Name British Travel Writing: Women's Travel Writing, 1780–1840
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This project aims to restore visibility to 139 women who published travel books as authors, co-authors, contributors, letterpress writers, editors, and translators during a period in which women’s travel writing became established in Britain and Ireland.


British Travel Writing: Women's Travel Writing, 1780–1840. University of Wolverhampton, 2014,

Titles 318
Firms 0
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Displaying 151–175 of 318

ID Title Author Firms (City) Date Edition
14624 Letters from the Irish Highlands of Cunnemarra. By a Family Party. Second Edition. Attersoll , Elizabeth Anna
Blake , Martha Louisa
Blake , Henry
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green (London)
1825 Second Edition.
14405 Letters from the Irish Highlands. Blake , Martha Louisa
Attersoll , Elizabeth Anna
Blake , Henry
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)
407 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In three volumes. Grant , Anne
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
14971 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In Three Volumes. The Fifth Edition. Grant , Anne
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
Harriet Cook (London)
1813 The Fifth Edition.
1239 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In Three Volumes. The Fourth Edition. Grant , Anne
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
Harriet Cook (London)
1809 The Fourth Edition.
687 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In three volumes. The second edition. Grant , Anne
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Harriet Cook (London)
1807 The Second Edition.
14967 Letters from the Mountains: Being the Real Correspondence of a Lady, Between the Years 1773 and 1807. In three volumes. The third edition. Grant , Anne
Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme (London)
John Hatchard [190 Piccadilly] (London)
Harriet Cook (London)
1807 The Third Edition.
17639 Letters from the mountains: being the real correspondence of a lady, between the years 1773 and 1807. In two volumes. First American from the third London edition. Grant , Anne
1809 First American from the third London edition.
810 Letters from the North Highlands, During the Summer 1816. By Elizabeth Isabella Spence, author of "A Caledonian Excursion," &c. &c. Spence , Elizabeth Isabella
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
14627 Letters on Iceland: Containing Observations on the Civil, Literary, Ecclesiastical, and Natural History; Antiquities, Volcanos, Basaltes, Hot Springs; Customs, Dress, Manners of the Inhabitants, &c. &c. Made during a Voyage Undertaken in the Year 1772, by Joseph Banks, Esq., F.R.S. Assisted by Dr. Solander, F.R.S. Dr. J. Lind, F.R.S. Dr. Uno von Troil, and Several Other Literary and Ingenious Gentlemen. Written by Uno von Troil, D.D. First Chaplain to His Swedish Majesty, Almoner of the Swedish Orders of Knighthood, and Member of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. To Which Are Added the Letters of Dr. Ihre and Dr. Bach to the Author, Concerning the Edda and the Elephantiasis of Iceland: Also, Professor Bergman’s Curious Observations and Chemical Examination of the Lava and Other Substances Produced on the Island. With a New Map of the Island, and a Representation of the Remarkable Boiling Fountain Called by the Inhabitants Geyser. Troil , Uno Von
Samuel Price [Henry Street] (Dublin)
William and Henry Whitestone (Dublin)
James Potts (Dublin)
Thomas Walker (Dublin)
Caleb Jenkin [58 Dame Street] (Dublin)
Luke White [6 Crampton Street] (Dublin)
John Beatty [Skinner Row] (Dublin)
Patrick Higly (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne II [Temple Bar] (Dublin)
W. Halhead (Dublin)
14594 Letters on Iceland: Containing Observations on the Civil, Literary, Ecclesiastical, and Natural History; Antiquities, Volcanos, Basaltes, Hot Springs; Customs, Dress, Manners of the Inhabitants, &c. &c. Made during a Voyage Undertaken in the Year 1772, by Joseph Banks, Esq., P.R.S. Assisted by Dr. Solander, F.R.S. Dr. J. Lind, F.R.S. Dr. Uno von Troil, and Several Other Literary and Ingenious Gentlemen. Written by Uno von Troil, D.D. First Chaplain to His Swedish Majesty, Abaquer of the Swedish Orders of Knighthood, and Member of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, to Which Are Added the Letters of Dr. Ihre and Dr. Bach to the Author, Concerning the Edda and the Elephantiasis of Iceland: Also Professor Bergman’s Curious Observations and Chemical Examination of the Lava and Other Substances Produced on the Island. With a New Map of the Island, and a Representation of the Remarkable Boiling Fountain Called by the Inhabitants Geyser. Troil , Uno Von
