Publisher |
An account of the particular soliloquis and covenant engagements, past betwixt Mrs. Jannet Hamilton the defunct Lady of Alexander Gordon of Earlstoun. Upon the severel dyets, and at several places under writen & were found in her cabinet among her paper after her death at Earlstoun, February 26th. 1696. Being all writen and subscrived with her own hand. |
, Janet
1715 |
Publisher |
Gentlemen of the South-Sea Company, I admire that you can't be contented and give God thanks for peace, but that your spight should be so great to your brethren that you would fling them out of all government because they would have trade with France. |
, Eleanor
1715 |
Publisher |
The history of Mother Shipton: Containing an account of her strange and unnatural conception, her birth, life, actions and death: the correspondence she held with the devil, and many strange and wonderful things perform'd by her. Together with all the predictions and prophecies that have been made by her, and since fulfilled, from the reign of King Henry the VII. to the third year of the late deceased Sovereign Lady Queen Ann: with several not yet fulfilled, apparently shewing the downfall of the Late French King, and the happy condition of these kingdoms under Her Late Majesty's successful and prosperous reign. |
, Ursula
, Richard
1715 |
Unknown |
In as much as I Ann Foggit have gone to the meetings of the people called Quakers: And therefore have been accounted one of that people, yet have been Blameworthy in my not walking according to the teachings of the grace of God, and advice of the aforesaid people, which occasioned a dislike in the meeting I frequented touching my marrying with Abraham Foggit; ... |
, Ann
1715 |
Publisher |
The pedigree of Catharine Knyvet, wife of Richard Bokenham of Weston-Mercate in the county of Suffolk, ... and lineal heir to Sir John Bourchier, ... the first Lord Berners. |
, Katharine
1717 |
Printer |
Grana angelica: or the true Scots pills. Left to posterity by Dr. Patrick Anderson of Edinburgh, ... are faithfully prepared only by I. Inglish from Edinburgh; now living at the Unicorn over against the New Church, ... London. |
, Isabella
1720 |
Publisher |
An epistle to Sir. Scipio Hill, from Madam Kil-k. |
, [Woman]
1720 |
Publisher |
For the health and benefit of the female-sex: whether wives, widows, or maids, by a gentlewoman. |
, [Woman]
1720 |
Publisher |
Mary Coleman, at the sign of the Porter and dwarf, and the Hand and shears, over the common shore in Houndsditch, sells all sorts of linen goods in the piece or made up, as dowlas, garlicks, isinghams, Irish and Russia cloths of all sorts, ... |
, Mary
1720 |
Publisher |
Mary Smith, at the sign of the Porter and Dwarf, in the middle of the Great Cloysters, near West-Smithfield, London. sells all sorts of millinary wares, ... |
, Mary
1720 |
Publisher |
Rebecca English, at the Old white Swan and Rowl over-against the iron gates on the south-side of St. Paul's Church-yard, sells all sorts of black and colour'd plain silks ... |
, Rebecca
1720 |
Printer |
The Devonshire woman: or, a wonderful narrative of Frances Flood, shewing how she was taken by the small-pox in the street of Saltford, near Bath, in the year 1723; and having no place of abode [being a stranger] she got to a barn in the said town, where her legs broke short off in the small; and was healed without the help of physician or surgeon. Licens'd and enter'd according to order. |
, Frances
1723 |
Printer |
The devonshire woman; or, a wonderful narrative of Frances Flood. Shewing how she was taken by the small-pox in the street of Saltford, near Bath; in the year 1723; and having no place of Abode, being a Stranger, she got to a Barn in the said Town, where her Legs broke short off in the small, and was healed without the help of Physician or Surgeon. Licens'd and Enter'd according to Order. |
, Frances
1723 |
Publisher |
Memoirs, or, Spiritual exercises of Elisabeth Wast; written by her own hand. |
, Elisabeth
1724 |
Publisher |
Poems on several occasions. |
, Eliza
1724 |
Publisher |
Every man mind his own business, or Private Piques no Publick Precedents: being an answer to a late scurrilous pamphlet, intitul'd Every-Body's business is no-body's business, written by an old, peevish, trading J-ce, whose false reasoning is here expos'd, the cruelty of masters and mistresses exemplify'd, and the hardships of servitude set in a clear light. In a letter to A--- M---, Esq; by Catherine Comb-Brush, lady's woman. |
, Daniel
1725 |
Publisher |
Apollo's edict. |
, Mary
1725? |
Unknown |
An account of a case between Canon Richard Eyre, and Elizabeth Swanton. Together with a vindication of the same from the malice and aspersions of the said Canon Eyre. |
, Elizabeth
, William
1727 |
Unknown |
Arthur Squire, attorney at law ---- appellant. Dame Rachael Pearshall ... respondent. The respondent's case. |
, Rachael
1727 |
Unknown |
Information for Susanna countess of Strathmore, and Mr. James Lyon, brother-german to the deceast Charles earl of Strathmore, against James Carnegie of Finhaven, pannel. |
, Susanna
1728 |
Publisher |
Scheme of the yearly rent of the estate of Seafort, from the year 1706 to 1715. |
, Frances
1729 |
Publisher |
The goddess Envy to Doctor D--l--y. |
, Constantia
1730 |
Publisher |
A proposal to determine our longitude. |
, Jane
1731 |
Unknown |
Librorum ex bibliothecis Philippi Farewell, D.D. et Danielis de Foe, gen. catalogus: or a catalogue of the libraries of the Reverend and learned Philips Farewell, ... and of the ingenious Daniel de Foe, ... to be sold ... on Monday the 15th of November, 1731. By Olive Payne, ... |
, Olive
1731 |
Publisher |
An address to young people, or Warning to them from one among them, yet may be called warning from the dead, given by Mercy Wheeler of Plainfield, a person confined to a bed of languishing for more than five years together. |
, Mercy
1733 |
Suggestions and Comments for s.n. [sine nomine]