Name Jackson Bibliography
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The Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry is based on first-hand examination of copies and aims to provide descriptions of all extant editions of all verse in English published for the first time between 1770 and 1835, amounting to approximately 23,000 volumes. 


Jackson, J. R. de J. Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry. University of Toronto, 1975, 

Titles 1965
Firms 2
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Displaying 1901–1925 of 1965

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
11093 The Works of Hannah More, In Four Volumes: Including Several Pieces Never Before Published. More , Hannah
Daniel Graisberry (II) [Back Lane] (Dublin)
195 The Works of Hannah More, including several pieces never before published. Another edition. With a Memoir and Notes. More , Hannah
Henry Fisher, Robert Fisher, and Peter Jackson (London)
1834 Another edition. With a Memoir and Notes.
8405 The Works of Hannah More. A New Edition, with additions and corrections. In Eleven Volumes. Thompson , Henry
More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell Jun. (London)
1830 A New Edition, with additions and corrections.
11043 The Works of Hannah More. A New Edition. In Eighteen Volumes. Including several pieces never before published. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
1818-19 A New Edition.
4119 The works of Miss Hannah More in prose and verse. More , Hannah
4330 The works of Miss Hannah More in prose and verse. More , Hannah
Patrick Byrne I [College Green] (Dublin)
Thomas White (Cork)
4664 The Works of Mrs. Chapone, containing Letters on the Improvement of the Mind, addressed to a young lady. And Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. In Two Volumes. Chapone , Hester Mulso
William Colles [17 New Buildings, Dame Street] (Dublin)
4706 The Works of Mrs. Chapone, containing Letters on the Improvement of the Mind, addressed to a young lady. And Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. In Two Volumes. Chapone , Hester Mulso
James Williams [21 Skinner Row] (Dublin)
11702 The works of Mrs. Chapone: Now First Collected. Containing I. Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. II. Miscellanies. III. Correspondence with Mr. Richardson. IV. Letters to Miss Carter. V. Fugitive Pieces. To which is prefixed, An Account of her Life and Character, drawn up by her own family. In four volumes. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Archibald Constable and Co. [Cross Well] (Edinburgh)
John Murray II [Fleet Street] (London)
4703 The works of Mrs. Chapone. Addressed to a young lady. A new edition. Chapone , Hester Mulso
J. Warlters (London)
1796 A New Edition.
363 The Works of Mrs. Cowley: Dramas and Poems. In Three Volumes. Cowley , Hannah
George Wilkie and John Robinson (London)
9629 The Works of Sir William Jones. In six volumes. Jones , Sir William
George, George, and John Robinson (London)
Robert Harding Evans [26 Pall Mall] (London)
11485 The Works of the Right Honorable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Including Her Correspondence, Poems, and Essays. Published, by Permission, from Her Genuine Papers Montagu , Mary Wortley
Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street] (London)
11669 The Works of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Including Her Correspondence, Poems, and Essays. Published, by Permission, from Her Genuine Papers Montagu , Mary Wortley
Richard Phillips [6 Bridge Street] (London)
1805 The Fifth Edition.
11019 The Youth's New Monitor, Written and Most Respectfully Inscribed to the Marquis of Beaumont, Infant Son & Heir of the Noble House of Roxburghe Unknown , [Woman]
William Sams (London)
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
6203 Theodora & Didymus, or, the exemplification of pure love and vital religion. An heroic poem, in three cantos. By Mrs. Mary Deverell, Gloucestershire. Deverell , Mary
6176 Theodora and Didymus, or, the exemplification of pure love and vital religion. An heroic poem, in three cantos. With an appendix, consisting of a pindaric ode, For the Queen's Birth-Day, 1786; and poetical epistles, On various Moral and Entertaining Subjects; by Mrs. Mary Deverell, Gloucestershir. The second edition. Deverell , Mary
Bull and Meyler (Bath)
1786 The second edition.
9883 Think before you Speak: Or, the Three Wishes. A Tale. By the Author of the Peacock at Home. Dorset , Catherine Anne Turner
Mary Jane Godwin (London)
3010 Thoughts occasioned by the death of Maria: who departed this life, August 8, 1788. Also on a beloved friend: likewise on visiting Eusebia's tomb. Day , Eliza
5518 Thoughts on a future state, occasioned by the death of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers: by a young lady, who met in her class. Also, an elegy on the same occasion, by another lady, Who met in her Class. Also, An Elegy on the same Occasion, by another lady, Who enjoyed the same Privilege of her maternal Instructions in the Way to Glory. Unknown , [Woman]
Bulmer , Agnes
423 Three Poems, Not Included in the Works of Lord Byron: Lines to lady J-, The Ænigma, The Curse of Minerva Fanshawe , Catherine
Gordon , George
Effingham Wilson [Royal Exchange] (London)
12569 Trafalgar: A Poem, to the Memory of Lord Nelson, Who Received a Mortal Wound in the Late Naval Engagement off Trafalgar, in the Hour of Victory. October 21, 1805. By Mrs. Sewell. Sewell , Anna
Nornaville and Fell (London)
R. Wetton and Son (Chertsey)
11042 Tragedies. By Hannah More. More , Hannah
Thomas Cadell and William Davies (London)
11017 Tragic Dramas; Chiefly Intended for Representation in Private Families: To Which is Added, Aristodemus, a Tragedy, from the Italian of Vincenzo Monti. By Frances Burney. Burney , Frances
Monti , Vincenzo
12329 Tranquillity, a Poem. To Which are Added Other Original Poems, and Translations from the Italian and Spanish. By Miss Edgar. Second Edition. Edgar , Miss
W. Simpkin and R. Marshall (London)
John Anderson, Jr. (Edinburgh)
1824 Second Edition.