ID 7052
Name John Applebee
Gender Male
Street Address A little below Bridewell Bridge in Black Fryers
City London
Start Date 1711
End Date 1750
Sources British Book Trade Index 1508


Displaying 1–25 of 25

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller All for the better; or, the world turn'd up-side down. Being the history of the head-longs and the long-heads, with several characters of both, in the following six novels, viz. I. The fruitless scandal. II. The dutiful son. III. The Penitent Miser. IV. Chastity Rewarded. V. Avarice Punished. VI. The fantastic ambition. Intermingled with various Discourses and a Candid Examination, and Censure of the management and Conduct of the Directors of the South-Sea Company; with infallible Rules, how those who have been Gainers by it, may preserve their Gains; and how the Losers may infallably and amply retrieve their Losses. To which is added, by way of a postscript: The Woolfe strip'd of his Sheeps Clothing; or, the Fox-Hunter [Uncaied]; being some short Reflections on the Ten Queries propos'd to the Directors of the South-Sea Company by an annonimous member of Parliament. Gildon , Charles (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Bookseller The state of the case, between the Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty's houshold, and Sir Richard Steele as represented by that Knight. Restated, in vindication of King George, and the most noble the Duke of Newcastle. With a true copy of King Charles's patent, to Sir William D'Avenant, for erecting a play-house, &c. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Printer All for the better; or, the world turn'd up-side down. Being the history of the head-longs and the long-heads, with several characters of both, in the following six novels, viz. I. The fruitless scandal. II. The dutiful son. III. The Penitent Miser. IV. Chastity Rewarded. V. Avarice Punished. VI. The fantastic ambition. Intermingled with various Discourses and a Candid Examination, and Censure of the management and Conduct of the Directors of the South-Sea Company; with infallible Rules, how those who have been Gainers by it, may preserve their Gains; and how the Losers may infallably and amply retrieve their Losses. To which is added, by way of a postscript: The Woolfe strip'd of his Sheeps Clothing; or, the Fox-Hunter [Uncaied]; being some short Reflections on the Ten Queries propos'd to the Directors of the South-Sea Company by an annonimous member of Parliament. Gildon , Charles (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Printer The state of the case, between the Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty's houshold, and Sir Richard Steele as represented by that Knight. Restated, in vindication of King George, and the most noble the Duke of Newcastle. With a true copy of King Charles's patent, to Sir William D'Avenant, for erecting a play-house, &c. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher Matter of fact; or, the Arraignment and Tryal of the Di-----------rs of the S---- S--- Company, With The Pleadings of the Counsel on both sides. Counsel against the Prisoners. Coun. for the Prisoners. Counsellor Crambo, Counsellor Clamour, Counsellor Query, Counsellor Trifle, Mr Serjeant Rumour, Philopatris. Judges of the Bench. Truth, Justice, Reason, Being the substance of all that has been Written, Pro and Con, in this mighty Controversy about the South-Sea Stock. Dedicated to the losers. Unknown , [Man] (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher Bribery in perfection; or, A nation sold, with the exemplary punishment, and terrible fate, of the guilty and their families; being fresh advices from the new Atlantis. Written in French by the famous Madam Dunois, author of the ladies travels into Spain. In this Account is not only shewn the Vices, Follies, and Corruptions of the People of Atalantis in General, but the Particular Characters of the Great Men, who were found Guilty and Punished. d'Aulnoy , Marie-Catherine (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Bookseller The life of Catherine Hayes. Giving a true and perfect account of her parantage, ... the pretended reasons and motives that induc'd her with Thomas Wood and Thomas Billings to murder her husband; ... To which is added, the lives of Thomas Wood and Thomas Billings. ... Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Printer The life of Catherine Hayes. Giving a true and perfect account of her parantage, ... the pretended reasons and motives that induc'd her with Thomas Wood and Thomas Billings to murder her husband; ... To which is added, the lives of Thomas Wood and Thomas Billings. ... Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Bookseller An old maid's fortune: or, the bride at her wits-end. A burlesque poem, occasion'd by the reading of Hans Carvell. Humbly inscrib'd to the three sisters F---------ns. Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Ruffle , Thomas (Author)
Bookseller The life of Martin Bellamy; with an account of all the several street robberies, burglaries, forgeries, and other crimes by him committed. Also the method practised by himself, and his companions, in the perpetration thereof. Necessary to be perus'd by all Persons, in order to prevent their being Robb'd for the future. Dictated by himself in Newgate, and Publish'd at his Request, for the Benefit of the Publick. Bellamy , Martin (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Printer The life of Martin Bellamy; with an account of all the several street robberies, burglaries, forgeries, and other crimes by him committed. Also the method practised by himself, and his companions, in the perpetration thereof. Necessary to be perus'd by all Persons, in order to prevent their being Robb'd for the future. Dictated by himself in Newgate, and Publish'd at his Request, for the Benefit of the Publick. Bellamy , Martin (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Bookseller A genuine narrative of the memorable life and actions of John Dyer, (who was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 21st day of November, 1729.) containing, a particular relation of all the notorious and surprising facts by him committed for the Space of Fifteen Years past, as Petty Larcenys, Fellonies, Burglaries, Housebreakings, Shopliftings, Street and Highway-Robberies, Rapes, Cheats, &c. Wrote by himself, when under condemnation in Newgate, and Publish'd at his Earnest Request, for the Benefit of the Publick, in Order to prevent the Perpetration of the many Villanies which are daily committed In and About this