Name History

A composition, memoir, or anecdote, or record of a place, event, or individual. Works in this category are often derived from the genre designation on the title page.


Displaying 176–198 of 198

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
23332 The Noble Slaves: Or, The Lives and Adventures of Two Lords and Two Ladies, who were shipwreck'd and cast upon a desolate island near the East-Indies, in the year 1710. The manner of their living there: the surprizing discoveries they made, and strange deliverance thence. How in their return to Europe they were taken by two Algerine pirates near the straits of Gibraltar. Of the slavery they endured in Barbary; and of their meeting there with several persons of quality, who were likewise slaves. Of their escaping thence, and safe arrival in their respective countries, Venice, Sapin, and France, in the year 1718. With many extraordinary accidents that befel some of them afterwards. Being a history full of most remarkable events. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope
John Dempsy (Dublin)
24077 The Noble Slaves: or, The Lives and Adventures of Two Lords and Two Ladies, who were shipwreck'd and cast upon a desolate island near the East-Indies, in the year 1710. The manner of their living there: the surprizing discoveries they made, and strange deliverance thence. How in their return to Europe they were taken by two Algerine pirates near the Straits of Gibraltar. Of the slavery they endured in Barbary; and of their meeting there with several persons of quality, who were likewise slaves. Of their escaping thence, and safe arrival in their respective countries, Venice, Spain, and France, in the year 1718. With many extraordinary accidents that befel some of them afterwards. Being a history full of most remarkable events. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope
Elizabeth Bell (Cornhill)
John Darby II (London)
Arthur Bettesworth (London)
Francis Fayram (London)
John Pemberton (London)
John Hooke (London)
Charles Rivington I (London)
Francis Clay (London)
Jeremiah Battley (London)
Edward Symon (London)
23102 The Noble Slaves: Or, The Lives and Adventures of Two Lords and Two Ladies, who were shipwreck'd and cast upon a desolate Island near the East-Indies, in the year, 1710. The manner of their living there: the surprizing discoveries they made, and strange deliverance thence. How in their return to Europe they were taken by two algerine pirates near the straits of Gibraltar. Of the slavery they endured in Barbary; and of their meeting there with several persons of quality, who were likewise slaves. Of their escaping thence and safe arrival in their respective countries, Venice, Spain, and France, in the year 1718. With many extraordinary accidents that befel some of them afterwards. Being a history full of most remarkable events. By Mrs. Aubin. Aubin , Penelope
James Dalton (Dublin)
16368 The Noble Slaves. Being an Entertaining History of the Surprising Adventures, and Remarkable Deliverances, from Algerine Slavery, of Several Spanish Noblemen and Ladies of Quality. Aubin , Penelope
16369 The Noble Slaves. Being an Entertaining History of the Surprising Adventures, and Remarkable Deliverances, from Algerine Slavery, of Several Spanish Noblemen and Ladies of Quality. Aubin , Penelope
16370 The Noble Slaves. Being an Entertaining History of the Surprising Adventures, and Remarkable Deliverances, from Algerine Slavery, of Several Spanish Noblemen and Ladies of Quality. Aubin , Penelope
16371 The Noble Slaves. Being an Entertaining History of the Surprising Adventures, and Remarkable Deliverances, from Algerine Slavery, of Several Spanish Noblemen and Ladies of Quality. Aubin , Penelope
Evert Duyckinck [Water Street] (New York City)
16372 The Noble Slaves. Being an Entertaining History of the Surprising Adventures, and Remarkable Deliverances, from Algerine Slavery, of Several Spanish Noblemen and Ladies of Quality. Aubin , Penelope
Evert Duyckinck [102 Pearl Street] (New York City)
25974 The occasional historian, upon and in defence of English hereditary right. By Mr. Earbery. Numb. IV. The Second Edition. Earbery , Matthias
1732 The Second Edition.
25990 The occasional historian. Numb. IV. Being an historical essay upon, and in defence of English hereditary right. Dedicated to both the universities. By Mr. Earbery. Earbery , Matthias
2310 The queen of Denmark's account of the late revolution in Denmark; written while Her Majesty was a prisoner in the Castle of Cronenburgh; and now first published from the original manuscript, sent to a noble Earl. Wittelsbach , Mathilde Caroline
