Hell upon earth: or the town in an uproar. Occasion'd by the late horrible scenes of forgery, perjury, street-robbery, murder, sodomy, and other shocking impieties. Of the Encrease of the Hempen Manufactory and the Decrease of the Woollen Manufactory; shewing that Goals and Gibbets are become as useful as Guards and Garisons, and Pillories as necessary as P-ns. Of Peoples being almost under the Necessity of carrying Pistols instead of Prayer-Books to their Parish Churches. A surprizing Account of the Numbers of People who Live by preparing and vending Liquors, and of those that Die by drinking them: With the vast plenty of Diseases and Doctors, and the great Scarcity of Physicians. An Account of Fox-Hunters, Peace-Hunters, Money Hunters, Men-Hunters, Whore-Hunters, Death-Hunters, Levee-Hunters, News-Hunters. Of the Subscribing Coffee-Mens pretty Project for printing their Customers Prittle Prattle. Of Lady B-is Necessary House being broke open and robb'd, as published in the Coffee-Mens Paper, with the strange Effect it had on a Scotch Subscribing Coffee-Man's Wife, who refunded her Breakfast upon reading the Relation.
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Unknown. Hell upon earth: or the town in an uproar. Occasion'd by the late horrible scenes of forgery, perjury, street-robbery, murder, sodomy, and other shocking impieties. Of the Encrease of the Hempen Manufactory and the Decrease of the Woollen Manufactory; shewing that Goals and Gibbets are become as useful as Guards and Garisons, and Pillories as necessary as P-ns. Of Peoples being almost under the Necessity of carrying Pistols instead of Prayer-Books to their Parish Churches. A surprizing Account of the Numbers of People who Live by preparing and vending Liquors, and of those that Die by drinking them: With the vast plenty of Diseases and Doctors, and the great Scarcity of Physicians. An Account of Fox-Hunters, Peace-Hunters, Money Hunters, Men-Hunters, Whore-Hunters, Death-Hunters, Levee-Hunters, News-Hunters. Of the Subscribing Coffee-Mens pretty Project for printing their Customers Prittle Prattle. Of Lady B-is Necessary House being broke open and robb'd, as published in the Coffee-Mens Paper, with the strange Effect it had on a Scotch Subscribing Coffee-Man's Wife, who refunded her Breakfast upon reading the Relation.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 25599, https://womensprinthistoryproject.com/title/25599. Accessed 2025-03-06.
Unknown, . Hell upon earth: or the town in an uproar. Occasion'd by the late horrible scenes of forgery, perjury, street-robbery, murder, sodomy, and other shocking impieties. Of the Encrease of the Hempen Manufactory and the Decrease of the Woollen Manufactory; shewing that Goals and Gibbets are become as useful as Guards and Garisons, and Pillories as necessary as P-ns. Of Peoples being almost under the Necessity of carrying Pistols instead of Prayer-Books to their Parish Churches. A surprizing Account of the Numbers of People who Live by preparing and vending Liquors, and of those that Die by drinking them: With the vast plenty of Diseases and Doctors, and the great Scarcity of Physicians. An Account of Fox-Hunters, Peace-Hunters, Money Hunters, Men-Hunters, Whore-Hunters, Death-Hunters, Levee-Hunters, News-Hunters. Of the Subscribing Coffee-Mens pretty Project for printing their Customers Prittle Prattle. Of Lady B-is Necessary House being broke open and robb'd, as published in the Coffee-Mens Paper, with the strange Effect it had on a Scotch Subscribing Coffee-Man's Wife, who refunded her Breakfast upon reading the Relation. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane], Anne Dodd I, 1729.
Unknown , . (1729). Hell upon earth: or the town in an uproar. occasion'd by the late horrible scenes of forgery, perjury, street-robbery, murder, sodomy, and other shocking impieties. of the encrease of the hempen manufactory and the decrease of the woollen manufactory; shewing that goals and gibbets are become as useful as guards and garisons, and pillories as necessary as p-ns. of peoples being almost under the necessity of carrying pistols instead of prayer-books to their parish churches. a surprizing account of the numbers of people who live by preparing and vending liquors, and of those that die by drinking them: with the vast plenty of diseases and doctors, and the great scarcity of physicians. an account of fox-hunters, peace-hunters, money hunters, men-hunters, whore-hunters, death-hunters, levee-hunters, news-hunters. of the subscribing coffee-mens pretty project for printing their customers prittle prattle. of lady b-is necessary house being broke open and robb'd, as published in the coffee-mens paper, with the strange effect it had on a scotch subscribing coffee-man's wife, who refunded her breakfast upon reading the relation. London: James Roberts [Warwick Lane] Anne Dodd I.
@book{ wphp_25599 author={Unknown,}, year={1729}, title={Hell upon earth: or the town in an uproar. Occasion'd by the late horrible scenes of forgery, perjury, street-robbery, murder, sodomy, and other shocking impieties. Of the Encrease of the Hempen Manufactory and the Decrease of the Woollen Manufactory; shewing that Goals and Gibbets are become as useful as Guards and Garisons, and Pillories as necessary as P-ns. Of Peoples being almost under the Necessity of carrying Pistols instead of Prayer-Books to their Parish Churches. A surprizing Account of the Numbers of People who Live by preparing and vending Liquors, and of those that Die by drinking them: With the vast plenty of Diseases and Doctors, and the great Scarcity of Physicians. An Account of Fox-Hunters, Peace-Hunters, Money Hunters, Men-Hunters, Whore-Hunters, Death-Hunters, Levee-Hunters, News-Hunters. Of the Subscribing Coffee-Mens pretty Project for printing their Customers Prittle Prattle. Of Lady B-is Necessary House being broke open and robb'd, as published in the Coffee-Mens Paper, with the strange Effect it had on a Scotch Subscribing Coffee-Man's Wife, who refunded her Breakfast upon reading the Relation.}, publisher={James Roberts [Warwick Lane] \& Anne Dodd I}, address={London}, }
Suggestions and Comments for Hell upon earth: or the town in an uproar. Occasion'd by the late horrible scenes of forgery, perjury, street-robbery, murder, sodomy, and other shocking impieties. Of the Encrease of the Hempen Manufactory and the Decrease of the Woollen Manufactory; shewing that Goals and Gibbets are become as useful as Guards and Garisons, and Pillories as necessary as P-ns. Of Peoples being almost under the Necessity of carrying Pistols instead of Prayer-Books to their Parish Churches. A surprizing Account of the Numbers of People who Live by preparing and vending Liquors, and of those that Die by drinking them: With the vast plenty of Diseases and Doctors, and the great Scarcity of Physicians. An Account of Fox-Hunters, Peace-Hunters, Money Hunters, Men-Hunters, Whore-Hunters, Death-Hunters, Levee-Hunters, News-Hunters. Of the Subscribing Coffee-Mens pretty Project for printing their Customers Prittle Prattle. Of Lady B-is Necessary House being broke open and robb'd, as published in the Coffee-Mens Paper, with the strange Effect it had on a Scotch Subscribing Coffee-Man's Wife, who refunded her Breakfast upon reading the Relation.