Name Jackson Bibliography
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The Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry is based on first-hand examination of copies and aims to provide descriptions of all extant editions of all verse in English published for the first time between 1770 and 1835, amounting to approximately 23,000 volumes. 


Jackson, J. R. de J. Jackson Bibliography of Romantic Poetry. University of Toronto, 1975, 

Titles 1965
Firms 2
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Displaying 1926–1950 of 1965

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
12250 Tranquillity; a Poem. To Which are Added, Other Original Poems, and Translations from the Italian. Edgar , Miss
Alexander Brown [Aberdeen] (Aberdeen)
John Ballantyne and Co. (Edinburgh)
James Chalmers [Dundee] (Dundee)
G. Murray (Montrose)
Archibald Constable and Co. [Cross Well] (Edinburgh)
James Brash and William Reid [170 Trongate] (Glasgow)
9978 Translations from Camoens, and Other Poets, with Original Poetry, by the author of "Modern Greece," and the "Restoration of the works of art to Italy." Hemans , Felicia
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
J. Parker [Oxford] (Oxford)
11646 Travelling Sketches in Rhyme. By Lady E. S. Wortley. Stuart , Emmeline Charlotte Elizabeth
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman (London)
9454 Tributary tears, sacred to the memory of the illustrious and amiable princess charlotte of Wales, and Saxe Coburg; who died November 6th, 1817, in the twenty-second year of her age. Being a collection of the best poems that have appeared on this melancholy occasion. Unknown ,
McMullan , Maryanne
Reid , Mrs. M. A.
Serres , Olivia Wilmot
Tattershall , Miss S. E.
Richard Edwards [Crane Court] (London)
3533 Tributes of Affection: with The Slave; and Other Poems. By a lady; and her brother. Tomlins , Thomas Edlyne
Tomlins , Elizabeth Sophia
Thomas Norton Longman III (London)
Charles Dilly (London)
12071 Trifles in Verse. By Marianne Baillie. Baillie , Marianne
2455 Trifles of Helicon. By Charlotte and Sophia King. Dacre , Charlotte
King Fortnum , Sophia
James Ridgway [York Street] (London)
11287 Tunbridge Wells; a Descriptive Poem. To Which are Added the Book-stall, and Other Miscellaneous Pieces Shelley , Helen
Charles Law and George B. Whittaker (London)
Pinnock and Maunder [Bell Rd] (London)
11097 Turn the Carpet: A New Christmas Hymn: The Noble Army of Martyrs: and, The Plow-boy's Dream. More , Hannah
Cheap Repository Tracts (London)
5835 Unrighteous abuse detected and chastised, or, a vindication of innocence and integrity, being an answer to a virulent poem, intituled, The Protestant Association. By Maria De Fleury. Second edition. de Fleury , Maria
1781 Second edition.
1264 Useful Subjects in Prose and Verse; by Mrs. Elizabeth Beverley, Comedian; Professor of Elocution and Authoress of the Popular Coronation Sermon, &c. &c. Fourth Edition. Beverley , Elizabeth
1828 Fourth Edition.
12463 Valencia: A Tragedy, in Five Acts; and Who Could Believe It? A Comedy, in Five Acts. By Mrs. Saml. Dukinfield Swarbreck. Swarbreck , Delia Caroline
12464 Valencia: A Tragedy, in Five Acts. By Mrs. Saml. Dukinfield Swarbreck. Swarbreck , Delia Caroline
10857 Vallis Vale, and Other Poems. By the Author of "The Juvenile Poetical Moralist." Tuck , Elizabeth
11666 Variety: A Collection of Original Poems. By a Lady. Unknown , [Woman]
James Wallis [46 Paternoster Row] (London)
Christopher and Jennet (Stockton)
11598 Verses for Little Children . . . . Unknown ,
Joseph Harvey and Samuel Darton (London)
10519 Verses for little children. Written by a young lady, for the amusement of her junior brothers and sisters; with copper-plates. Unknown , [Woman]
William Darton, Joseph Harvey, and Samuel Darton (London)
9707 Verses from Glenarvon: To Which is Prefixed the Original Introduction, Not Published with the Early Editions of That Work Lamb , Caroline
Henry Colburn [Conduit Street] (London)
1819 Second Edition
9703 Verses from Glenarvon: To Which is Prefixed the Original Introduction, Not Published with the Early Editions of that Work. Lamb , Caroline
11760 Verses Hymns and Poems, on Various Subjects. Composed under a Long Series of Affliction and Deprivation of Sight . . . . Being the Second and Last Part of Her Compositions . . . . Parsons , Letitia
John and William Parsons (Hawkhurst)
Richard Parsons (Marden)
Mrs. Maskall (Sandhurst)
Thomas Coe (Pembury)
2791 Verses on the present state of Ireland. By a lady. Bingham , Margaret
Peter Elmsley [87 Strand] (London)
11758 Verses, Hymns and Poems, on Various Subjects; Composed under a Long Series of Affliction and Deprivation of Sight Parsons , Letitia
T. Coe (Kent)
11759 Verses, Hymns and Poems, on Various Subjects; Composed under a Long Series of Affliction and Deprivation of Sight Parsons , Letitia
John Parsons (London)
John Dickins [Market Street] (London)
214 Vignettes: in Verse. By Matilda Betham. Betham , Mary Matilda
Rowland Hunter (London)
8630 Village Anecdotes; or, The Journal of a Year, from Sophia to Edward. With Original Poems. By Mrs. E. A. Le Noir. Le Noir , Elizabeth Anne