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Bray, Anna Eliza. Letters Written during a Tour through Normandy, Brittany, and Other Parts of France in 1818: Including Local and Historical Descriptions; with Remarks on the Manners and Character of the People. By Mrs Charles Stothard. With Numerous Engravings, after Drawings by Charles Stothard, F.S.A.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 815, Accessed 2025-03-31.

@book{ wphp_815
  author={Bray,Anna Eliza},
  title={Letters Written during a Tour through Normandy, Brittany, and Other Parts of France in 1818: Including Local and Historical Descriptions; with Remarks on the Manners and Character of the People. By Mrs Charles Stothard. With Numerous Engravings, after Drawings by Charles Stothard, F.S.A.},
  publisher={Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown \& },
  address={London},    }

Suggestions and Comments for Letters Written during a Tour through Normandy, Brittany, and Other Parts of France in 1818: Including Local and Historical Descriptions; with Remarks on the Manners and Character of the People. By Mrs Charles Stothard. With Numerous Engravings, after Drawings by Charles Stothard, F.S.A.
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