Name Annual Periodical


Displaying 126–138 of 138

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
25707 The occasional paper. Vol. III. Numb. XII. An address to persons of figure, and of estates, and to all in general; with relation to the societies for reformation of manners. Unknown ,
Emanuel Matthews (London)
James Roberts [Warwick Lane] (London)
John Harrison (Cornhill)
Anne Dodd I (London)
23379 The parrot. By the authors of the Female spectator. Part I. Containing, no I, II, III, IV, and V. To be continued. Haywood , Eliza
A. Long (Dublin)
J. Kinneir (Dublin)
24891 The Pledge of Friendship; a Christmas Present and New Year's Gift. Opie , Amelia
W. Marshall (London)
24635 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1737. ... Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. By Joseph Stafford. Stafford , Joseph
24636 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1738. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. but may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Joseph Stafford. Stafford , Joseph
24612 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1739. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, &c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New-Found-Land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. Unknown ,
24637 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1740. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. Unknown ,
24638 The Rhode-Island almanack for the year, 1741. Wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, courts, spring tides, moveable and immoveable feasts and fasts of the Church of England, time of the sun and moon's rising and setting, and time of high water, & c. Fitted to the meridian of Newport, on Rhode-Island, whose latitude north is 41 gr. 30 m. longitude from London, 72 grs. But may without sensible error, serve from New Found-land to South Carolina. Tides excepted. By Poor Robin. Unknown ,
25839 The second volume of the Examiners: beginning on Thursday the 6th of December, 1711, and ending on Monday the 29th of December, 1712. Unknown ,
John Morphew (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
25715 The third volume of the Examiners: beginning on Friday the 2d of January, 1712, and ending on Monday the 11th of May, 1713. Unknown ,
John Morphew (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
22484 The wandering spy: or, The way of the world inquired into; with reflections on the humours of the town. 1705
24892 The Winter's Wreath for 1828, a Collection of Original Contributions in Prose and Verse. Edited by A.H. Opie , Amelia
George B. Whittaker (London)
660 The Winter's Wreath for MDCCCXXXII. Shelley , Mary Wollstonecraft
Chorley , John Rutter
Smyth , Amelia Gillespie
Hemans , Felicia
Howitt , William
Roscoe , Thomas
Harrison , W. H
Howitt , Mary
Norton , Andrew
Coleridge , Hartley
Wrangham , Francis
Browne , Mary Ann
Raffles , Reverend Thomas
Deakin , H. C.
Mordacque , L. A. J.
Merritt , J.
Bowring , John
Clarke , W. G
Mark Spencer , Gent
Watts , Priscilla Maden Wiffen
Butler , Ann
Moir , Anne Montgomery
Millhouse , R.
Parry , Catherine
La Claverie , M. De
Grimaldi , Signor
Lawrence , Rose D'Aguilar
Whittaker, Treacher, and Arnot (London)
George Smith (Liverpool)