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Unknown, [Man]. A letter from a member of the House of Commons of Ireland, to a Gentleman of the Long-Robe in England: containing An Answer to some Objections made against the Judicatory Power of the Parliament of Ireland. To which is added, The late Duke of Leeds's Reasons for Protesting against a Vote made in the House of Lords in England, which declared a certain Tryal before the House of Lords in Ireland to be coram non Judice.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25819, Accessed 2025-03-28.

@book{ wphp_25819
  title={A letter from a member of the House of Commons of Ireland, to a Gentleman of the Long-Robe in England: containing An Answer to some Objections made against the Judicatory Power of the Parliament of Ireland. To which is added, The late Duke of Leeds's Reasons for Protesting against a Vote made in the House of Lords in England, which declared a certain Tryal before the House of Lords in Ireland to be coram non Judice.},
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for A letter from a member of the House of Commons of Ireland, to a Gentleman of the Long-Robe in England: containing An Answer to some Objections made against the Judicatory Power of the Parliament of Ireland. To which is added, The late Duke of Leeds's Reasons for Protesting against a Vote made in the House of Lords in England, which declared a certain Tryal before the House of Lords in Ireland to be coram non Judice.
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