Geoname ID 2643743
Name London
Titles 11829
Firms 3331
People Born: 280, Died: 389


Displaying 11501–11525 of 11793

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
13408 True stories from ancient history: chronologically arranged from the creation of the world to the death of Charlemagne. By A mother, author of "Always Happy," "Stories from Modern history," &c. Fourth edition. Revised and corrected by the author. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1825 Fourth edition. Revised and corrected by the author.
10262 True stories from English history, chronologically arranged, from the invasion of the Romans, to the death of George III. By a mother, author of "True stories from ancient history," &c. Second edition, considerably enlarged. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1828 Second edition, considerably enlarged.
11340 True stories from English history: chronologically arranged, from the invasion of the Romans to the death of George the Fourth. Considerably enlarged, with tables. By a mother, author of "True stories from ancient history" &c. Third edition, considerably enlarged, with tales exhibiting the early history of England, and the alliances and descendants of the sovereigns from the conquest. Illustrated with thirty-six engravings. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1831 Third edition.
11339 True stories from English history: chronologically arranged, from the invasion of the Romans, to the present time. By a mother, author of "True stories from ancient history" &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
11341 True stories from modern history: chronologically arranged from the death of Charlemagne to the Battle of Waterloo. By A mother, author of "Always happy," &c. &c. Second edition. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris and Son (London)
1824 Second edition.
10317 True stories from modern history: chronologically arranged from the death of Charlemagne to the Battle of Waterloo. By A mother, author of "Always happy," and "Hints on the sources of happiness," &c. &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris and Son (London)
11343 True stories from modern history: chronologically arranged from the death of Charlemagne to the Battle of Waterloo. The Fourth Edition, considerably enlarged. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1829 The Fourth Edition, considerably enlarged.
11333 True stories, from ancient history; chronologically arranged. From the creation of the world to the death of Charlemagne. By author of "Always happy," &c. Second edition. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris and Son (London)
1821 Second edition.
11331 True stories, from ancient history: chronologically arranged. From the creation of the world to the death of Charlemagne. By the author of "Always happy," &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris and Son (London)
11342 True stories, from modern history: chronologically arranged from the death of Charlemagne to the Battle of Waterloo. By A mother, author of "Always happy," and "Claudine," &c. Third edition. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1825 Third edition.
11344 True stories, from modern history: chronologically arranged, from the death of Charlemagne to the Battle of Waterloo. The Fifth Edition, considerably enlarged. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1834 The Fifth Edition, considerably enlarged.
11835 Truelove's Tales: A Cup of Sweets, that can never cloy. Illustrated with twenty engravings. Semple , Elizabeth
John Harris [1802-1819, 1824-1843] (London)
1268 Truth and Fiction. A Novel Gooch , Elizabeth Sarah Villa-Real
George Cawthorn, Apollo Press (London)
4520 Truth and filial love. A little drama. In three acts. English , Harriet
10739 Truth our best friend. By Mary Elliott; illustrated by copper-plates. Elliott , Mary Belson
William Darton [formerly Junior; 58 Holborn] (London)
23967 Truth vindicated by the faithful testimony and writings of the innocent servant and hand-maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst deceased. Bathurst , Elizabeth
23966 Truth vindicated by the faithful testimony and writings of the innocent servant and hand-maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst, deceased. Bathurst , Elizabeth
15028 Truth vindicated or, the specific differences of mental diseases ascertained. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. Rowley , W.
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
J. Wingrave (London)
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (London)
15074 Truth vindicated: or, the specific differences of mental diseases ascertained. Containing their numerous causes, the exact signs by which they may be distinguished, and questions proper for juries commissioned to examine these subjects; with facts extracted from the Parliamentary reports, and reasons for declaring the case of a great personage to have been only a feverish or symptomatic delirium. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. Rowley , W.
Francis Wingrave (London)
Elizabeth Newbery (London)
Thomas Hookham [New Bond Street] (London)
22359 Truth, a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable William Lord Harrington. By E----. B----. Boyd , Elizabeth
23906 Truth, a poem. Address'd to the Right Honourable William Lord Harrington. By E----. Boyd. Boyd , Elizabeth
26164 Truth, truth, truth: Unknown ,
24916 Truth. A counterpart to Mr. Pope’s Essay on man. Epistle the second, Opposing his opinions of Man as an Individual. By Mr. Ayre Ayre , William
25570 Tryal of Father John-Baptist Girard, on an accusation of quietism, sorcery, incest, abortion and subornation before the Great Chamber of Parlement at Aix, at the instance of Miss Mary-Catherine Cadiere. Containing, I. Minutes of each of the Cases, as they were taken for the Use of the Judges. II. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. III. The Speech of the President at the Opening of the Proceedings. IV. The Examination of the several Witnesses. V. The Interrogatory of Father Girard. VI. The Harangue of his Advocate in his Defence. VII. The Confrontation of Father Girard and Miss Cadiere. VIII. The Reply of M. Chandon to all urged in the Defence. IX. The Recapitulation of Monsieur, the President, and his pronouncing the Definitive Judgment of that Assembly, &c. With a preface by Monsieur C----, a learned Refugee at the Hague. Girard , Jean-Baptiste
John Isted (London)
Thomas Astley (London)
Elizabeth Nutt [Royal Exchange] (London)
Anne Dodd I (London)
John Jolliffe (London)
24150 Tully's two essays of old age, and of friendship. With his stoical paradoxes, and Scipio's dream. Render'd into English by Samuel Parker, Gent. Cicero , Marcus Tullius
George Sawbridge II (London)