Metropolis. Dyer , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Printer A genuine narrative of the memorable life and actions of John Dyer, (who was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 21st day of November, 1729.) containing, a particular relation of all the notorious and surprising facts by him committed for the Space of Fifteen Years past, as Petty Larcenys, Fellonies, Burglaries, Housebreakings, Shopliftings, Street and Highway-Robberies, Rapes, Cheats, &c. Wrote by himself, when under condemnation in Newgate, and Publish'd at his Earnest Request, for the Benefit of the Publick, in Order to prevent the Perpetration of the many Villanies which are daily committed In and About this Metropolis. Dyer , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Bookseller A genuine narrative of the memorable life and actions of John Everett, who formerly kept the Cock Ale-House in the Old-Bailey; and lately the Tap in the Fleet-Prison, and was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 20th day of February, 1729-30. To which is added, his humble address (by way of letter) to Mrs. Martha Ellis and Mrs Manly, whom he Robb'd, and for which he was Condemn'd. And likewise his letter to his brother's master, a Chair-Maker, &c. Written by himself when under Condemnation, and in his Cell in Newgate, and Publish'd at his own Request. Everett , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Printer A genuine narrative of the memorable life and actions of John Everett, who formerly kept the Cock Ale-House in the Old-Bailey; and lately the Tap in the Fleet-Prison, and was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 20th day of February, 1729-30. To which is added, his humble address (by way of letter) to Mrs. Martha Ellis and Mrs Manly, whom he Robb'd, and for which he was Condemn'd. And likewise his letter to his brother's master, a Chair-Maker, &c. Written by himself when under Condemnation, and in his Cell in Newgate, and Publish'd at his own Request. Everett , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
and 2 more.
Bookseller A compleat and genuine account of the life and actions of Joseph Powis, convicted at the sessions-house in the Old-Bailey, for burglary, September, the sixth, 1732. Executed at Tyburn, on Monday, the ninth of October. Likewise, Some Letters, by Way of Address, which he sent to the Mistress of his Affections. Faithfully collected and Written by Himself. To which is added, His Effigy, drawn by Himself, during his Confinement in the Cells. Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 2 more.
Printer A compleat and genuine account of the life and actions of Joseph Powis, convicted at the sessions-house in the Old-Bailey, for burglary, September, the sixth, 1732. Executed at Tyburn, on Monday, the ninth of October. Likewise, Some Letters, by Way of Address, which he sent to the Mistress of his Affections. Faithfully collected and Written by Himself. To which is added, His Effigy, drawn by Himself, during his Confinement in the Cells. Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 2 more.
Bookseller A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
Bookseller A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole. Cowley , John (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
Bookseller A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 6 more.
Printer A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
Printer A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 6 more.
Printer A description of the windward passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also An account of the Trade-Winds, and of the variable Winds and Currents on the Coasts thereabouts, at different Seasons of the Year. Illustrated with a chart of the Coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller Islands, Shoals, Rocks, and other remarkable Things in the Course of the Navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, The Precariousness of those Voyages to the West-India Merchants, and the Impossibility of their Homeward-Bound Ships keeping clear of the Spanish Guarda Costa's The Whole very necessary for the Information of such as never were in those Parts of the World. To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. Note, at the End of this Treatise is a General Index of the names, with a Description of the Situations of all the Islands, &c. which are contained in the annexed Chart, distinguished by numerical References to each other. Likewise an Alphabetical Catalogue of the same Names alone, with the like numerical References, the Uses of which are mention'd at the End of the Whole. Cowley , John (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd II , Anne (Bookseller)
and 6 more.
Bookseller A description of the Windward Passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also an account of the trade winds, and of the variable winds and currents on the coasts thereabouts, at different seasons of the year. Illustrated with a chart of the coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller islands, shoals, rocks, and other remarkable things in the course of the navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, ... To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. ... To which is now annexed, a very remarkable letter, ... By the late John Cowley, geographer to His Majesty. The fourth edition with additions. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 4 more.
Printer A description of the Windward Passage, and Gulf of Florida, with the course of the British trading-ships to, and from the island of Jamaica. Also an account of the trade winds, and of the variable winds and currents on the coasts thereabouts, at different seasons of the year. Illustrated with a chart of the coast of Florida, and of the Islands of Bahama, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the adjacent smaller islands, shoals, rocks, and other remarkable things in the course of the navigation in the West-Indies. Whereby is demonstrated, ... To which are added, some proposals for the better securing of the British trade and navigation to and from the West-Indies. ... To which is now annexed, a very remarkable letter, ... By the late John Cowley, geographer to His Majesty. The fourth edition with additions. Cowley , John (Author)
Nutt , Elizabeth (Printer)
Cooke , Elizabeth (Printer)
and 4 more.

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"John Applebee" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 7052, Accessed 2025-03-26.

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