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Carter, Elizabeth, More, Hannah, Seward, Anna, Wheatley Peters, Phillis, Yearsley, Ann. A Selection, in Prose and Verse; with Some Original Pieces by Mrs. A. G. of Lamberhurst, Kent.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 12555, Accessed 2024-09-07.

Carter, Elizabeth, Hannah More, Anna Seward, Phillis Wheatley Peters, and Ann Yearsley. A Selection, in Prose and Verse; with Some Original Pieces by Mrs. A. G. of Lamberhurst, Kent. Cranbrook: 1803.

@book{ wphp_12555
  author={Carter,Elizabeth and More,Hannah and Seward,Anna and Wheatley Peters,Phillis and Yearsley,Ann},
  title={A Selection, in Prose and Verse; with Some Original Pieces by Mrs. A. G. of Lamberhurst, Kent.},
  address={Cranbrook},    }

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