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Helme, Elizabeth. The Pilgrim of the Cross; or, The Chronicles of Christabelle de Mowbray. An Ancient Legend. In Four Volumes. By Elizabeth Helme, author of St. Margaret's Cave, or the Nun's Story; Louisa, or the Cottage on the Moor; St. Clair of the Isles, &c. &c.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 82, Accessed 2024-09-07.

@book{ wphp_82
  title={The Pilgrim of the Cross; or, The Chronicles of Christabelle de Mowbray. An Ancient Legend. In Four Volumes. By Elizabeth Helme, author of St. Margaret's Cave, or the Nun's Story; Louisa, or the Cottage on the Moor; St. Clair of the Isles, &c. &c.},
  publisher={Philip Norbury \& },
  address={Brentford},    }

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