Name Unknown

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Displaying 101–125 of 3319

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
9921 A history of England in which the most remarkable events are illustrated by numerous symbolical engravings by Miss M.A. Rundall. Second edition, improved, with great alterations and additions. Rundall , Mary Ann
Richard Griffin and Co. [64 Hutcheson Street] (Glasgow)
James M. Leckie (Dublin)
Thomas Tegg [73 Cheapside] (London)
1829 Second edition, improved, with great alterations and additions.
11074 A history of England: from the first invasion by the Romans to the end of the reign of George the Third: with conversations at the end of each chapter. By Mrs. Markham. Penrose , Elizabeth
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1830 Fourth edition.
11276 A history of England: from the first invasion by the Romans to the end of the reign of George the Third: with conversations at the end of each chapter. By Mrs. Markham. For the use of young persons. Penrose , Elizabeth
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
15246 A history of England: from the first invasion by the Romans to the end of the reign of George the Third: with conversations at the end of each chapter. By Mrs. Markham. For the use of young persons. Third edition. In two volumes. Penrose , Elizabeth
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
1829 Third Edition.
11115 A history of France: with conversations at the end of each chapter. By Mrs. Markham. Penrose , Elizabeth
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
928 A History of the Fall of the Roman Empire. Comprising a view of the invasion and settlement of the barbarians de Sismondi , Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (London)
1023 A History of the Italian Republics. Being a view of the Origin Progress and Fall of Italian Freedom by J.C.L. De Sismodi. In One Volume. de Sismondi , Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
John Taylor (London)
25079 A hymn to be sung on the thanksgiving day. Unknown ,
11319 A key to knowledge; or, Things in common use simply and shortly explained. By a mother (author of "Always Happy," "Claudine" - "True Stories from Ancient History") &c. Fifth edition, revised by the author. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris and Son (London)
1824 Fifth edition, revised by the author.
11321 A key to knowledge; or, Things in common use simply and shortly explained. By a mother, author of "Always Happy," "Claudine," "Nina," &c. Eighth Edition. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1830 Eighth Edition.
11322 A key to knowledge; or, Things in common use: simply and shortly explained; in a series of dialogues. By a mother, author of "Always Happy" - "Hints on Happiness", &c. &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
10312 A key to knowledge; or, Things in common use: simply and shortly explained; in a series of dialogues. Written by a mother, author of "Always happy," "First book for children," &c. &c. Second edition. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1817 Second edition.
11317 A key to knowledge; or, Things in common use: simply and shortly explained; in a series of dialogues. Written by a mother, author of "Always Happy" - "Hints on Happiness" - &c. &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris and Son (London)
11320 A key to knowledge; or, Things in common use: simply and shortly explained; in a series of dialogues. Written by a mother, author of "Always Happy" - "Hints on Happiness" - &c. &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
11316 A key to knowledge; or, Things in common use. Simply and shortly explained; in a series of dialogues. Written by a mother, author of "Always Happy" - "First Book for Children", &c. &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
6139 A letter from a clergyman, to M: Morris. One of the people called Quakers. Knowles , Mary
5203 A letter from Lady ********* to the celebrated Miss K**** F*****. Concerning their late adventures in St. James's Park. Unknown ,
s.n. [sine nomine]
448 A Letter from the Countess of Nithsdale . . . Containing a Circumstantial Account of the Escape of her Husband, William Maxwell, Fifth Earl of Nithsdale, from the Tower of London, the 23 of Feb., 1716 Maxwell , Winifred
John Rider II [Little Britain] (London)
13748 A letter of consolation and counsel to the good people of England, especially of London and Westminster, occasion'd by the late earthquakes. By a layman. Unknown , [Man]
Mary Cooper (London)
24183 A letter to Doctor Pitt, an eminent physician at Oxford. By a young lady of Oxford; Author of several other Celebrated Pieces. Jones , Mary
Mary Cooper (London)
13741 A letter to Dr. Abraham Johnson, On the subject of his new scheme for the propagation of the human species: in which, another method of obtaining that great end, more adequate to the sentiments of the ladies, is proposed; and, the reflections that author has cast upon the Royal Society of London, are answered. By a fellow. Unknown , [Man]
Mary Cooper (London)
13756 A letter to the King of *****. By an Englishman; Not a member of the House of Commons. Unknown , [Man]
Ann and Charles Corbett (London)
10326 A little history of two little ladies. Blower , Elizabeth
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (London)
14825 A little lottery-book for children: containing a new method of playing them into a knowledge of the letters, figures, &c. Embellished with above fifty cuts, and published with the approbation of the Court of Common Sense. Unknown ,
13746 A manual for common Christians; or, Plain reasons for infant-baptism; designed for the use of all paedo-baptists, of every denomination; that they may give a reason of their practice with meekness and charity, and know how to apply the ritual with a truly religious intention Fleming , Caleb
Mary Cooper (London)