ID 712
Name W. Bulmer and Co.
Gender Unknown
Street Address Shakespeare Printing Office, 3 Russell Court, Cleveland Row
City London
Start Date 1792
End Date 1819


Displaying 1–15 of 15

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Poems and fugitive pieces, by Eliza. Broughton , Eliza (Author)
Printer Prospectus of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, incorporated by charter MDCCC. Patron, the King. With a copy of the charter, and a list of the subscribers. Unknown , (Author)
Vernor , Ann (Bookseller)
Printer A Companion and Useful Guide to the Beauties in the Western Highlands of Scotland, and in the Hebrides: To which is added, a description of part of the main land of Scotland, and of the isles of Mull, Ulva, Staffa, I-Columbkill, Tirii, Coll, Eigg, Skye, Raza, and Scalpa. By the Hon. Mrs. Murray, of Kensington. Vol. II. Murray , Sarah (Author)
Printer A Companion and Useful Guide to the Beauties in the Western Highlands of Scotland, and the Hebrides. To which is added, a description of part of the main land of Scotland, and of the Isles of Mull, Ulva, Staffa, I-Columbkill, Tirii, Coll, Eigg, Skye, Raza, and Scalpa.. By the Hon. Mrs. Murray, of Kensington. Vol. II. The second edition. Murray , Sarah (Author)
Printer Poems, Suggested Chiefly by Scenes in Asia-Minor, Syria, and Greece, with Prefaces, Extracted from the Author's Journal. Embellished with Two Views of the Source of the Scamander, and the Aquaduct over the Simois. By the Late J.D. Carlyle, B.D. F.R.S.E. Chancellor of Carlisle, Vicar of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Durham. Carlyle , Susanna Maria (Editor)
Carlyle , Joseph Dacre (Author)
Printer Ornamental Groups, Descriptive of Flowers, Birds, Shells, Fruit,Insects, etc., and illustrative of a New Theory of Colouring, from designs and paintings by M. Gartside. The whole engraved and coloured under her immediate inspection. Gartside , Mary (Author)
Gartside , Mary (Engraver)
Printer The Letters of Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, with Some of the Letters of Her Correspondents ... Published by Matthew Montagu, Esq. M.P. her nephew and executor. Montagu , Elizabeth (Author)
Montagu , Matthew (Editor)
Printer A Companion and Useful Guide to the Beauties of Scotland, and the Hebrides, to the Lakes of Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Lancashire; and to the Curiosities in the District of Craven, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Also a Description of Part of Scotland, particularly of the Highlands, and of the Isles of Mull, Ulva, Staffa, I-Columbkill, Tirii, Coll, Eigg, Rume, Skye, Raza, and Scalpa. To which is now added, An account of the new roads in Scotland, and of a beautiful cavern lately discovered in the Isle of Skye. By the Hon. Mrs. Murray Aust, of Kensington. In two volumes.—Vol. I. The third edition. Murray , Sarah (Author)
Printer Essays on Song-Writing: with a collection of such english songs as are most eminent for Poetical Merit. By John Aikin. A new edition, with additions and corrections, and a supplement, by R. H. Evans Taylor , Ann Martin (Author)
Pilkington , Laetitia (Author)
Rowe , Elizabeth Singer (Author)
and 3 more.
Printer Babylon; and Other Poems. By the Hon. Annabella Hawke. Hawke , Annabella Eliza Cassandra (Author)
Printer The Siege of Zaragoza, and Other Poems: by Laura Sophia Temple, Author of Lyric Poems, &c. Temple , Laura Sophia (Author)
Printer The Posthumous Dramatick Works of the late Richard Cumberland, Esq. In two volumes. Cumberland , Richard (Author)
Jansen , Frances Marianne (Editor)
Printer The Wife; or, Caroline Herbert. By the late author of the "Exemplary Mother." Cooper , Maria Susanna (Author)
Publisher Six Engravings by H. Thielcke, after the Designs of Her Royal Highness the Princess Elizabeth. With Illustrations in Verse Thielcke , Henry Daniel (Engraver)
Hanover , Elizabeth (Illustrator)
Printer The Sceptic; A Poem. By Mrs. Hemans, author of "The Restoration of works of art to Italy;" "Modern Greece;" "Tales and Historic Poems;" Wallace's Invocation to Bruce." Hemans , Felicia (Author)

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"W. Bulmer and Co." The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 712, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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