Name Education

Includes grammatical texts, dictionaries, conduct manuals, addresses, essays, instructions, strictures, or letters addressed to youth and educators.


Displaying 351–375 of 550

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
6366 Mrs. Wollstonecraft's Thoughts on the education of daughters. With reflections on female conduct, in the more important duties of life. To which is added Fenolon [sic] Archbishop of Cambray's instructions to a governess, and an address to mothers. Wollstonecraft , Mary
13604 New Art of Swimming, with Dr. Franklin's Directions to Swimmers, and Dr. Buchan's Advice on River & Sea-Bathing. Buchan , William
Franklin , Benjamin
Ann Lemoine (London)
15127 Newbery's spelling dictionary of the English language. wherein All the Words are properly accented, shewing How to write and pronounce them with Ease and Propriety. To which is prefixed, a new and concise introduction to English grammer. Elizabeth Newbery (London)
20276 Nurse Truelove's Christmas box. Or, The golden plaything for little children; by which they may learn the letters as soon as they can speak, and know how to behave so as to make every body love them. Truelove , Nurse
15601 Observations on Charity Schools, Female Friendly Societies, and other subjects connected with the views of the Ladies Committee. By Catharine Cappe. Cappe , Catharine
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Joseph Johnson (London)
Joseph Mawman [Poultry] (London)
14358 On the Management and Education of Children: Being Mrs. Child's "Mother's Book," Revised, and adapted to the use of English parents and teachers. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for the Promoting of Christian Knowledge. Child , Lydia Maria Francis
John William Parker (London)
16681 Oration on female education, by Daniel Bryan; delivered before the visitors and students of the Female Academy in Harrisonburg August 4th, 1815. Bryan , Daniel
Aikin , Lucy
25110 Perrin's Grammar 12th Edition Perrin , John
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
11729 Pictures of Virtue and Vice; or Moral Tales, for the Perusal of Young Gentlemen, previous to their leaving school, by Mrs. Pilkington, Author of Mentorial Tales for Ladies; &c. &c. In two volumes. Pilkington , Mary
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
25189 Plan of education. By the author of Cyrus's travels. For the Use of --- &c. &c. &c. Ramsay , Andrew Michael
2633 Plans of education; with remarks on the systems of other writers. In a series of letters between Mrs. Darnford and her friends. By Clara Reeve. Reeve , Clara
Thomas Hookham and James Carpenter [Old Bond Street] (London)
Thomas Hookham and James Carpenter [New Bond Street] (London)
14529 Practical book-keeping made easy, in theory and practice, according to the true Italian modern method. Wherein; the theory of the art is reduced to practice, by a greater variety of practical examples, in all the different branches of trade, than any extant; adapted to real business; and the useless though troublesome accompts which have been hitherto used in, are intirely omitted, and easier and shorter methods in introduced. The whole delivered in a methodical from, agreeable to the trade of this kingdom. With a useful and necessary appendix; containing, particular methods and directions, for the use of agents, stewards, tradesmen, artificers, and retailers, by the help of which, each person will be able compleatly to manage his affairs without any other assistance. The mercantile rules of arithmetic, fully exemplified. Also, sundry precedents of merchants writings. The whole fitted to the lowest capacity. Intended for the use of schools, and a companion for young accompants. By David Talbot, writing-master and accomptant. Author of the new arithmetical catechism. Talbot , David
9444 Practical Education; By Maria and R. L. Edgeworth. The Second Edition, In Three Volumes. Edgeworth , Maria
Edgeworth , Richard Lovell
Joseph Johnson (London)
1801 The Second Edition
5790 Practical Education; By Maria Edgeworth, Author of Letters for Literary Ladies, And the Parent’s Assistant; And by Richard Lovell Edgeworth, F.R.S. And M.R.I.A. Edgeworth , Maria
Edgeworth , Richard Lovell
Joseph Johnson (London)
369 Pretty Lessons in Verse for Good Children Coleridge , Sara
John William Parker (London)
15760 Private Education; or a Practical Plan for the Studies of Young Ladies. With an Address to Parents, Private Governesses, and Young Ladies. By Elizabeth Appleton. Appleton , Elizabeth
Henry Colburn [Conduit Street] (London)
25381 Progymnasmata Hellēnika. Autore Roberto Hingeston A. M. Scholae Regiae Apud Gippovicenses in Agro Sudovolgarum Archididascalo. Hingeston , Robertus
Joseph Bentham (Cambridge)
2956 Questions to be resolved: or, a new method of exercising the attention of young people. Interspersed with various pieces, calculated for instruction and amusement. Translated from the French of Madame de La Fite. de la Fite , Marie-Élisabeth
John Murray I [Fleet Street] (London)
3664 Rational sports in dialogues passing among the children of a family. Designed as a hint to mothers how they may inform the minds of their little people respecting the objects with which they are surrounded. Fourth edition. Fenn , Ellenor
1790 Fourth edition.
3649 Rational sports. In dialogues passing among the children of a family. Designed as a hint to mothers how they may inform the minds of their little people respecting the objects with which they are surrounded. Fourth edition. Fenn , Ellenor
Thomas Jackson [Parliament Street] (Dublin)
1794 Fourth edition.
26127 Recueil de fables, de contes, et d'histoires, morales et amusantes, à l'usage des jeunes gens de l'un & d l'autre sèxe, qui étudient la langue francaise. Traduit des ouvrages anglois les meilleurs, & les plus nouveaux qu'on ait pu se procurer en ce genre. Unknown ,
R. and Lucy Peacock, Juvenile Library (London)
7371 Reflections upon the education of children in charity schools; with the outlines of a plan of appropriate instruction for the children of the poor; submitted to the consideration of the patrons of schools of every denomination, supported by charity. By Mrs. Trimmer. Trimmer , Sarah
Thomas Longman II (London)
John and Francis Rivington (London)
23999 Reflections upon the nature and usefulness of logick as it has been commonly taught in the schools. By Edward Bentham M.A. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Bentham , Edward
2958 Reponses à démêler: ou, essai d'une manière d'exercer l'attention. On y a joint divers morceaux, qui ont pour but d'instruire ou d'amuser les jeunes personnes. Par Madame de La Fite. de la Fite , Marie-Élisabeth
John Murray I [Fleet Street] (London)
586 Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia; addressed to the Count de Montalivet, peer of France, Minister of Public Instruction and Ecclesiastical Affairs; Cousin , Victor
Effingham Wilson [Royal Exchange] (London)