John Wheble [Paternoster Row] (London)
25800 The remembrancer: being a daily chronicle and yearly journal of the remarkable occurrences in Great Britain, and even throughout Europe, from William the Conqueror to the present year 1735. Including not only the Births, Marriages, Coronations, and Deaths of the Sovereign Princes; But the most considerable Battles and Sieges during the late Wars; with the several Alliances and other Treaties betwixt this and foreign Nations; And all the Grand Conspiracies, Rebellions, Massacres, Executions, Plagues, Fires, &c. that have happen'd during the seven last Centuries. Unknown ,
Joseph Fisher (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Stagg (London)
John Jolliffe (London)
14560 The Roman history from the foundation of Rome to the Battle of Actium: that is, to the end of the Commonwealth. By Mr. Rollin, late principal of the university of Paris, now professor of eloquence in the Royal College, and Member of the Royal Academy of inscriptions and belles lettres. Translated from the French. Rollin , Charles
George Risk [at Shakespeare's Head] (Dublin)
George and Alexander Ewing (Dublin)
William Smith II [Dame Street] (Dublin)
14381 The Royal assassins. Containing an account of the trial and execution of Francis Ravaillac, for the murder of Henry IV. King of France, A.D. 1610. The trial and execution of Robert Francis Damiens, for Stabbing Lewis XV. King of France A.D. 1757. A narrative of the conviction and execution of the Duke of Aveiro, the Marquis and Marchioness of Tavora, the Earl of Atouguia, &c. &c. for a conspiracy against Joseph, King of Portugal. With an impartial account of the Jesuits transactions in that horrid Conspiracy and their treasonable practices in Portuguese and Spanish America. To which is added, the life of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. The whole faithfully compiled from authentic vouchers. Published for the improvement and entertainment of the British youth of both sexes. By W.H. Dilworth, A.M. Dilworth , W. H
25378 The royal progress: or, a historical view of the journeys, or progresses, which several great princes have made to visit their dominions, and acquaint themselves with their people. Unknown ,
25604 The secret history of Pythagoras: part I. Translated from the original copy lately found at Otranto in Italy. By J. W. M.D. W. , J.
25601 The secret history of the rebels in Newgate. Giving an account of their daily behaviour, from the commitment to their goal-delivery. Taken from a diary, kept by a gentleman in the same prison. The second edition, corrected. Unknown ,
1717 The second edition, corrected.
25470 The secret history of the rebels in Newgate. Giving an account of their daily behaviour, from their commitment to their Goal-Delivery. Taken from a diary kept by a gentleman in the same prison. The Third Edition, Corrected. Unknown ,
1717 The Third Edition, Corrected.
25686 The story on which the new tragedy, call'd, The Roman father, is founded. With some account of the author, and his writings. Unknown ,
1694 The study of history. Rendered easy by a plan founded on experience. Dedicated, by permission, to her Majesty. Fletcher , Ann
25123 The third volume of the compleat history of the lives, robberies, piracies, and murders committed by the most notorious rogues, &c. From the Time of Edward the Confessor. With the Famous Sermon Preach'd by Bernard Sympson a Monk, to a Gang of High way-men in a Wood near Maidenhead-Thicket. Printed from the Original M. S. out of the Bodleian Library in Oxford. Together with The Continuation of the wicked Lives of highway-men, murderers, foot-pads, house-breakers, shoplipts, water-pads, kid-lays, hook-pole-lays, molly-lays, bumming-lays, and the surprizing Adventures of several famous pirates, down to the present Time. With the Thieves grammar whereby the Art of Thieving, is fully detected. A Key to the Art of Thieving; newly discovered, whereby several secret Mysteries are unlocked, for the good of the Publick. Never before Printed. Written by Capt. Alex. Smith. Adorn'd with cuts. Smith , Alexander
Samuel Briscoe (London)
Thomas Warner (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
14103 The Voyage of Pizarro and Conquest of Peru. With The Voyage and Shipwreck of Captain Shevlock, in an Expedition Against the Spaniards, Under the Command of Captain Clipperton. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
John Roe [Houndsditch] (London)
14104 The Voyage of Woodes Rogers, Round the World. With the Discovery of Alexander Selkirk, the Origin of Robinson Crusoe. Unknown ,
Ann Lemoine (London)
John Roe [Houndsditch] (London)