Name Religion/Biblical

Titles about religious or spiritual belief, or biblical history.


Displaying 1551–1575 of 1603

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
16786 The two lambs. An allegorical history. By the author of Margaret Whyte, &c. Third Newburyport Edition. Cameron , Lucy Lyttelton
W. & J. Gilman (Newburyport)
1818 Third Newburyport Edition.
18783 The valley of tears: or, Bear ye one another's burthens. A vision. With a frontispiece. More , Hannah
Benjamin Johnson [31 Market Street] (Philadelphia)
17837 The warning. Recommended to the serious attention of all Christians, and lovers of their country. Heyrick , Elizabeth
22524 The wars of David, and the peaceable reign of Solomon, symbolizing the times of warfare and refreshment of the saints of the most high God, to whom a priestly kingdom is shortly to be given, after the order of Melchisedeck. Set forth in two treatises written by J. Lead: and according to divine ordination publish'd in this present year of jubilee. For the service of all the children of the captivity, now watching and praying in many countries, for the great jubilee of the Lord to begin, and follow upon this very speedily. Containing I. An alarm to the holy warriours to fight the battels of the Lamb. II. The glory of Sharon, in the renovation of nature, introducing the kingdom of Christ in his sealed virgins, redeemed from the earth. Lead , Jane
14760 The watchman’s answer to the question, What of the night? A sermon preached to the society which supported the Wednesday’s evening lecture in Great Eastcheap, December 27, 1750. By John Gill. Gill , John
25854 The whigs unmask'd: or, the history of the Calf's-Head-Club farther expos'd; In a full account of the rise and progress of that impious society, since their horrid rebellion in forty-one. With all the treasonable ballads, sung by the villanous Whigs, as anthems, on the xxxth of January. Much enlarg'd, by an impartial account of all the plots and conspiracies form'd by the low-church faction, against the Queen and present ministry. With animadversions in prose and verse. Adorn'd with curious cuts, by the best hands. To which are added, several characters by that most ingenious poet, Sir John Denham. And the hellish mysteries of the old republicans, set forth in vindication of King Charles the First, by Mr. Samuel Butler, author of Hudthras. The ninth edition. Ward , Edward
1714 The ninth edition.
14574 The whole duty of man, laid down in a plain and familiar way, for the use of all, but especially the meanest reader. Divided into XVII chapters. One whereof being read every Lord's-Day, the whole may be read over thrice in the year. Necessary for all families. With private devotions for several occasions. Allestree , Richard
14575 The whole heart; or, Unexceptionable obedience to the divine laws. Adapted to Christians of all names and capacities. A plain convincing reason may possibly operate upon the mind both of a learned and ignorant hearer, as long as they live; and will edify a thousand times more, than the art of wetting the handkerchiefs of a whole congregation, if you were sure to attain it. Letter to a young gentleman lately entered into holy orders. Barton , Richard
11093 The Works of Hannah More, In Four Volumes: Including Several Pieces Never Before Published. More , Hannah
Daniel Graisberry (II) [Back Lane] (Dublin)
5918 The world unmask'd; or, the philosopher the greatest cheat; in twenty-four dialogues. A new edition. Translated from the French. Huber , Marie
5059 The worship of God, in spirit and in truth: or, a short and easy method of prayer, suited to every capacity; with two letters upon the same subject. By Madam Guion. To which is added, Two letters, concerning a life truly Christian; And a Discourse upon the universal Love and Goodness of God to Mankind, in and through Jesus Christ. Extracted from Two late Authors. Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte
T. Mills (London)
21853 The Young Communicant's Catechism, or, A help both short and plain for instructing and preparing the young, to make a right approach unto the Lord's Table. With a proposal for public renewing of the baptismal covenant. By Mr. John Willison, Minister of the Gospel in Dundee. First American Edition. Willison , John
1803 First American Edition.
18272 The young misses' magazine: containing dialogues between a governess and several young ladies of quality, her scholars. In which each lady is made to speak according to her particular genius, temper, and inclination: their several faults are pointed out, and the easy way to mend them, as well as to think, speak, and act properly; no less care being taken to form their hearts to goodness, than to enlighten their understandings with useful knowledge. A short and clear abridgment is also given of sacred and profane history, and some lessons in geography. The useful is blended throughout with the agreeable; the whole being interspersed with proper reflections and moral tales. Translated from the French of Mad. Le. Prince de Beaumont. Two volumes in one. Leprince de Beaumont , Jeanne-Marie
Samuel Campbell and Son (New York)
2701 The younger brother or, the sufferings of Saint Andre. By Madame Genlis. du Crest de Saint-Aubin , Stéphanie Félicité
24938 Thirty sermons preached on several occasions. By Edward Waple, B. D. Late Vicar of St. Sepulchres, and Archdeacon of Taunton Waple , Edward
Rebecca Bonwicke (London)
William Freeman (London)
Timothy Goodwin (London)
John Walthoe I (London)
Matthew Wotton (London)
Samuel Manship (London)
John Nicholson (London)
Richard Parker (Cornhill)
Benjamin Tooke I (London)
Ralph Smith III (London)
21726 Thornton Abbey: a series of letters on religious subjects. Satchel , John
Johnson & Warner (Philadelphia)
4334 Thoughts on the importance of the manners of the great to general society. Eight [sic] edition. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1790 Eight [sic] edition.
4364 Thoughts on the importance of the manners of the great to general society. Second edition, with additions. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1788 Second edition, with additions.
4212 Thoughts on the importance of the manners of the great to general society. The fourth edition. More , Hannah
1788 The fourth edition.
4333 Thoughts on the importance of the manners of the great to general society. Third edition. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1788 Third edition.
4353 Thoughts on the importance of the manners of the great to general society. With notes and illustrations. To which is added, an essay on the same subject by Vicesimus Knox. More , Hannah
s.n. [sine nomine]
2127 Three letters on I. The marks of a child of God. II. The Soul-Diseases of God's Children; and their Soul-Remedies. And III. God's Prohibition of his Peoples unbelieving Fear; and his great Promise given for the Support of their Faith, unto their Time-Joy, and Eternal Glory. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. Dutton , Anne
25578 Three letters upon episcopacy; Publish'd in the weekly miscellany. Occasion'd by the Old Whig, or Consistent Protestant, who has lately attack'd the order. Unknown ,
Henry Woodfall II (London)
23268 To my Lord-Mayor and Court of Aldermen. James , Eleanor
6197 To the Meeting assembled in the Chamber at Gracechurch-street, on a second day morning the 11th of the 5th month, 1766. Those souls, in whom the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world, beareth sway are inhabitants of the kingdom of God, and none but they; true it is; those who have not the Spirit of Christ are none of his; therefore we are commanded to follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which it is impossible to see God.----... Drummond , May
s.n. [sine nomine]