ID 5656
Name William Rufus Chetwood
Gender Male
Street Address Under Tom's Coffeehouse in Covent Garden; Russel Court in Covent Garden
City London
Start Date 1713
End Date 1724
Sources British Book Trade Index 13502


Displaying 1–18 of 18

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Bookseller A poem on the memorable fall of Chloe's p--s pot, attempted in blank verse. Swift , Jonathan (Author)
Phillips , John (Author)
Baldwin , Abigail (Ann) (Printer)
and 1 more.
Printer A poem on the memorable fall of Chloe's p--s pot, attempted in blank verse. Swift , Jonathan (Author)
Phillips , John (Author)
Baldwin , Abigail (Ann) (Printer)
and 1 more.
Publisher LOVE in Excess, OR THE FATAL ENQUIRY, A NOVEL. In vain from Fate we fly, For first or last, as all must die So 'tis as much decreed above That first or last, we all must love. Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Publisher The adventures, and surprizing deliverances, of James Dubourdieu, and his wife: who were taken by pyrates, and carried to the uninhabited-part of the Isle of Paradise. Containing a Description of that Country, its Laws, Religion, and Customs: Of Their being at last released; and how they came to Paris, where they are still living. Also the adventures of Alexander Vendchurch, whose Ship's Chew Rebelled against him, and set him on Shore on an Island in the South-Sea, where he liv'd five Years, five Months, and seven Days; and was at last providentially releas'd by a Jamaica Ship. Written by himself. Unknown , (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher An explaination of the several Arabick terms us'd in The siege of Damascus written by Mr. Hughes. With a short account of the historical siege, and the life of Mahomet, as far as is Necessary to the better Understanding of the Play. Likewise a history of the Ancient and present State of the City of Damascus. Hughes , John (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Publisher)
Publisher Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty’s servants. By Mrs. Manley. The second edition, corrected. Manley , Delarivier (Author)
Publisher Proposals for printing by subscription, a translation from the French of the famous Monsieur Bursault, containing ten letters from a lady of quality to a chevalier: Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Bookseller A true system of religion, according to the best astronomical observations. By Phil. Alethson, A.C.S. S. , J. (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller An Account of the burning the city of London: As it was publish'd by the special authority of King and council in the year, 1666. To which is added, the opinion of Dr. Kennet the present bishop of Peterborough, as publish'd by his Lordship's order, and that of Dr. Eachard, relating thereunto. Also the whole service appointed for the day, which for many years has been left out of the book of common-prayer. From all which, it plainly appears, that the papists had no hand in that dreadful conflagration. Very useful for all those who keep the annual solemn fast on that occasion. The Third Edition. Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Unknown , (Author)
Bookseller The secret history of Pythagoras: part I. Translated from the original copy lately found at Otranto in Italy. By J. W. M.D. W. , J. (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Publisher Letters from a lady of quality to a chevalier. Translated from the French. By Mrs. Haywood. Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Publisher Love in excess; or, the fatal enquiry, a novel. Part the first. By Mrs. Haywood. Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Printer Love in excess; or The fatal enquiry, a novel. In three parts. By Mrs. Haywood. The Fourth Edition corrected. Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Bookseller The history and remarkable life of the truly honourable Col. Jacque, commonly call'd Col. Jack, who was born a gentleman, put 'prentice to a pick-pocket, was six and twenty years a thief, and then kidnapp'd to Virginia. Came back a merchant, married four wives, and five of them prov'd whores; went into the wars, behav'd bravely, got preferment, was made colonel of a regiment, came over, and fled with the Chevalier, and is now abroad compleating a life of wonders, and resolves to dye a general. Defoe , Daniel (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Bookseller The history and remarkable life of the truly honourable Col. Jacque, commonly call'd Col. Jack, who was born a gentleman, put 'prentice to a pick-pocket, was six and twenty years a thief, and then kidnapp'd to Virginia. Came back a Merchant; was Five times married to Four Whores; went into the Wars, behav'd bravely, got Preferment, was made Colonel of a Regiment, came over, and fled with the Chevalier, is still abroad compleating a Life of Wonders, and resolves to dye a General. The Second Edition. Defoe , Daniel (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Printer The history and remarkable life of the truly honourable Col. Jacque, commonly call'd Col. Jack, who was born a gentleman, put 'prentice to a pick-pocket, was six and twenty years a thief, and then kidnapp'd to Virginia. Came back a Merchant; was Five times married to Four Whores; went into the Wars, behav'd bravely, got Preferment, was made Colonel of a Regiment, came over, and fled with the Chevalier, is still abroad compleating a Life of Wonders, and resolves to dye a General. The Second Edition. Defoe , Daniel (Author)
Dodd I , Anne (Bookseller)
Dodd I , Anne (Printer)
Publisher Idalia: or, the unfortunate mistress. A novel. Part II. and III. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. The Second Edition. Haywood , Eliza (Author)
Publisher Idalia: or, The unfortunate mistress. A novel. Part II. and III. Written by Mrs. Eliza Haywood. The Second Edition. Haywood , Eliza (Author)

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"William Rufus Chetwood" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 5656, Accessed 2025-03-28.

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