A letter addressed to a female friend. By Mrs. Sage, the first English female aerial traveller; describing the General Appearance and Effects of her expedition with Mr. Lunardi's balloon; Which ascended from St. George's Fields on Wednesday, 29th June, 1785, accompanied by George Biggin, Esq. The second edition.
, Letitia Ann
1785 |
The Second Edition. |
A letter addressed to a female friend. By Mrs. Sage, the first English female aerial traveller; describing The General Appearance and Effects of her expedition with Mr. Lunardi's balloon; Which ascended from St. George's Fields on Wednesday, 29th June, 1785, accompanied by George Biggin, Esq. The third edition.
, Letitia Ann
1785 |
The third edition. |
A letter from a churchman to a Quaker, upon a discourse had with him concerning the divine Persons, mission, baptism, the Lord's Supper, sinless nature, the oath of God, and a Director, or a Guide to truth. With An Examination of that Letter, by the same Quaker, and A Reply to the Examination, by the said Church-Man, in defence of the letter, and charges brought against the Quakers. Published to awake them, if it may be, out of their dream of sinlessness and sleep of sin; and to precaution people in their conversation with them; and, withal, to assure my Friend of justice done him, as desired in his postscript. The third edition, with the Quaker’s After-Letter, of the Churchman Better Informed, answered also; now carefully corrected and amended in all the former abuses of it; with considerable additons.
, H.
Nathaniel Dodd (London)
Elizabeth Smith (London)
1723 |
The third edition, with the Quaker’s After-Letter, of the Churchman Better Informed, answered also; now carefully corrected and amended in all the former abuses of it; with considerable additons. |
A letter from a gentlewoman in the country, to the Lord Bishop of Bangor.
, Catharine
1717 |
A letter from a lady at Madrass to her friends in London: Giving an account of a visit, made by the Governor of that place, with his lady and others, to the Nabob (prime Minister to the Great Mogul) and his Lady, &c. in which their Persons, and amazing Richness of Dress, are particularly described. With some account of the manners and customs of the Moors in general.
, Jane
H. Piers (London)
1743 |
A letter from a lady to her daughter, on the manner of Passing Sunday Rationally and Agreeably.
, Mary
John Marshall I and Co. [Aldermary] (London)
1788 |
A letter from a member of the House of Commons of Ireland, to a Gentleman of the Long-Robe in England: containing An Answer to some Objections made against the Judicatory Power of the Parliament of Ireland. To which is added, The late Duke of Leeds's Reasons for Protesting against a Vote made in the House of Lords in England, which declared a certain Tryal before the House of Lords in Ireland to be coram non Judice.
, [Man]
1720 |
A letter from a merchant of London to a Member of Parliament: In Answer to a letter from a Member of Parliament to his Friends in the Country, Concerning the Duties on Wine and Tobacco.
Anne Dodd I (London)
1733 |
A letter from a minister in the country, to his friend In London.
s.n. [sine nomine]
1767 |
A letter from a parishioner of St. Clement Danes, To the Right Reverend Father in God Edmund, Lord Bishop of London, Occasion'd by His Lordship's causing the Picture, over the Altar, to be taken down. With Some Observations on the Use and Abuse of Church Paintings in General, and of that Picture in Particular.
1725 |
A letter from Candor, to the public advertiser: Containing a series of constitutional remarks on some late interesting trials, and other points, of the most essential consequence to civil liberty. The Fourth Edition, in which there are many material additions.
John Almon [Piccadilly] (London)
John Exshaw I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
Elizabeth Watts [m. Lynch in 1768] (Dublin)
1765 |
The Fourth Edition, in which there are many material additions. |
A letter from Edinburgh to Dr. Sherlock, rectifying the committee's notions of sincerity. Defending the whole of the B. of Bangor's doctrine: and maintaining that religion, not a profession of it, is religion; that the Gospel, not a corruption of it, is the Gospel; that Christ, not the church, is Christ. In which is an apology for the English dissenters. With a word or two relating to Mr. Toland. By Gilbert Dalrymple, D.D
, George
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Joseph Fox I (London)
1718 |
A letter from Edinburgh to Dr. Sherlock, rectifying the committee's notions of sincerity. Defending the whole of the B. of Bangor's doctrine: and Maintaining That Religion, not a Profession of it, is Religion; That The Gospel, not a Corruption of it, is The Gospel; That Christ, not the Church, is Christ. In which is An Apology for the English Dissenters. With a word or two relating to Mr. Toland. By Gilbert Dalrymple, D.D. The Second Edition, corrected.
