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Browne, Mary Ann, Norton, Mrs., Bowles, Caroline, Embury, Emma Catherine, Gore, Catherine Grace Frances, Hemans, Felicia, Howitt, Mary, Jewsbury, Maria Jane, Landon, Letitia Elizabeth, Mitford, Mary Russell, Rennie, Eliza, Sheridan, Miss. The Lady's Poetical Album.The Women's Print History Project, 2019, title ID 9518, Accessed 2024-07-26.

Browne, Mary Ann, et al. The Lady's Poetical Album. Glasgow: Richard Griffin and Co. [64 Hutcheson Street], James M. Leckie, 1830.

Browne , M.A., Norton , M., Bowles , C., Embury , E.C., Gore , C.G.F., Hemans , F., Sheridan , M. (1830). The lady's poetical album. Glasgow: Richard Griffin and Co. [64 Hutcheson Street] James M. Leckie.

Browne, Mary, A., Mrs. Norton, Caroline Bowles, Emma C. Embury, Catherine G. F. Gore, Felicia Hemans, Mary Howitt, Maria J. Jewsbury, Letitia E. Landon, Mary R. Mitford, Eliza Rennie, and Miss Sheridan. The Lady's Poetical Album. Glasgow: Richard Griffin and Co. [64 Hutcheson Street], James M. Leckie, 1830.

@book{ wphp_9518
  author={Browne,Mary Ann and Norton,Mrs. and Bowles,Caroline and Embury,Emma Catherine and Gore,Catherine Grace Frances and Hemans,Felicia and Howitt,Mary and Jewsbury,Maria Jane and Landon,Letitia Elizabeth and Mitford,Mary Russell and Rennie,Eliza and Sheridan,Miss},
  title={The Lady's Poetical Album.},
  publisher={Richard Griffin and Co. [64 Hutcheson Street] \& James M. Leckie},
  address={Glasgow},    }

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