. of the poor. Digested under proper Heads, (viz.) l. Of the Power of Church-wardens and overseers . 2. The various kinds of Settlements. 3. Of Rates and Taxes for Debtors. Relief of the Poor. 4. Of Bastards, how to be Provided for, and Punishment of their Reputed parents. 5. Of the Relief of the Poor by their Relations. 6. Of the Relief of Impotent poor by Alms, and by providing of Habitations for them. 7. Of the Poor in time of the Plague. 8. Of the Relief of Prisoners, as well Criminals as Debtors. 9. Of Work-Houses, and Houses of Correction. 10. Of Apprentices, Labourers, Servants, &c. 11. Of Rogues, Vagrants, &c. and their Punishments. The Appendix, containing the Judges Resolutions on several Points relating to the Poor. Wherein are explained all the Statutes relating to the Poor, down to the present Year 1718. To which are added all the Precedents proper for such a Treatise. The third edition, very much enlarged. Unknown , (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Publisher The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the Yearbooks and Abridgements. With a new and exact table of the most Material Things contained therein. The sixth edition, carefully corrected from the errors of the former Impressions. Fitzherbert , Anthony (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Unknown , (Translator)
Publisher The new natura brevium of the most Reverend Judge, Mr. Anthony Fitz-Herbert. Whereunto are added, the authorities in law, and some other cases and notes collected by the translator out of the Yearbooks and Abridgements. With a new and exact table of the most Material Things contained therein. The sixth edition, carefully corrected from the errors of the former Impressions. Unknown , (Translator)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Fitzherbert , Anthony (Author)
Publisher The second charge of Whitelocke Bulstrode, Esq; to the Grand Jury and Other juries of the County of Middlesex, at the General Quarter-Sessions of the Peace, held the Ninth of Day of October, 1718. at Westminster-Hall. Printed at the Desire of the Justices of the Peace for the County, and of the Grand Jury. Bulstrode , Whitelocke (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Printer An abridgment of the first part of my Ld Coke's Institutes; with some additions, explaining many of the difficult cases, and shewing in what Points the Law has been altered by the late Resolutions and Acts of Parliament. The Third Edition Corrected. Coke , Edward (Author)
Hawkins , William (Editor)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer Baron and feme. A treatise of the common law concerning husbands and wives. Wherein is contained The Nature of a Feme Covert, and of Marriages, Bastardy, the Privileges of Feme Coverts: What Alterations are made by Marriage as to Estates, Leases, Goods and Actions. What Things of the Wife accrue to the Husband by the Intermarriage, or not. What Acts, Charges, Forfeitures by the Husband, shall bind the Wife after his Death, or not. Of Jointures and Pleadings, Fines and Recovery, Conveyances, and other Law Titles relating to Baron and Feme. Of Wills, and Feme Covert being Executrix. Of the Wife's Separate Disposition and Maintenance. What amounts to the Disposition of the Wife's Term by the Husband. Of. Actions brought by or against Baron and Feme. What Actions done, or Contracts made by the Wife, shall bind her Husband. Of Indictments and Informations against them. Of Baron and Feme's Joinder in Action. Of a Feme Sole Merchant. Declarations and Pleas, &c. of Divorces, &c. The Second Edition, with large Additions. Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Unknown , (Author)

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"Robert Gosling" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 6677, Accessed 2024-10-17.

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