James Robson (London)
Nathaniel Conant [Fleet Street] (London)
William Richardson [printer, Strand] (London)
14626 Letters on Iceland: Containing Observations on the Natural History of the Country, Antiquities, Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, &c. &c. Made During a Voyage Undertaken in the Year 1772, By Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S., Assisted by Dr. Solander, F.R.S, Dr. J. Lind, F.R.S, and Several Other Literary and Ingenious Gentlemen. Written by Uno Von Troil, D.D., Chaplain to his Swedish Majesty, &c. &c. with Notes and Additions by the Translator. The Whole Revised and Corrected by E. Mendes Da Costa. The Third Edition. Troil , Uno Von
James Robson (London)
William Richardson [printer, Strand] (London)
1783 The Third Edition.
1207 Letters on India; by Maria Graham, author of "Journal of a Residence in India." With Etchings and a Map. Graham , Maria
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
Archibald Constable [High Street] (Edinburgh)
14977 Letters Written during a Four Days' Tour in Holland, in the Summer of 1834. Gunn , Harriet
15169 Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. By Mary Wollstonecraft. Wollstonecraft , Mary
Joseph Johnson (London)
15170 Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. By Mary Wollstonecraft. Wollstonecraft , Mary
J. Wilson and J. Johnson (Wilmington)
1796 First American Edition.
8879 Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. By Mary Wollstonecraft. Second Edition. Wollstonecraft , Mary
Joseph Johnson (London)
1802 Second Edition.
815 Letters Written during a Tour through Normandy, Brittany, and Other Parts of France in 1818: Including Local and Historical Descriptions; with Remarks on the Manners and Character of the People. By Mrs Charles Stothard. With Numerous Engravings, after Drawings by Charles Stothard, F.S.A. Bray , Anna Eliza
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown (London)
13831 Letters written from various parts of the Continent, between the years 1785 and 1794: containing a variety of anecdotes relative to the present state of literature in Germany, and to celebrated German literati. With an appendix. In which are included, three letters of Gran's, never before published in this country. Translated from the German of Frederick Matthisson, by Anne Plumptre, Translator of Several of Kotzebue's Plays. Gray , Thomas
Matthisson , Frederich
Thomas Norton Longman And Owen Rees (London)
4605 Letters written in France in the summer 1790, to a friend in England; Containing, various anecdotes relative to the French revolution; and memoirs of Mons. and Madame du F-, By Helen Maria Williams. The Second Edition. Williams , Helen Maria
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
1791 Second Edition
4575 Letters Written in France, in the Summer 1790, to a Friend in England; Containing, Various Anecdotes Relative to the French Revolution; and Memoirs of Mons. and Madame du F----. By Helen Maria Williams. Williams , Helen Maria
Patrick Wogan [23 Old Bridge] (Dublin)
James Moore [Dublin] (Dublin)
William Jones I [Dame Street] (Dublin)
George Burnet [Abbey Street] (Dublin)
Patrick Byrne I [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
John Rice [5 College Green] (Dublin)
Arthur Grueber [59 Dame Street] (Dublin)
John Jones [Grafton Street] (Dublin)
R. White [Dublin] (Dublin)
4571 Letters Written in France, in the Summer 1790, to a Friend in England; Containing, Various Anecdotes Relative to the French Revolution; and Memoirs of Mons. and Madame Du F–––-. By Helen Maria Williams. Williams , Helen Maria
Thomas Cadell [London] (London)
15128 Lincolnshire in 1835: with the Rivers Humber, Trent & Witham, Displayed in a Series of Views: Each View Accompanied by an Explanatory and Illustrative Description. Saunders , Mary
John Saunders, Jun. (Lincoln)
15129 Lincolnshire in 1836: Displayed in a Series of Nearly One Hundred Engravings, on Steel and Wood; with Accompanying Descriptions, Statistical and Other Important Information, Maps, &c. Saunders , Mary
John Saunders, Jun. (Lincoln)
11709 Lisbon in the Years 1821, 1822 and 1823. By Marianne Baillie. In Two Volumes. Baillie , Marianne
John Murray II [Albemarle] (London)