Name Jackson Bibliography
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The Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry is based on first-hand examination of copies and aims to provide descriptions of all extant editions of all verse in English published for the first time between 1770 and 1835, amounting to approximately 23,000 volumes. 


Jackson, J. R. de J. Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry. University of Toronto, 1975, 

Titles 1965
Firms 2
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Displaying 51–75 of 1965

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
4468 A pindaric poem. Consisting of versified selections, from the Revelation of St. John. By Hannah Rowe. Rowe , Hannah
12146 A Plume for Sir Samuel Romilly; or, the Offering of the Fatherless: An Elegy. By Miss Stockdale. Stockdale , Mary
Mary Stockdale [180 Piccadilly] (London)
12280 A Poem Occasioned by the Cessation of Public Mourning for Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte; together with Sonnets and Other Productions. By Mrs. B. Hooper. Evance Hooper , Sarah
12286 A Poem Occasioned by the Partial Burning of York Cathedral: Most Respectfully Inscribed to the Citizens of York. Second edition. Dawson , Miss M. A.
William Oliphant (Edinburgh)
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
Richard Moore Tims (Dublin)
Alexander Barclay [St. Saviourgate] (York)
1829 Second Edition.
6095 A poem on the African slave trade. Addressed to her own sex by M. Birkett. The Second Edition. [Part I, of 2] Birket , Mary
1792 The Second Edition.
6097 A poem on the African slave trade. Addressed to her own sex, by M. Birkett. Part II. Birket , Mary
4578 A poem on the bill lately passed for regulating the slave trade. By Helen Maria Williams. Williams , Helen Maria
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1774 A poem on the inhumanity of the slave-trade. Humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Frederick, Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry; &c. &c. By Ann Yearsley. Yearsley , Ann
George, George, John and James Robinson (London)
12665 A Poem on the Pleasures and Advantages of Botanical Pursuits, with Notes; and Other Poems. By a friend to youth, addressed to her pupils. Hoare , Sarah
6636 A poem on the times. By Miss Fell, of Newcastle. Fell , Miss
John Wilkie (London)
William Goldsmith [Paternoster Row] (London)
12103 A Poem, in Answer to an Anonymous Pamphlet; in Three Letters, Called Friendly Hints to Catholic Emancipation. By Mary M'Coy. McCoy , Mary
12285 A Poem, Occasioned by the Partial Burning of York Cathedral: Most Respectfully Inscribed to the Citizens of York. By Miss M. A. Dawson. Dawson , Miss M. A.
William Oliphant (Edinburgh)
John Hatchard and Son [187 Piccadilly] (London)
Richard Moore Tims (Dublin)
Alexander Barclay [St. Saviourgate] (York)
12506 A Poem, Sacred to Freedom: And a Poem Intitled, Beneficence. By Mrs. Robert Hill. Hill , Philippina Patience
12527 A poem, to the memory of the Truly-Right-Honourable William Burton Conyngham, lately deceased; written, and most respectfully addressed to the Right Honourable Lord Conyngham, by His Lorrdship's most obedient, most obliged, humble servant, Mrs. Robert Hill. Hill , Philippina Patience
s.n. [sine nomine]
11027 A poetic epistle, From Gabrielle D'Estrees, to Henry the Fourth. By Anthony Pasquin, Esq. d'Estrees , Gabrielle
Williams , John
Andrew Strahan [1788-1806, 1817-1831] (London)
Robinson [Birmingham] (Birmingham)
11667 A Poetical Address from the Jerusalem to the Commanders and Officers, in the Service of the Honourable East India Company; Occasioned by Having Read Two Letters on East India Shipping . . . . Unknown ,
9710 A Poetical Catechism; or, Sacred Poetry: For the Use of Young Persons Fry , Caroline
1822 Second Edition
9719 A Poetical Catechism; or, Sacred Poetry: For the Use of Young Persons Fry , Caroline
Baker and Fletcher (London)
1826 Fourth Edition
11761 A Poetical History of England; Written for the Use of the Young Ladies Educated at Rothbury-House School, and Dedicated to Them by the Author. Capper , Louisa
11765 A Poetical History of England; Written for the Use of the Young Ladies Educated at Rothbury-House School, and Dedicated to Them, by the Author. Capper , Louisa
10023 A Poetical Introduction to the Study of Botany. By Frances Arabella Rowden. Rowden , Frances Arabella
11012 A Poetical Introduction to the Study of Botany. By Frances Arabella Rowden. The second edition: embellished with seven copper-plate engravings. Rowden , Frances Arabella
1812 The second edition: embellished with seven copper-plate engravings.
11016 A Poetical Introduction to the Study of Botany. By Frances Arabella Rowden. The third edition: embellished with seven copper-plate engravings. Rowden , Frances Arabella
G. and W. B. Whittaker (London)
1818 The third edition: embellished with seven copper-plate engravings.
871 A Poetical Olio by Mrs. R. Beverly, Comedian, Author of the Mirror, Modern Times, &c. Beverley , Elizabeth
9692 A Poetical Picture of America, being Observations Made, during a Residence of Several Years, at Alexandria, and Norfolk, in Virginia; Illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants: And Interspersed with Anecdotes, Arising from a General Intercourse with Society in that Country, from the Year 1799 to 1807. By a Lady. Ritson , Anne