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Titles 1371
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Displaying 476–500 of 1371

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
2021 Letters from Italy, describing the manners, customs, antiquities, paintings, &c. of that country, in the years MDCCLXX and MDCCLXXI, to a friend residing in France. By an English woman. The second edition, revised and corrected. In two volumes. Riggs-Miller , Anna
Edward and Charles Dilly (London)
1777 The second edition, revised and corrected.
836 Letters from Mrs. Elizabeth Carter to Mrs. Montagu, between the years 1755 and 1800. Chiefly upon Literary and Moral Subjects; published from the originals in the possession of the Rev. Montagu Pennington. Carter , Elizabeth
Francis, Charles and John Rivington (London)
5483 Letters from the Duchess de Crui and others, on subjects moral and entertaining, wherein the character of the female sex, with their rank, importance, and consequence, is stated, and their relative duties in life are enforced. By Lady Mary Walker. The second edition, corrected. Walker , Mary
James Robson (London)
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (London)
1777 The second edition, corrected.
14624 Letters from the Irish Highlands of Cunnemarra. By a Family Party. Second Edition. Attersoll , Elizabeth Anna
Blake , Martha Louisa
Blake , Henry
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
1825 Second Edition.
407 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In three volumes. Grant , Anne
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
14971 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In Three Volumes. The Fifth Edition. Grant , Anne
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
Harriet Cook (London)
1813 The Fifth Edition.
1239 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In Three Volumes. The Fourth Edition. Grant , Anne
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
Harriet Cook (London)
1809 The Fourth Edition.
14967 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In three volumes. The third edition. Grant , Anne
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Harriet Cook (London)
1807 The Third Edition.
17639 Letters from the mountains: being the real correspondence of a lady, between the years 1773 and 1807. In two volumes. First American from the third London edition. Grant , Anne
1809 First American from the third London edition.
17640 Letters from the mountains: being the real correspondence of a lady, between the years 1773 and 1807. In two volumes. Second American from the third London edition. Grant , Anne
Ebenezer Larkin (Boston)
1809 Second American from the third London edition.
19200 Letters of Adelaide de Sancerre. To Count de Nance. Riccoboni , Marie Jeanne
5474 Letters of Lady Rachel Russell; from the manuscript in the library at Woburn Abbey. To which is prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell Against Sir John Dalrymple, &c. The fifth edition, corrected and enlarged. To this edition is added, (not in the London Edition) the trial of Lord William Russell, for high treason; Extracted from the State Trials at large. Russell , Rachel
Stephen Colbert [Stephen Street] (Dublin)
Edward Thomas [Dublin] (Dublin)
1775 The fifth edition, corrected and enlarged.
505 Letters of Miss Riversdale. A Novel. In Three Volumes. Unknown ,
Joseph Johnson (London)
14226 Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho, an African. In two volumes. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of his life. Jekyll , Joseph
Sancho , Ignatius
14225 Letters of the late Ignatius Sancho, an African. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of his Life, by Joseph Jekyll, Esq. M.P. The fifth edition. Jekyll , Joseph
Sancho , Ignatius
William Sancho [Charles Street] (London)
1803 The fifth edition.
14594 Letters on Iceland: Containing Observations on the Civil, Literary, Ecclesiastical, and Natural History; Antiquities, Volcanos, Basaltes, Hot Springs; Customs, Dress, Manners of the Inhabitants, &c. &c. Made during a Voyage Undertaken in the Year 1772, by Joseph Banks, Esq., P.R.S. Assisted by Dr. Solander, F.R.S. Dr. J. Lind, F.R.S. Dr. Uno von Troil, and Several Other Literary and Ingenious Gentlemen. Written by Uno von Troil, D.D. First Chaplain to His Swedish Majesty, Abaquer of the Swedish Orders of Knighthood, and Member of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, to Which Are Added the Letters of Dr. Ihre and Dr. Bach to the Author, Concerning the Edda and the Elephantiasis of Iceland: Also Professor Bergman’s Curious Observations and Chemical Examination of the Lava and Other Substances Produced on the Island. With a New Map of the Island, and a Representation of the Remarkable Boiling Fountain Called by the Inhabitants Geyser. Troil , Uno Von
James Robson (London)
Nathaniel Conant [Fleet Street] (London)
William Richardson [printer, Strand] (London)
1207 Letters on India; by Maria Graham, author of "Journal of a Residence in India." With Etchings and a Map. Graham , Maria
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
Archibald Constable [High Street] (Edinburgh)
276 Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education. By Elizabeth Hamilton, Author of the memoirs of modern philosophers, & c. Hamilton , Elizabeth
George and John Robinson (London)
1801 Second Edition
17731 Letters on the elementary principles of education. By Elizabeth Hamilton, author of the Memoirs of modern philosophers, &c. In two volumes. Second American edition. Hamilton , Elizabeth
Isaac Peirce (Philadelphia)
1813 Second American edition.
14461 Letters on the improvement of the mind, addressed to a young lady. By Mrs. Chapone. To which is added, The life of the author, and her Celebrated History of Fidelia; with A father's advice to an only daughter immediately after marriage. In two volumes. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Gabriel Nourse (Hagerstown)
14460 Letters on the improvement of the mind, addressed to a young lady. In two volumes. By Mrs. Chapone. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Gabriel Nourse (Hagerstown)
4672 Letters on the improvement of the mind, addressed to a young lady. In two volumes. By Mrs. Chapone. The seventh edition. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Edward and Charles Dilly (London)
John Walter [Homer's Head, Charing Cross] (London)
1778 The seventh edition.
15394 Letters on the improvement of the mind: Adderssed to a young lady. In two volumes. By Mrs. Chapone. A new edition. Chapone , Hester Mulso
1793 A new edition
13345 Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. Addressed to a Lady. By Mrs. Chapone. Chapone , Hester Mulso
John Sharpe [Piccadilly] (London)
13325 Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. Addressed to a Lady. By Mrs. Chapone. With the life of the author. A new edition. Chapone , Hester Mulso
Benjamin Crosby and Co. (London)
James Scatcherd and Charles Letterman [Litterman] (London)
Thomas Ostell (London)
Henry Delahoy Symonds [Paternoster Row] (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
Ann Vernor and Thomas Hood [Poultry] (London)
1806 A New Edition.