The sense of the people upon the dispute between the Bishop of Bangor on the one part; and Dr. Snape, the Bishop of Carlisle, and Dr. Kennet on the other.
1717 |
The Seraph: Or, Gems of Poetry, for the Serious and Contemplative Mind: And the Promotion of Genuine Religion
, Anna Maria
, Mrs.
, Mary Russell
, Felicia
, Joan Elizabeth
, Anna Laetitia
Edward Lacey (London)
Henry Lacey (Liverpool)
1835 |
The sermon that shou'd have been preach'd before the Societies for Reformation of Manners, on Monday, January 17. 1731-2. II. A specimen of the sentiments and genius of the primitive church, in some discourses and devotions, Ordinary and Sacramental. By John Henley, M.A.
, John
David Gardiner [Gardner] (London)
1732 |
The servant's friend, an exemplary tale; designed to enforce the religious instructions given at Sunday and other charity schools, ... By Mrs. Trimmer.
, Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
1786 |
The servant's friend, an exemplary tale; designed to enforce the religious instructions given at Sunday and other charity schools, ... The second edition, corrected and enlarged. By Mrs. Trimmer.
, Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
1787 |
The second edition, corrected and enlarged. |
The servant's friend, an exemplary tale; designed to enforce the religious instructions given at Sunday and other charity schools, by pointing out the practical application of them in a state of service. The second edition, corrected and enlarged. By Mrs. Trimmer.
, Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
1787 |
The servant's friend, an exemplary tale; designed to enforce the religious instructions given at Sunday and other charity schools, by pointing out the practical application of them in a state of service. The third edition. By Mrs. Trimmer.
, Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
1787 |
The third edition. |
The Seven First Cantos of the Messiah: A Poem. By F.T. Klopstock. Translated into English Verse.
, Friedrich Gottlieb
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
1826 |
The Seventh-day-man, in the vanity of his Jemish Sabbath, and presumption contempt of Gospel rest: Together with the Sabbath-Day-error, of so general and long continuance, even down to this present: offered to consideration. And the Lord's Day justified, as the true Christian Sabbath, visible in, and to be rested on according to commandment. With a prayer for the Lord's Day.
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Smith (London)
1724 |
The seventh-day-man; or, restless Christian, in the vanity of his Jewish sabbath, and presumptuous contempt of gospel-rest, offer'd to consideration. And the Lord's day justified; as the true Christian sabbath, visible in, and to be rested on according to, the commandment. With a prayer for the Lord's day.
Elizabeth Smith (London)
Nathaniel Dodd (London)
1730 |
The shepherd of Salisbury-Plain.
, Hannah
1795 |
The spirit of prayer. By Hannah More. Selected and compiled by herself, from various portions exclusively on that subject, in her published volumes.
, Hannah
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
1825 |
Third Edition |
The spiritual combat: to which is added, The peace of the soul, and the happiness of the heart, which dies to itself, in order to live to God.
, Lorenzo
Bernard Dornin (Philadelphia)
1817 |
The state of souls, separated from their bodies: being an epistolary treatise, wherein it is proved, by a variety of arguments deduced from the Holy Scriptures, the punishments of the wicked will not be endless; and all objections against it solved. To which is prefixed, a large introduction, evincing the same truth, from the principles of natural religion. Translated from the French. First American, from the second London editing, with additional notes, by Nathaniel Stacy.
, Marie
1817 |
First American, from the second London edition, with additional notes, by Nathaniel Stacy. |
The story on which the new tragedy, call'd, The Roman father, is founded. With some account of the author, and his writings. The Second Edition.
1750 |
The Second Edition. |
The Strange Effects of Faith; with remarkable prophecies (made in 1792, &c.) of things which are to come: also some account of my life.
, Joanna
1802 |
The sufficiency and perfection of the Holy Scriptures, as a rule of faith and manners.
, Samuel
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
1719 |
The Sunday-school catechist; consisting of familiar lectures, with questions, for the use of visiters [sic] and teachers. By Mrs. Trimmer.
, Sarah
Joseph Johnson (London)
Thomas Bensley (London)
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
Thomas Longman II (London)
1788 |
The sure side: or, God and the Church. A sermon preached on the fifth of November, 1714. in the parish of St. John Wapping. By Thomas Simmons.
, Thomas
Emanuel Matthews (London)
1714 |
The sure side: or, God and the church. A sermon preached on the fifth of November, 1714. in the parish of St. John Wapping. By Thomas Simmons. The Second Edition.
, Thomas
Emanuel Matthews (London)
1714 |
The Second Edition. |
The sweet experiences and godly exercises of Margaret Barry; or, Her best match: beautifully exemplified with many elegant scripture metaphors. Wherein is set forth the wonderful condescension and merciful goodness of God to her soul;-who, although he be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly, but the proud he knoweth afar off. Come hither all ye who fear and reverence God, and I will tell what he hath done for my soul-again, keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Very proper to be read in all Christian families. Collected from her own manuscript.
, Margaret
1778 |
The Synod.
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
1719 |
The temporal promises of the Gospel asserted and maintained: in a sermon, preached at the anniversary meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, in the cathedral church of St. Paul, on Thursday, May 8, 1788. By the Rev. Phipps Weston, B.D. Canon Residentiary of Wells, and Rector of Witney, Oxford-Shire. To which are added, lists of the nobility, clergy, and gentry, who have been stewards for the feasts of the sons of the clergy, together with the names of the preachers, and the sums collected at the anniversary meetings, since the year 1721.
, Phipps
1788 |
The tenets and principles of the Church of Rome; set forth in a short catechism; designed to remove the Prejudices of all Hereticks against her Apolstolical Doctrines and Worship, &c. Being the result of a private conference between a papist and a well dispos'd Heretick, i.e. a protestant of the Church of England, November the first, 1731. With a dedication to the Rev. Mr. Orator Henley (in the Henleyan stle) on account of his late Oration against Father Girard and Miss Cadiere
Thomas Game (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
John Jolliffe (London)
1732 |
The Times of the Saviour. By Harriet Martineau. Reprinted, after revision, from the English edition.
, Harriet
Leonard C. Bowles (Boston)
1831 |
Reprinted, after revision, from the English edition. |