ID 95
Name Samuel Gosnell
Gender Unknown
Street Address Little Queen Street, Holborn
City London
Start Date 1794
End Date 1827


Displaying 1–25 of 42

Firm Role Title Contributors Date
Printer Sappho and Phaon. In a series of legitimate sonnets, In a Series of Legitimate Sonnets, with Thoughts on Poetical Subjects, and Anecdotes of the Grecian Poetess. By Mary Robinson, author of Poems, &c. &c. &c. &c. Robinson , Mary (Author)
Printer The History of Tommy Titmouse, a Little Boy, who became a great man by minding his learning, doing as he was bid, and being good-natured and obliging to every body. Together with the adventures of the old man of the woods, and other stories equally pleasing and instructive. Embellished with cuts. Unknown , (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Printer The Romance of the Forest: Interspersed with Some Pieces of Poetry. In Three Volumes. The Sixth Edition. By Ann Radcliffe, Author of The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, a Sicilian Romance, &c. Radcliffe , Ann (Author)
Printer Appendix to the family budget, or Game of knowledge. Unknown , (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Bookseller)
Printer Instructive Lessons Conveyed to the Youthful Mind through the Medium of Tale and Dialogue. By Lilliputius Gulliver. Johnson , Richard (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Printer Jachin and Boaz; or, An authentic key to the door of free-masonry, both ancient and modern: calculated not only for the instruction of every new-made mason, but also for the information of all who intend to become brethen. Containing, I. A circumstantial Account of all the Proceedings in making a Mason, with the several Obligations of an Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, and Master; the Prayers, and also the Sign, Grip, and Pass-Word of each Degree, with the Ceremony of the Mop and Pail. II. The Manner of opening a Lodge, and setting the Craft to Work. ... VII. A safe and easy Method proposed, by which a Man may obtain Admittance into any Lodge, without passing through the Form required, and thereby save a Guinea or two in his Pocket. VIII. Anthems, Odes, Songs, &c. Illustrated with A beautiful Frontispiece of the Regalia, Jewels, and emblematical Ornaments belonging to Masonry; and an accurate Plan of the Drawing on the Floor of a Lodge. Interspersed With Variety Of AtNotes And Remarks, Necessary to explain and render the whole clear to the meanest Capacity: To Which Is Now Added, A new and accurate List of all the English regular Lodges in the World, according to their Seniority, with the Dates of each Constitution, and Days of Meeting. By a gentleman belonging to the Jerusalem Lodge; a frequent Visitor at the Queen's Arms, St. Paul's Church-Yard; the Horn, in Fleet Street; Crown and Anchor, Strand; and the Salutation, Newgate Street. Unknown , (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Printer Mary Queen of Scots, an Historical Ballad; With Other Poems. By a Lady. Trench , Melesina (Author)
Printer The Life of Rolla: A Peruvian Tale. With Moral Inculcations for Youth. Including, A Description of the Temple of the Sun. The Mysteries of the Golden Leaf. The seven Springs in the Valley of Nanasca. The Story of the Tree with one Branch. The Story of the Inca who wept Blood. The Speech of Rolla. The Battle of Quito. The Death of Rolla. With a frontispiece, representing Rolla tearing from the Rock the Tree which supports the Bridge. By the author of The Siamese Tales. To which are added, Six Peruvian Fables: The Humming-Bird. The Man who gained by a Loss. The Peruvian Archer. The Daughter of the Moon. The Lizard. The laden Lama. By the same author. Brewer , George (Author)
Newbery , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Vernor , Ann (Publisher)
Printer The school for children; or, a selection of instructive and entertaining tales: Proper to form the Heart of Infancy to the Hatred of Vice, and the Love of Virtue. From the French of Lombard de Langres. Interspersed with poetical pieces, written by the translator, Miss Stockdale, author of the effusions of the heart, poems; And Translator of the children's journal. Lombard de Langres , Vincent (Author)
Stockdale , Mary (Translator)
Printer The Fashionable Friends; A Comedy, in five acts: as performed by their majesties servants, at the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane Berry , Mary (Author)
Printer St. Clair; or, The Heiress of Desmond. By S. O. Owenson , Sydney (Author)
Printer A cup of sweets, that can never cloy, or, Delightful tales for good children. By a lady. Semple , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer Gertrude, Agnes and Melite, and Amelia Douglas: Tales, for the instruction and amusement of young persons. By the author of 'A Cup of Sweets.' Semple , Elizabeth (Author)
Woolnoth , Thomas (Engraver)
Printer A Series of Plays: in which it is Attempted to Delineate the Stronger Passions of the Mind: Each Passion being the Subject of a Tragedy and a Comedy. By Joanna Baillie. Fifth Edition. Vol. I. Baillie , Joanna (Author)
Printer Entertaining instructions, in A series of familiar dialogues between a parent and his children: Interspersed with original fables well adapted to the capacities of youth. ... By a lady. Unknown , [Woman] (Author)
Peacock , Lucy (Bookseller)
Printer Literary Relics of the late Joseph Richardson, Esq. (Formerly of St. John's College, Cambridge) Barrister, and Member for Newport in Cornwall. Dedicated by Permission, to His Grace the Duke of Northumberland: consisting of the comedy of the fugitive, and a few short poems; with a sketch of the life of the author by an intimate friend; in which those numbers of the Rolliads and Probationary Odes written by Mr. Richardson and Particularized. The Whole collected and prepared for the press by Mrs. Richardson, his widow. Richardson , Joseph (Author)
Richardson , Sarah (Editor)
Printer Passages selected by Distinguished Personages, on the Great Literary Trial of Vortigern and Rowena; a Comi-tragedy. Volume II. Seventh Edition. Dudley , Sir Henry Bate (Author)
Dudley , Lady Mary (Author)
Printer The Village Gentleman, And The Attorney at Law; A Narrative. By Mrs. Duncombe. In Two Volumes. Duncombe , Mrs. A. (Author)
Printer Instructive Tales. By Mrs. Trimmer. Collected from the Family Magazine. Trimmer , Sarah (Author)
Printer Original Poems, on Various Occasions. By a Lady. Revised by William Cowper, Esq. of the Inner Temple. Third edition. Cowper , Frances Maria (Author)
Cowper , William (Editor)
Mathews , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Printer Original Poems, on Various Occasions. By a Lady. Revised by William Cowper, Esq. of the Inner Temple. Third Edition. Cowper , Frances Maria (Author)
Cowper , William (Editor)
Mathews , Elizabeth (Publisher)
Printer The Maniac, a Tale; or, a View of Bethlem Hospital: And the Merits of Women, a Poem from the French: With Poetical Pieces on Various Subjects, Original and Translated. By A. Bristow. Bristow , Amelia (Author)
Printer Felissa; or, the Life and opinions of a kitten of sentiment. We'll have our mottos and our chapters too, and brave the thunders of the dread review: misses no more o'er misses' woes shall wail. But list attentive to a kitten's tale. Ludlow , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer Felissa; or, the memoirs of a kitten. Ludlow , Elizabeth (Author)
Printer The Missionary: An Indian Tale. By Miss Owenson. With a Portrait of the Author. In Three Volumes. Fourth Edition. Owenson , Sydney (Author)

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"Samuel Gosnell" The Women's Print History Project, 2019, Firm ID 95, Accessed 2024-10-21.

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