Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 926–950 of 1622

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
25352 National ingratitude exemplished, in the case of gideon, and his family; and applied to the present times. A sermon preach'd in little-wild-street November 5. 1740. By Joseph Stennett. The Second Edition. Stennett , Joseph
Aaron Ward (London)
Henry Whitridge [Royal Exchange] (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
1741 The Second Edition.
25339 Nazarenus: or, Jewish, Gentile, and Mahometan Christianity. Containing the history of the antient Gospel of Barnabas, and the modern Gospel of the Mahometans, attributed to the same Apostle: this last Gospel being now first made known among Christians. Also, the original plan of Christianity occasionally explain'd in the history of the Nazarens, wherby diverse Controversies about this divine (but highly perverted) Institution may be happily terminated. With the relation of an Irish manuscript of the four Gospels, as likewise a Summary of the antient Irish Christianity, and the reality of the Keldees (an order of Lay-Religious) against the two last Bishops of Worcester. By Mr. Toland. The Second Edition Revised. Toland , John
1718 The Second Edition Revised.
25430 New discoveries of the dangers of popery. Unknown ,
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
21061 No. 13. A Sunday's excursion. Philadelphia Female Tract Society [South Second Street] (Philadelphia)
24446 Now or never: or Serious advice to the dissenters in general: In which is contained reasons for their patitioning for liberty this present sessions of Parliament, notwithstanding all the suggestions of false brethren. By Rachel Collins. Collins , Rachel
22548 O my dear God, who can I make my applications unto, but to thy divine Majesty, ... thou knowest that I am wholly innocent of all those evil things which Oats, or any other wicked men lay to my charge. ... James , Eleanor
20982 Obituary of Charles Petit, a boy who lately died at the orphan asylum, in New York. Unknown ,
Philadelphia Female Tract Society [Walnut Street] (Philadelphia)
14722 Observations on certain prophecies in the Book of Daniel, and the Revelation of St. John, which relate to the second appearing of our Lord; Shewing That IT IS Highly Probable That The Tremendous Day In Which HE Shall BE Revealed Will Shortly Come. To which are added, some remarks concerning the last antichrist and the killing of the witnesses. Moody , R.
5142 Observations on P-l C-Ll's conduct, with regard to R. Catholic bill, &c. By a lady. Unknown , [Woman]
s.n. [sine nomine]
12220 Observations on seduction, and the Evil Consequences Attending it; Extracted from Matthew Henry's exposition on the Old and New Testament, by Mary Smith, a Penitent, late of the Magdalen Hospital, and Published for her Benefit: to which is added, a poem, by Mr. Pratt, on the same subject. Smith , Mary
Pratt , Samuel Jackson
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Effingham Wilson [Royal Exchange] (London)
14497 Observations on the history and evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. By Gilbert West, Esq; West , Gilbert
John Smith [Blind Quay] (Dublin)
Abraham Bradley [Dame Street] (Dublin)
14496 Observations on the history and evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. By Gilbert West, Esq; the third edition. West , Gilbert
Abraham Bradley [Dame Street] (Dublin)
John Smith [Blind Quay] (Dublin)
1747 The third edition.
25677 Observations upon the conduct of the clergy, in relation to the thirty nine articles. Wherein is shewed that the Church of England, properly so call'd, is not now existing. With an essay towards a real Protestant establishment. By Robert Seagrave. The second edition. Seagrave , Robert
Richard Hett I (London)
John Oswald (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
1738 The Second Edition.
25211 Observations upon the manifesto of His Catholick Majesty; with an answer to his reasons for not paying the ninety-five thousand pounds. In vindication of the honour of Great Britain. Unknown ,
Thomas Cooper (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Anne Dodd II (London)
Robert Amey (London)
25356 Observations upon the scheme lately published. Wherein such rules are laid down, as will easily reduce it to practice. By Sir John Colbatch, a member of the College of Physicians. Colbatch , John
John Darby II (London)
24177 Occasional thoughts in reference to a vertuous or Christian life. Masham , Damaris
Awnsham and John Churchill (London)
25584 Of our subjection to death by the offence of Adam, and our reigning in life thro' the righteousness of Christ. A funeral sermon for Mrs. Elizabeth Ginn, late of Newington Butts, widow: who deceased June the eleventh, 1738, in the 60th Year of Her Age. Published with large additions by Sayer Rudd, M. D. Rudd , Sayer
8875 Of the Importance of Religious Opinions. Translated from the French of Mr. Necker. Necker , Jacques
Joseph Johnson (London)
13460 On God. By Miss Elizabeth Bower Blease, No. 13, Great Suffolk-Street, Borough. Blease , Elizabeth Bower
7684 On the efficacy of the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By Susanna Waring, afterwards Susanna Boone. Boone , Susanna
5097 On the fast day, 1797, the following was given to Joanna Southcott, in answer to the Rev. J. Pomeroy. ... Southcott , Joanna
s.n. [sine nomine]
8874 On the Importance of Religious Opinions. From the French of Mons. Necker. A New Translation, to which is prefixed a short account of the author. Necker , Jacques
W. Gordon and J. Dickson (Edinburgh)
805 On the Principles of the Christian Religion, Addressed to her Daughter; and, On Theology Hutchinson , Lucy
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
24952 Oratory transactions. No II. To be occasionally publish'd, by J. Henley, M.A. Containing, I. A compleat list of the theological subjects of the Oratory, Sermons and Lectures, &c. from July 3, 1726, to August 30, 1728. II. A compleat catalogue of the academical subjects of the Oratory, in the same Period; presenting Compositions of the utmost Choice and Variety in Divinity, and polite Learning; and under polite Learning; and under the latter Head, Humorous and Burlesque, as well as Serious, all done without the least Assistance, or particular Patron. These two dedicated to those who are unprejudic'd against the Oratory. III. A Dissertation on Nonsense, (address'd to those who do not like it;) discussing its Philology, History, Philosophy, and great Use in all Articles and Characters of Life; the Kingdom of Nonsense, Temporal, Spiritual, Civil, and Military; its Refinement, and ablest Professors; the Mischief and most real Nonsense of Sense, with the Secret of mastering it, and some prominent Example. IV. The discourse on action in the pulpit, 2d Edition. The Third Edition. The Oratorian Word, Liberty and Property, free [Unclear] and Plenty, Truth and Primitive Religion, Encore, spent of Wit and Sciences; no Grievances, no Impositions. Henley , John
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Mary Turner (London)
Thomas Green (London)
Jane Graves (London)
16354 Original compositions, in prose and verse. On subjects moral and religious. by Miss J. Fenno, of Boston. Ames , Jane