Geoname ID 5128638
Name New York
Titles 394
Firms 203
People Born: 33, Died: 51


Displaying 1–25 of 392

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
18851 A brief account of the life, last sickness, and death, of Robert Mott, also of his daughter, J.B. Mott. Mott , Lydia Philadelphia
William Alexander (York)
18852 A brief account of the life, last sickness, and death, of Robert Mott, son of James and Mary Mott, of Mamaroneck, in the state of New-York. Mott , Lydia Philadelphia
20234 A Brief Account of the Religious Experience, Sickness and Death, of the late pious Miss Mary M. Tooker: taken from her own mouth by two female friends, A. E. and P. B. a few weeks before her departure. Tooker , Mary Magdalen
A. E. ,
P. B. ,
18966 A concise system of English grammar, selected and abridged for the use of schools. By Mary Palmer, Teacher of a Grammar School in New-York. Copy-right secured. Palmer , Mary
18437 A curious account of the comic adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her dog by S.C.M. Martin , Sarah Catherine
William Charles (New York)
16280 A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations, Jewish, Heathen, Mahometan, and Christian, Ancient and Modern. With an Appendix, Containing a Sketch of the Present State of the World, as to Population, Religion, Toleration, Missions, etc. and the Articles in Which All Christian Denominations Agree. By Hannah Adams. Fourth Edition, with Corrections and Large Additions. Adams , Hannah
James Eastburn & Co. (New York City)
Cummings & Hilliard (Boston)
1817 Fourth Edition, with Corrections and Large Additions.
16025 A Guide to True Peace; or, A Method of Attaining to Inward and Spiritual Prayer. Compiled chiefly from the writings of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, Lady Guion, and Michael de Molinos. First American edition. Fénelon , François de Salignac de La Mothe
Guyon , Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte
Molinos , Miguel de
1816 First American edition.
16686 A Key to Knowledge; or, Things in Common Use. Simply and shortly explained, in a series of dialogues. Written by a mother, author of "Always Happy." "First Book for Children." &c. &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
William B. Gilley (New York City)
16685 A key to knowledge; or, Things in common use. Simply and shortly explained, in a series of dialogues. Written by a mother, author of "Always happy."--"First Book for Children," &c. &c. Budden , Maria Elizabeth
William B. Gilley (New York City)
21346 A new and complete American medical family herbal, wherein, is displayed the true properties and medical virtues of the plants, indigenous to the United States of America: together with Lewis' secret remedy, newly discovered, which has been found infallible in the cure of that dreadful disease hydrophobia; produced by the bite of a mad dog. Being the result of more than thirty years experienced practice of the author, while a prisoner, towards the close of the last war, among the Creek Indians; and his travels through the southern states, whilst making botanic discoveries. By Samuel Henry, botanist, one of the members of the late College of Physicians and Surgeons, and of the Medical Society of the city and county of New-York. With an appendix, of many choice medical secrets, never made known to the world before. Henry , Samuel
Samuel Henry
18549 A new Arsecotcia song; Composed by old Betty Grey. Tune-Rogues March. 1804
19483 A new system of domestic cookery, formed upon principles of economy; and adapted to the use of private families throughout the United States. By a lady. Third edition. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
Robert McDermut (New York)
1817 Third edition.
19481 A new system of domestic cookery, formed upon principles of economy: and adapted to the use of private families throughout the United States. By a lady. Rundell , Maria Eliza Ketelby
Robert McDermut and Daniel D. Arden (New York City)
19567 A New-England Tale; Or, Sketches of New-England Character and Manners. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
Elam Bliss and Elihu White (New York City)
19566 A New-England Tale. Sedgwick , Catharine Maria
Elam Bliss and Elihu White (New York City)
1822 Second Edition.
24863 A Pleasing companion for little girls and boys: blending instruction with amusement. Being a selection of interesting stories, dialogues, fables and poetry. Designed for the use of primary schools and domestic nurseries. By Jesse Torrey, Jun. Second edition, revised. Edgeworth , Maria
Berquin , Arnaud
Day , Thomas
Taylor , Jane
Isaac T. Hopper (New York)
1830 Second edition, revised.
16194 A Real Treasure for a Pious Mind. Compiled by a Lady. From the Collections and Writings of the Countess of Huntingdon, Mrs. Rowe, Miss Harvey, Dr. Watts, Mr. Perin, Mr. Smith, and Others. Hastings , Selina
Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Harvey , Miss
Watts , Isaac
Perin , Mr.
Smith , Mr.
Evert Duyckinck [Water Street] (New York City)
16195 A Real Treasure for a Pious Mind. Compiled by a Lady. From the Collections and Writings of the Countess of Huntingdon, Mrs. Rowe, Miss Harvey, Dr. Watts, Mr. Perin, Mr. Smith, and Others. Harvey , Miss
Hastings , Selina
Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Perin , Mr.
Smith , Mr.
Watts , Isaac
John Wilson (New York)
16196 A Real Treasure for a Pious Mind. Compiled by a Lady. From the Collections and Writings of the Countess of Huntingdon, Mrs. Rowe, Miss Harvey, Dr. Watts, Mr. Perin, Mr. Smith, and Others. Harvey , Miss
Hastings , Selina
Rowe , Elizabeth Singer
Perin , Mr.
Smith , Mr.
Watts , Isaac
John Tiebout [246 Water Street] (New York City)
17733 A series of popular essays, illustrative of principles essentially connected with the improvement of the understanding, the imagination, and the heart. By Elizabeth Hamilton, author of Letters on the elementary principles of education, Cottagers of Glenburnie, &c. In two volumes. Hamilton , Elizabeth
Wells and Lilly (Boston)
Van Winkle and Wiley (New York)
Websters and Skinner [Corner of State and Pearl-Streets] (Albany)
Mathew Carey [121 Chesnut Street] (Philadelphia)
19263 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers, written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary: to which are now added, her Spiritual letters. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Rogers , James
Unknown , [Woman]
Bulmer , Agnes
Daniel Hitt and Thomas Ware (New York)
19264 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Rogers , James
19265 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Rogers , James
Ezekiel Cooper and John Wilson (New York)
19262 A short account of the experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers. Written by herself. With a brief extract from her diary. To which are now added, her Spiritual letters. Rogers , Hester Ann
Coke , Thomas
Unknown , [Woman]
Bulmer , Agnes
Daniel Hitt and Thomas Ware (New York)
18854 A short account of the last sickness and death of Maria Mott, daughter of Richard and Abigail Mott, of Mamaroneck, in the state of New-York. Mott , Richard
Mott , Abigail
Samuel Wood & Sons [357 Pearl Street] (New York)