, George
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Joseph Fox I (London)
1718 |
The Second Edition, corrected |
A letter from Edinburgh to Dr. Sherlock, rectifying the committee's notions of sincerity. Defending the whole of the B. of Bangor's doctrine. And maintaining That Religion, not a Profession of it, is Religion; That The Gospel, not a Corruption of it, is The Gospel That Christ, not the Church, is Christ. In which is An Apology for the English Dissenters. With a word or two relating to Mr. Toland. By Gilbert Dalrymple, D.D. The Third Edition Corrected and Enlarged.
, George
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Joseph Fox I (London)
1718 |
The Third Edition Corrected and Enlarged. |
A letter from Edinburgh to Dr. Sherlock, rectifying the committee's notions of sincerity. Defending the whole of the B. of Bangor's doctrine. And Maintaining That Religion, not a Profession of it, is Religion; That The Gospel, not a Corruption of it, is the Gospel, That Christ, not the Church, is Christ. In which is An Apology for the English Dissenters. With A Word or two relating to Mr Toland. By Gilbert Dalrymple, D.D. The Fourth Edition with a Pref. & P.S. & Notes.
, George
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Joseph Fox I (London)
1719 |
The Fourth Edition with a Pref. & P.S. & Notes. |
A letter from H---- G----g, Esq; One of the Gentlemen of the Bed-Chamber to the Young Chevalier, and the only Person of his own Retinue that attended him from Avignon, in his late Journey through Germany, and elsewhere: containing Many remarkable and affecting Occurrences which happened to the P- during the Course of his mysterious Progress. To A particular Friend.
, Eliza
1750 |
A letter from H---- G----g, Esq; one of the gentlemen of the bed-chamber to the Young Chevalier, and the only person of his own retinue that attended him from Avignon, in his late journey through Germany, and elsewhere: Containing many remarkable and affecting Occurrences which happened to the P- during the course of his mysterious progress. To a particular friend. The Second Edition.
, Eliza
1750 |
The Second Edition. |
A letter from H---- G----g, Esq; one of the gentlemen of the bed-chamber to the young Chevalier, and the only Person of his own Retinue that attended him from Avignon, in his late journey through Germany, and elsewhere: Containing many remarkable and affecting occurrences which happened to the P--- during the course of his mysterious progress. To a particular friend.
, Eliza
1750 |
A letter from Miss F--d, addressed to a Person of Distinction. With a new ballad To an old tune. Sent to the author by an Unknown Hand.
, Ann
s.n. [sine nomine]
1761 |
A letter from Miss F--d, addressed to a person of distinction. With a new ballad to an old tune. Sent to the author by an unknown hand. The second edition. With a postscript.
, Ann
1761 |
The second edition. With a postscript. |
A letter from Mrs Barclay to her son, on the subject of a difference presently subsisting between her and the Roman-Catholic clergy of Aberdeen.
, Mrs.
s.n. [sine nomine]
1785 |
A letter from Mrs. Christian Hart, to Mrs. Margaret Caroline Rudd; elucidating several circumstances which did not appear on the trial; refuting particular falsities and Mal-Aspersions asserted by that Notified lady, and relating a Circumstantial Account of her transactions during the time Mrs. Hart lived servant with her. The Whole authenticated by the Affidavit of Mrs. Christian Hart, which is deposited in the Hands of the Publisher, and a Copy of which is annexed.
, Mrs. Christian
1776 |
A letter from Mrs. Gunning, addresed to His Grace the Duke of Argull. The third edition.
, Susannah
1791 |
The third edition. |
A letter from Mrs. Gunning, addressed to His Grace the Duke of Argyll.
, Susannah
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
Harriet Colbert [136 Capel Street] (Dublin)
William Sleater II [Dame Street] (Dublin)
William Wilson [6 Dame Street] [1763–66; 1768–95] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
William Jones I [College Green] (Dublin)
William McKenzie [College Green] (Dublin)
George Draper (Dublin)
John Rice [2 College Green] (Dublin)
Arthur Grueber [59 Dame Street] (Dublin)
Christopher Lewis [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
John Jones [Bride Street] (Dublin)
R. White [Dublin] (Dublin)
1791 |
A letter from Mrs. Gunning, addressed to His Grace the Duke of Argyll.
, Susannah
1791 |